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베놈 독.Venoms, by A. Calmette

A. Calmette 지음

2019년 06월 03일 출간

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쪽수 360쪽
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프랑스 의사가 독에 대해서 혈청으로 해독제를 연구 한 것을 책으로 만듬.


Corresponding Member of the French
Institute and of the Academy of
Medicine, Director of the Pasteur
Institute, Lille


Antivenomous serum- therapy, which my studies, supplemented by those of
Phisalix and Bertrand, Fraser, George Lamb, F. Tidswell, McFarland, and Vital
Brazil, have enabled me to establish upon scientific bases, has now entered
into current medical practice. In each of the countries in which venomous bites
represent an important cause of mortality in the case of human beings and
domestic animals, special laboratories have been officially organised for the
preparation of antivenomous serum. All that remains to be done is to teach its
use to those who are ignorant of it, especially to the indigenous inhabitants of
tropical countries, where snakes are more especially formidable and deadly.
This book will not reach such people as these, but the medical men, naturalists,
travellers, and explorers to whom it is addressed will know how to popularise
and apply the information that it will give them. vii
I firmly believe also that physiologists will read the book with profit. Its perusal
will perhaps suggest to them the task of investigating a host of questions,
which are still obscure, relating to toxins, their mode of action upon the
different organisms, and their relations to the antitoxins. There is no doubt that
in the study of venoms a multitude of workers will, for a long time to come, find
material for the exercise of their powers of research.
At the moment of completing this work I would like to be allowed to cast a
backward glance upon the stage that it marks in my scientific career, and to
express my heartfelt gratitude to my very dear master and friend, Dr. ?mile
Roux, to whom I owe the extreme gratification of having been able to dedicate
my life to the study of experimental science, and of having caused to germinate,
grow, and ripen a few of the ever fertile seeds that he sows broadcast around

I have experienced at the hands of a large number of our ministers, consuls, or
consular agents abroad the most cordial reception on repeatedly addressing
myself to them in order to obtain the papers or information of which I was in
need. It is only right for me to thank them for it, and to acknowledge the trouble
that M. Masson has most kindly taken in publishing this book.
Institut Pasteur de Lille, A. Calmette. March 10, 1907. ix

CHAP. I.―I. General notes on poisonous animals 1
II. General classification of poisonous snakes. Their
anatomo- physiological characters 3
CHAP. II.― Habits of poisonous snakes. Their capture 17
CHAP. III.― Description of the principal species of poisonous
snakes. Their geographical distribution 22
A. Europe 22
B. Asia, Dutch Indies and Philippine Islands 30
C. Africa 57
D. Australia and adjacent large islands 81
E. America 100
F. Hydrophiidæ (sea- snakes) 131
G. Geographical distribution of the principal genera
of poisonous snakes in the five divisions of the
world 142
CHAP. IV.― Secretion and collection of venom in snakes 147
CHAP. V.― Chemical study of snake- venoms 159
CHAP. VI.― Physiological action of snake- venoms 168
A. Physiology of poisoning in man and in animals 168

bitten by the different species of poisonous
snakes (Colubridæ, Viperidæ, Hydrophiidæ)
B. Physiology of experimental poisoning 170
C. Determination of the lethal doses of venom for
different species of animals 173
D. Effects of venom in non- lethal doses 177x
CHAP. VII.― Physiology of poisoning (continued). Effects of the
various venoms on the different tissues of the
organism 179
(1) Action upon the liver 182
(2) Action upon the kidney 183
(3) Action upon the spleen, heart and lungs 183
(4) Action upon the striated muscles 184
(5) Action upon the nervous centres 185
CHAP. VIII.― Physiology of poisoning (continued). Action of
venoms on the blood 188
A. Effects of venom on the coagulation of the blood 188
I. Coagulant venoms 190
II. Anticoagulant venoms 192
III. Mechanism of the anticoagulant action of
venoms on the blood 195
B. Effects of venom on the red corpuscles and on
the serum 196
(1) Hæmolysis 196
(2) Precipitins of venoms 202
(3) Agglutinins of venoms 202
C. Effects of venom upon the white corpuscles:
Leucolysin 203
CHAP. IX.― Physiology of poisoning (continued). Proteolytic,
cytolytic, bacteriolytic, and various diastasic
actions of venoms: diastasic and cellular actions
on venoms 204
A. Proteolytic action 204
B. Cytolytic action 206
C. Bacteriolytic action 206
D. Various diastasic actions of venoms 212
E. Action of various diastases upon venoms 214
CHAP. X.― Toxicity of the blood of venomous snakes 217

CHAP. XI.― Natural immunity of certain animals with respect to
snake- venoms 222
CHAP. XII.― Snake- charmers 228 xi
CHAP. XIII.― Vaccination against snake- venom―Preparation of
antivenomous serum―Its preventive properties
as regards intoxication by venom 241
Specificity and polyvalence of antivenomous serums 248
CHAP. XIV.― Neutralisation of venom by antitoxin 253
CHAP. XV.― Treatment of poisonous snake- bites in man and
animals. Objects of the treatment. Technique of
antivenomous serum- therapy 259
CHAP. XVI.― Venoms in the animal series.
1.― Invertebrates 269
A. Cœlenterates 269
B. Echinoderms 273
(a) Araneids
― (b) Scorpions 276
― (c) Myriopods 280
― (d) Insects 281
D. Molluscs 286
CHAP. XVII.― Venoms in the animal series (continued).
2.― Venomous fishes 288
A. Teleostei. Acanthopterygii:
―― 1. Triglidæ 290
―― 2. Trachinidæ 297
―― 3. Gobiidæ 300
―― 4. Teuthididæ 301
―― 5. Batrachiidæ 302
―― 6. Pediculati 303
B. Teleostei. Plectognathi: 305
C. Teleostei. Physostomi: 307
―― 1. Siluridæ 308

―― 2. Murænidæ 309 xii
CHAP. XVIII.― Venoms in the animal series (continued).
3.― Batrachians; Lizards; Mammals 312
A. Batrachians 312
B. Lizards 321
C. Mammals (Ornithorhynchus) 323

프랑스 의사가 독에 대해서 혈청으로 해독제를 연구 한 것을 책으로 만듬.


Corresponding Member of the French
Institute and of the Academy of
Medicine, Director of the Pasteur
Institute, Lille



Mr. E. E. Austen, of the British Museum, has been good enough to undertake
the translation of my book on “ Venoms.” For the presentation of my work to the
scientific public in an English dress I could not have hoped to find a more
faithful interpreter. To him I express my liveliest gratitude for the trouble that he
has so kindly taken, and I thank Messrs. John Bale, Sons and Danielsson for
the care they have bestowed upon the preparation of this edition.
Institut Pasteur de Lille, A. CALMETTE, M.D. June 17, 1908. iv
In the month of October, 1891, during the rains, a village in the vicinity of Bac?Lieu, in Lower Cochin- China, was invaded by a swarm of poisonous snakes
belonging to the species known as Naja tripudians, or Cobra- di- Capello. These
creatures, which were forced by the deluge to enter the native huts, bit four
persons, who succumbed in a few hours. An Annamese, a professional snake?charmer in the district, succeeded in catching nineteen of these cobras and
shutting them up alive in a barrel. M. S?ville, the administrator of the district,
thereupon conceived the idea of forwarding the snakes to the newly established
Pasteur Institute at Saigon, to which I had been appointed as director.
At this period our knowledge of the physiological action of venoms was
extremely limited. A few of their properties alone had been brought to light by
the works of Weir Mitchell and Reichard in America, of Wall and Armstrong in
India and England, of A. Gautier and Kaufmann in France, and especially by Sir
Joseph Fayrer’s splendidly illustrated volume (“ The Thanatophidia of India” ),
published in London in 1872.
An excellent opportunity was thus afforded to me of vi taking up a study which
appeared to possess considerable interest on the morrow of the discoveries of
E. Roux and Behring, with reference to the toxins of diphtheria and tetanus, and
I could not allow the chance to escape. For the last fifteen years I have been
occupied continuously with this subject, and I have published, or caused to be
published by my students, in French, English, or German scientific journals, a
fairly large number of memoirs either on venoms and the divers venomous
animals, or on antivenomous serum- therapeutics. The collation of these papers
is now becoming a matter of some difficulty, and it appeared to me that the

time had arrived for the production of a monograph, which may, I hope, be of
some service to all who are engaged in biological research.


저자(글) A. Calmette

A. Calmette ,프랑스 의사

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