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어린이성경이야기.Child's Story of the Bible, by Mary A. Lathbury


2019년 08월 05일 출간

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ISBN 9791190248310
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이 상품이 속한 분야

어린이성경이야기.Child's Story of the Bible, by Mary A. Lathbury
When the children gather at mother's knee, and the tiniest finds a place in
mother's arms, and all clamor for a "story," "a story, mamma," how lovely is the
picture―the living picture―that circle makes! Love, longing, wisdom, expectancy,
faith, shining eyes, lips that move involuntarily, keeping time to the sweet
movements of mother's lips! Blessed group! Happy mother!
When the stories mother tells are light and meaningless, full of rhyme and
rollick, even their eyes are bright and faces radiant, and her own sweet face and
voice give charm and weight and significance to the delicious nonsense she
Why not give to this receptive and eager audience stories full of deepest
meaning, facts, parables, myths charged with truth? Why not people little
memories with heroes, saints, kings, prophets, apostles? Why not give stories to
story-loving youngsters that will turn into immortal pictures and be transformed
some day into living factors in the making of character? And why not give them as
comparison the babe of Bethlehem, the boy of Nazareth, the lad of twelve years in
the schools of the Temple, the man of gentle love, the preacher of righteousness,
the worker of heavenly wonders, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Prince of
The Book of books is the children's Book. It is a story book. And the stories
are "true stories." And the lessons to be drawn from them are numberless, and will
come up out of the treasure-house of memory when mother's eyes are closed and
her voice silent.
It is a great thing to put mother and the Book together in Baby's thought; in the
big boy's memory; in the grown-up man's heart and life.
This book is mother's book; to aid her in doing the best and most lasting work
a mother can do to sow seed and set out vines the branches of which shall reach
into the world of spirits, and from which she and her children may long afterwards
pluck fruit together in the eternal kingdom.

어린이성경이야기.Child's Story of the Bible, by Mary A. Lathbury

I. The Beginning of Things
II. The Great Flood
III. Abraham―the Father of the Faithful
IV. Isaac, the Shepherd Prince
V. Jacob, a Prince of God
VI. Joseph, the Castaway
VII. Joseph, a Servant, a Prisoner and a Saint
VIII. Joseph, the Savior of His People
IX. The Cradle that was Rocked by a River
X. Moses in Midian
XI. The Rod that Troubled Egypt
XII. Following the Cloud
XIII. In the Borders of Canaan
XIV. A Nation that was Born in a Day
XV. Samson, the Strong
XVI. Ruth
XVII. Samuel―the Child of the Temple
XVIII. The Making of a King
XIX. The Shepherd Boy of Bethlehem
XX. The Power of a Pebble
XXI. Faithful unto Death
XXII. David, the Outcast
XXIII. Every Inch a King
XXIV. David's Sin
XXV. David's Sorrow
XXVI. The Building of the Golden House
XXVII. Elijah, the Great Heart of Israel
XXVIII. The Little Chamber on the Wall
XXIX. A Little Maid of Israel
XXX. The Two Boy Kings
XXXI. The Four Captive Children
XXXII. The Master of the Magicians
XXXIII. The Story of Jonah
XXXIV. Esther, the Queen

어린이성경이야기.Child's Story of the Bible, by Mary A. Lathbury
When the children gather at mother's knee, and the tiniest finds a place in
mother's arms, and all clamor for a "story," "a story, mamma," how lovely is the
picture―the living picture―that circle makes! Love, longing, wisdom, expectancy,
faith, shining eyes, lips that move involuntarily, keeping time to the sweet
movements of mother's lips! Blessed group! Happy mother!
When the stories mother tells are light and meaningless, full of rhyme and
rollick, even their eyes are bright and faces radiant, and her own sweet face and
voice give charm and weight and significance to the delicious nonsense she
Why not give to this receptive and eager audience stories full of deepest
meaning, facts, parables, myths charged with truth? Why not people little
memories with heroes, saints, kings, prophets, apostles? Why not give stories to
story-loving youngsters that will turn into immortal pictures and be transformed
some day into living factors in the making of character? And why not give them as
comparison the babe of Bethlehem, the boy of Nazareth, the lad of twelve years in
the schools of the Temple, the man of gentle love, the preacher of righteousness,
the worker of heavenly wonders, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Prince of
The Book of books is the children's Book. It is a story book. And the stories
are "true stories." And the lessons to be drawn from them are numberless, and will
come up out of the treasure-house of memory when mother's eyes are closed and
her voice silent.
It is a great thing to put mother and the Book together in Baby's thought; in the
big boy's memory; in the grown-up man's heart and life.
This book is mother's book; to aid her in doing the best and most lasting work
a mother can do to sow seed and set out vines the branches of which shall reach
into the world of spirits, and from which she and her children may long afterwards
pluck fruit together in the eternal kingdom.

어린이성경이야기.Child's Story of the Bible, by Mary A. Lathbury

I. The Angels of the Advent
II. Following the Star
III. The Flight into Egypt
IV. The Boy of Nazareth
V. The Young Carpenter
VI. The Voice in the Wilderness
VII. Jesus in the Desert
VIII. The First Disciples
IX. The First Miracle
X. In His Father's House
XI. A Talk about the Breath of God
XII. A Talk about the Water of Life
XIII. Jesus in the Synagogue
XIV. Among the Fishermen
XV. The Healing Hand of Jesus
XVI. Following Jesus
XVII. Friends of Jesus
XVIII. The Lord of Life
XIX. Mary of Magdala
XX. Stories Told by the Lake
XXI. Stilling the Storm
XXII. Called Back
XXIII. Two by Two
XXIV. Walking the Waves―The Two Kingdoms
XXV. A Journey with Jesus
XXVI. The Christian Sabbath―Peter's Confession of Faith
XXVII. "And We Beheld His Glory"―A Father's Faith
XXVIII. The Lord and the Little Ones―Leaving Galilee
XXIX. At the House of Martha―The Good Shepherd
XXX. The Lesson Stories of Jesus
XXXI. The Voice that Waked the Dead―The Children of the
XXXII. The Young Man that Jesus Loved
XXXIII. The Last Journey to Jerusalem
XXXIV. The Prince of Peace
XXXV. The Children in the Temple
XXXVI. The Last Day in the Temple
XXXVII. The Last Words in the Temple
XXXVIII. An Evening on the Mount of Olives
XXXIX. The Holy Supper
XL. The Night of the Betrayal
XLI. Despised and Rejected of Men
XLII. The King of Heaven at the Bar of Pilate
XLIII. Love and Death
XLIV. Love and Life
XLV. The Evening of Easter
XLVI. The Lord's Last Days with His Disciples
XLVII. "He Ascended into Heaven"
XLVIII. The Promise of the Father


저자(글) Mary A. Lathbury

Mary A. Lathbury 영미성경작가

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