Bible Matrix5
2019년 12월 19일 출간
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- ISBN 9791190462006
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이 상품이 속한 분야
This book is devoted to the godly(≠ the ungodly) or godly men or the righteous(≠ the unrighteous) or righteous men
I am a theist who believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ, but not a monotheist, but a polytheist as Elohim(God) as Gods(plural). And I am trying to balance between science and theism. Jesus called his Father as God the Father in the New Testament, not Lord God(=Yahwe has God of Israel) written in the Old Testament. It means that God the Father is the Most High, the other God as Elohim(plural) are lower
I like Francis Collins(1950~), who was the leader of Genome Project(1990~2003), and who wrote a book “The Language of God(2006)”. And he is trying to balance between God the Father/Jesus Christ and Science.
Please read following verses of <1 Corinthians>:
<1 Corinthians> 8:5 - For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords")(NIV).
8:6 - yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.
God as Elohim(plural) is described ‘gods’ instead of God or Gods in <1 Corinthians 8:5> in terms of Christianity. (I will explain it in
I received the message from Jesus Christ, and I was inspired by two dominant men as follows.
1) Jesus Christ(BC6~AD27)? I dreamed a vision at 17 years old in 1974, received the spirit as the message from Jesus Christ to role ‘the chair’, when He will come again as the Second Coming. And I interpreted it at 47 years old in 2004 as to write the ambiguous Bible into the scientific & historical Bible, and I began to write
Please note that there are many people claiming that they have received the message from Jesus Christ, but I am not sure whether they are true or not…
2) Zecharia Sitchin(1920-2010) who was one of the few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, and who wrote:
I believe he might receive the message from Jesus Christ.
3) Even an adversary, a false prophet, an antichrist as Ra?l(1946~) who is the founder and current leader of the UFO religion known as Ra?lism or Raelian Movement, and who wrote:
He finally says he is Jesus Christ as Mediator. I am not a Ra?lism. I believe he m
Part1. Jesus came into the light and armed with the Holy Spirit, and His identity
1. Jesus came into the light and armed with the Holy Spirit as the Program as Science and Technology
2. The identity/ability of Jesus, Jesus came with many God(Elohim)/Angels
3. Jesus has not only the divinity(God) but also the humanity(Man)
Part2. 42 Miracles of Jesus with the Holy Spirit into Science and Technology
1. Introduction
2. Current and future medical science & medical technique
3. Every miracle had the faith between doctor(=Jesus) & patient & family
4. Jesus raised the dead, how? This is not resurrection but regeneration
5. Jesus drove demon(s) out of demon(s)-possessed men/women with the word
6. Jesus healed a paralyzed or paralytic, how?
7. Jesus healed many blind men and a deaf-mutism(deaf & dumb)
8. Jesus cleaned many leprosy and healed a shriveled hand & cut off right ear
9. Jesus healed the sick with fever, dropsy, bleeding, and many sick were healed by just touching the edge of Jesus' cloak, how?
10. The 28th-With the word, Jesus healed a lame man lying at a pool for thirty eight years on the Sabbath, how?
11. Five or seven loaves and two fishes -> Cell/tissue cloning & engineering
12. Eight Other Miracles( Natural science - Atom free conversion, Climatology, Antigravity ray, Fish detection, Radio wave induction, Plant engineering, Holography, Transformation )
13. Three miracles that Jesus said but did not accomplish
14. This is not all, every word of Jesus is a new science and technology
저자(글) 차원용(Won Yong Cha)

차원용 아스팩미래기술경영연구소(주) 대표 소장
정보경영공학(박사), 경영학(MBA), 영어교육/영문학(문학사)을 전공했으며, 천체우주물리학, 광학, 물리학, 화학, 생물학, 유전공학, 신경과학, 시스템생물학, 인조생물학, 생체모방학, 재생의학, 로봇공학 등을 공부했다. 또한 정보기술, 나노기술, 바이오기술, 에너지기술, 물자원기술, 식량기술 등을 연구하였다. 특히 이들 학문과 기술의 융합을 연구하고 있다. 최근에는 제4차 산업혁명을 주도하고 있는 시간(Digital/Cyber)-공간(Physical)-인간(Bio)의 매트릭스들인 스마트데이터(SD)와 X-ABNI+α가 융합된 유기칩(OC)과 마이크로컴퓨터를 베이스로 에너지, Cloud<->Edge, Block chain, AR/VR, 드론, 코봇, 자율차, 스마트 시티/팩토리, 두뇌/생체인터넷, 유전자가위, 스마트키친/음식/양식 등을 연구하고 있다.
그간 배운 지식을 사회에 환원하고자, 카이스트 IP영재기업인육성 미래기술 담당강사와 연세대 공학대학원 미래융합기술 담당강사로 활동 중이고, 숙명여대 정책산업대학원 겸임교수와 고려대 및 이화여대 Campus CEO 과정 지도교수로 활동하였다. 삼성전자, LG전자, 현대기아자동차, SKT, KT, POSCO, 벤처기업협회, 한국생산기술연구원, 테크노파크 등 우리나라 산업의 미래와 발전을 위해 연간 150회 정도의 출강도 하고 있다.
특히 Google 인공지능형 자율주행자동차 특허 110개와 글로벌 드론 특허 300개를 집중 분석한 보고서를 발간했다. 주요 저서(공저 포함)로는 『디지털 비즈니스 게임』(2001), 『솔루션 비즈니스 마케팅』(2002), 『미래기술경영 대예측』(2006), 『다른 것이 아름답다』(2008), 『반도체로 움직이는 세상』(2008), 『한국을 먹여 살릴 녹색융합』(2009), 『기술의 대융합』(2010),『2030년, 미래전략을 말한다』(2011), 『미래가 보인다, 글로벌 미래 2030』(2013), 『상상 현실이 되다』(2014) 등 20권이 있다.
I majored in English Education(BS), Business Administration(MBA) and MISE(Management Information System Engineering(Ph.D.). And I self-studied Astrophysics, Optics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Genetic Engineering, Crispr-Cas, Neuroscience, System Biology, Artificial Biology, Biomimetics, Regenerative & Alternative Medicine, Robotics, Drone, Autonomous Vehicle, Internet of Things, Internet of Biogignal/Biometric/Bioenergy. I also self-studied Information & Communication Technology, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Energy Technology, Water Technology, and Food/Clean Meat Technology, etc.
In particular, I am researching & studying the creation science by approaching the convergence of these disciplines and technologies with the matrix of time-space-human which was created through singularity-black hole-big bang, which existed(was) in the past, exists(is) now, and will be existed for a limited period of time in the future.
I am not a prophet, nor a pre-cog, nor a pastor, nor a Father/priest, nor an elder. Even I am not a common deacon, but I am just an ordinary human being without a specific religion, and I am a humanist scholar and a scientist.
However, it is clear who are the Antichrist or not<1 John 2:22; 1 John 4:2-3; 2 John 1:7>, believing in the Trinity of Almighty God the Father, His Only Son our Lord as Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and based on those criteria, I wrote <Bible Matrix ①~⑦>.
In this regard, the reader of this book is determined. It is not a book for Christians, nor for pastors/Fathers/priests/elders, nor for religious men.
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