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토마스아퀴나스의 신학전서,대전.제1권.Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas


2020년 01월 27일 출간

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토마스아퀴나스의 신학전서,대전.제1권.Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas

Title: Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American
Author: Thomas Aquinas
Translator: Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Language: English
신학 전서神學全書, 대전大全. Summa Theologiae S. T. 또는 S. Th.라는 약어. 성 토마스 아퀴나스의 교리신학서의 집대성集大成. 책의 구조는 총 521개 질문Questions, quaestio, 약자 q.에 대한 반론과 정론定論을 삼단 항項, articles, articulus, 약어 a.으로 논함, 끝으로 해답을 R. Dicendum est의 형식으로 전개하는데, R.은 Responsio 답 또는 Respondeo내가 답한다 로 읽으나 문법상 Responsio가 맞는다. 책 전체는 3권으로 나누어지며 제1권 Prima Pars, 약어: Ia 은 하느님을 그 자체에 대해 논하면서 하나이시고 De Deo Uno 삼위일체이신 하느님 De Deo et Trino 과 창조주로서의 하느님 De Deo Creatore 에 대해 논함. 미국에서 번역한 영어판. 119질문의 영어판 제1권. 토마스아퀴나스의 성경과 플라톤철학의 결함된 책.
토마스아퀴나스의 신학전서,대전.제1권.Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas
Question. 1- 119.
1. The Nature and Extent of Sacred Doctrine 2. The Existence of God 3. On the
Simplicity of God 4. The Perfection of God 5. Of Goodness in General 6. The
Goodness of God 7. The Infinity of God 8. The Existence of God in Things 9.
The Immutability of God 10. The Eternity of God 11. The Unity of God 12. How
God Is Known by Us 13. The Names of God 14. Of God's Knowledge 15. Of
Ideas 16. Of Truth 17. Concerning Falsity 18. The Life of God 19. The Will of
God 20. God's Love 21. The Justice and Mercy of God 22. The Providence of
God 23. Of Predestination 24. The Book of Life 25. The Power of God 26. Of
the Divine Beatitude 27. The Procession of the Divine Persons 28. The Divine
Relations 29. The Divine Persons 30. The Plurality of Persons in God 31. Of
What Belongs to the Unity or Plurality in God 32. The Knowledge of the Divine
Persons 33. Of the Person of the Father 34. Of the Person of the Son 35. Of
the Image 36. Of the Person of the Holy Ghost 37. Of the Name of the Holy
Ghost―Love 38. Of the Name of the Holy Ghost, as Gift 39. Of the Persons in
Relation to the Essence 40. Of the Persons as Compared to the Relations or
Properties 41. Of the Persons in Reference to the Notional Acts 42. Of Equality
and Likeness Among the Divine Persons 43. The Mission of the Divine Persons
44. The Procession of Creatures from God, and of the First Cause of All Things
45. The Mode of Emanation of Things from the First Principle 46. Of the
Beginning of the Duration of Creatures 47. Of the Distinction of Things in
General 48. The Distinction of Things in Particular 49. The Cause of Evil
50. Of the Substance of the Angels Absolutely Considered 51. Of the Angels in
Comparison with Bodies 52. Of the Angels in Relation to Place 53. Of the Local
Movement of the Angels 54. Of the Knowledge of the Angels 55. Of the Medium
of the Angelic Knowledge 56. Of the Angels' Knowledge of Immaterial Things
57. Of the Angels' Knowledge of Material Things 58. Of the Mode of the Angelic
Knowledge 59. The Will of the Angels 60. Of the Love or Dilection of the Angels
61. Of the Production of the Angels in the Order of Natural Being 62. Of the
Perfection of the Angels in the Order of Grace and of Glory 63. The Malice of
the Angels with Regard to Sin 64. The Punishment of the Demons
65. The Work of Creation of Corporeal Creatures 66. On the Order of Creation
Towards Distinction 67. On the Work of Distinction in Itself 68. On the Work of
the Second Day 69. On the Work of the Third Day 70. On the Work of
Adornment, as Regards the Fourth Day 71. On the Work of the Fifth Day 72. On
the Work of the Sixth Day 73. On the Things That Belong to the Seventh Day
74. On All the Seven Days in Common

토마스아퀴나스의 신학전서,대전.제1권.Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas

Title: Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American
Author: Thomas Aquinas
Translator: Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Language: English
신학 전서神學全書, 대전大全. Summa Theologiae S. T. 또는 S. Th.라는 약어. 성 토마스 아퀴나스의 교리신학서의 집대성集大成. 책의 구조는 총 521개 질문Questions, quaestio, 약자 q.에 대한 반론과 정론定論을 삼단 항項, articles, articulus, 약어 a.으로 논함, 끝으로 해답을 R. Dicendum est의 형식으로 전개하는데, R.은 Responsio 답 또는 Respondeo내가 답한다 로 읽으나 문법상 Responsio가 맞는다. 책 전체는 3권으로 나누어지며 제1권 Prima Pars, 약어: Ia 은 하느님을 그 자체에 대해 논하면서 하나이시고 De Deo Uno 삼위일체이신 하느님 De Deo et Trino 과 창조주로서의 하느님 De Deo Creatore 에 대해 논함. 미국에서 번역한 영어판. 119질문의 영어판 제1권. 토마스아퀴나스의 성경과 플라톤철학의 결함된 책.

토마스아퀴나스의 신학전서,대전.제1권.Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas

신학 전서의 내용 구조

제1권 하나이신 하느님, 삼위의 하느님, 창조주 하느님

1. 거룩한 교리

문(q). 1

2. 하나이신 하느님


3. 삼위일체이신 하느님


4. 창조


5. 창조물의 구별


6. 선과 악의 구별


7. 천사


8. 순수 물체의 세계


9. 사람


10. 창조물의 보존과 다스림


75. Of Man Who Is Composed of a Spiritual and a Corporeal Substance: and in
the First Place, Concerning What Belongs to the Essence of the Soul 76. Of the
Union of Body and Soul 77. Of Those Things Which Belong to the Powers of
the Soul in General 78. Of the Specific Powers of the Soul 79. Of the
Intellectual Powers 80. Of the Appetitive Powers in General 81. Of the Power of
Sensuality 82. Of the Will 83. Of Free- Will 84. How the Soul While United to the
Body Understands Corporeal Things Beneath It 85. Of the Mode and Order of
Understanding 86. What Our Intellect Knows in Material Things 87. How the
Intellectual Soul Knows Itself and All Within Itself 88. How the Human Soul
Knows What Is Above Itself 89. Of the Knowledge of the Separated Soul 90. Of
the First Production of Man's Soul 91. The Production of the First Man's Body
92. The Production of the Woman 93. The End or Term of the Production of
Man 94. Of the State and Condition of the First Man as Regards His Intellect 95.
Of Things Pertaining to the First Man's Will―Namely, Grace and Righteousness
96. Of the Mastership Belonging to Man in the State of Innocence 97. Of the
Preservation of the Individual in the Primitive State 98. Of the Preservation of
the Species 99. Of the Condition of the Offspring As to the Body 100. Of the
Condition of the Offspring As Regards Righteousness 101. Of the Condition of
the Offspring As Regards Knowledge 102. Of Man's Abode, Which Is Paradise
103. Of the Government of Things in General 104. The Special Effects of the
Divine Government 105. Of the Change of Creatures by God 106. How One
Creature Moves Another 107. The Speech of the Angels 108. Of the Angelic
Degrees of Hierarchies and Orders 109. The Ordering of the Bad Angels 110.
How Angels Act on Bodies 111. The Action of the Angels on Man 112. The
Mission of the Angels 113. Of the Guardianship of the Good Angels 114. Of the
Assaults of the Demons 115. Of the Action of the Corporeal Creature 116. On
Fate 117. Of Things Pertaining to the Action of Man 118. Of the Production of
Man from Man As to the Soul 119. Of the Propagation of Man As to the Body


저자(글) Thomas Aquinas

토마스아퀴나스의 신학전서,대전.제1권.Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas
이탈리아의 가톨릭 신학자, 도미니크 교단의 수사. 알베르투스 마그누스의 제자. 1323년 성도聖徒의 열列에 들었다. 그의 사상은 아리스토텔레스의 철학 중에서 유물론적 요소를 제거하고 관념론.

출생 - 사망1224년 1225년 - 1274년 직업신학자 이탈리아

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