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중국상해방언에서 보여지는 중국어 구어체 (백화 白話 )의 문법.A Grammar of Colloquial Chinese,as Exhib

Joseph Edkins 지음

2020년 05월 18일 출간

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중국상해에서 보여지는 중국어 구어체 (백화 白話 )의 문법.A Grammar of Colloquial Chinese,as Exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect,by Joseph Edkins
중국의 상해지방에서 보여지는 구어 즉 말로하는 중국어의 알파벳 발음 소리 문법과 문장구조 등 목차에 있는 중국어의 상해지방의 방언에서 보여지는 중국어를 영어로 표현해서 기술해 만든책. 영국선교사들이 중국의 양쯔강주변의 상해에서 1840년에서 1860년경에 영국과 중국의 아편전쟁 시기에 영국의 런던에서 만들어진책
중국상해에서 보여지는 중국어 구어체 (백화 白話 )의 문법.A Grammar of Colloquial Chinese,as Exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect,by Joseph Edkins
ON SOUND, 1?57.
Section Page
1. Alphabet. Table of sounds. 1.
2. On the Chinese tones. Natural tones described. Tones of several
3. On Shanghai tones. Tones in state of transition. Relation of tones to
music and accents.
4. Alphabetic elements of the sounds. The 36 initials of the
Dictionaries, Represent the sounds of the old language, and are now
a provincial pronunciation. The Shanghai dialect, a branch of that
system. Finals. Comparative table of Shanghai and Mandarin finals.
The final consonants n, ng and k.
Section Page
1. Native divisions. Division proposed by a native grammarian. 58.
2. Relation of the dialect to the written language, and to other dialects.
Primitive words exemplified. Relation to the mandarin of the Historical
Romances. Compared with the dialect of S?- che?.
3. On Substantives. 66.
4. On Numeral and Quantitative Auxiliary Substantives. Distinctive
Particles. Significant Particles. Weights and measures. Collectives.
5. On Adjectives. 89.
6. On Pronouns. 101.
7. On Verbs. Modes of grouping. Kinds of Verbs. Mode. Tense. 111.
8. Propositions, and Postpositions. 134.
9. On Adverbs. 136.
10. On Conjunctions. 154.
11. On Expletives and Interjections. 160.

ON SYNTAX, 163?214.
Section Page
1. On Government. 163.
2. Interchange of the Parts of Speech. Adjective as Substantive. Verb
as Substantive, and as Adjective, &c.
3. On Government of Words in Groups. 170.
4. On Repetition. 176.
5. On Order in Groups. 181.
6. On Simple Propositions. 187.
7. On Subordinate Sentences. 196.
8. On Coordinate Sentences. 205.
9. On Antithesis. 210.
10. On Rhythmus. 212.
I. On the 문리 or higher colloquial used by literary men. 215.
II. On the Native Tables of Initials and Finals. Imitated from the Sanscrit.
Geographical outline of the dialects that agree with the dictionary

중국상해에서 보여지는 중국어 구어체 (백화 白話 )의 문법.A Grammar of Colloquial Chinese,as Exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect,by Joseph Edkins
Among works on Chinese Grammar, that of Pr?mare, written a century and a
half ago, still stands preeminent. Besides a more extended knowledge, he
possessed a better appreciation of the peculiar beauties of Chinese style, than
any other writer on the subject. But it has been justly remarked that his work,
abounding in good examples, is deficient in order, and the exhibition of principles.
Remusat, in his accurate and learned work, has made great use of Pr?mare, but
he has given less attention than his predecessor, to those numerous groups, in
which ideas or sounds are repeated, and he says nothing on propositions. The
deficiency that the reader of these works feels in the treatment of groups of
words, has been pointed out by Bazin in his clever Essay on Colloquial Mandarin.
He quotes the section on words, in Gutzlaff’s Notices on Chinese Grammar,
containing a classification of compound words. Partly from the suggestion of that
work, and more from his own researches, he has constructed a comprehensive
system of grouped words (mots compos?s).
The little work now in the hands of the reader, is an attempt to elucidate
colloquial Chinese, by taking a limited field of enquiry, that of the dialect of a
single district. By this means it has been hoped, something might be done to
help the causes of Chinese philology, by collecting facts, which writers having a
wider scope, have overlooked.

There are aids for the study of the southern dialects of China, but no one has
yet written on the speech of the rich and populous province of Ki?ng- n?n. On
Missionary and Commercial grounds, it is time that some attempt should be made
to supply this want.
The mandarin student will meet with scarcely any new idioms here. Of words,
there are a few tens not used in the fashionable colloquial. It is in sounds that
the greatest variation exists, and an attempt has therefore been made to form a
correct nomenclature for tones, and for the alphabetic elements of spoken words.
For the latter, Sir W. Jones’ system, as introduced by J. R. Morrison in the
Chinese Repository, has, with a few necessary modifications, been adopted as
by far the best.
For the tones, a new nomenclature is here proposed, based on their real
character, as distinct from the arbitrary names, which, though they doubtless
represented exactly the tones used by their author, are not applicable, except for
convenience sake, to those of other dialects.
Upwards of twenty natural tones, from which each dialect chooses its own set,
varying from four to eight, are here described. The early Roman Catholic
Missionaries wrote much on this singular characteristic of spoken Chinese, but
Bayer in his abstract of their system, in the Museum Sinicum, has not given a
very intelligible account of it.
Attention has been paid throughout to the mode of grouping words, as a
subject second to none in interest and importance. Some similarity, though an
independent one, will be found here to the system adopted by M. Bazin.
The grammars of Morrison and Marshman, beside the excellent works already
alluded to, have been of occasional service, v especially the latter, which with
all its diffuseness, is a useful and suggestive book.
The assistance of friends has been kindly afforded. To Dr. Medhurst special
thanks are due, for revising the sheets as they passed through the press, thus
adding much to the correctness of the work; and to Rev. T. M’Clatchie, for
material assistance in regard to the laws of Shanghai tones.


저자(글) Joseph Edkins

중국상해에서 보여지는 중국어 구어체 (백화 白話 )의 문법.A Grammar of Colloquial Chinese,as Exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect,by Joseph Edkins
영국의 학자.
J. EDKINS, B.A., Univ. Coll. Lond. Of the London Missionary

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