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Jazz Piano for Scientist

Henry Yoo 지음 | Hanna Hyojung Im 그림

2015년 05월 13일 출간

종이책 : 2015년 04월 11일 출간

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ISBN 9788994182537
쪽수 296쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

[Jazz Piano for Scientist] is the basic information and skills how to play the chords and rhythms for beginners to learn playing the piano. Learning to play jazz piano is knowing how to play chords and rhythms on piano. Compared with classical piano, playing jazz piano normally uses chords and rhythms that mean kinds of patterns keeping in a whole song.
Part I Understanding all chords how to build, play and use
1.1 Understanding Major scales and chords 15
1.1.1 Playing Major scale 15
1.1.2 C Major scale 17
1.1.3 D, E, F, G, A, B Major scale 19
1.1.4 Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, Bb Major scale 25
1.1.5 Basic major chords 31
1.1.6 Basic chords in Major scales 39
1.1.7 Play melody by right hand and chord by left hand 53
1.1.8 Play the chords by right hand the bass by left hand 57
1.2 Understanding Minor scales and chords 67
1.2.1 ‘A minor’ scale 67
1.2.2 All minor scales 68
1.2.3 Basic minor chords 75
1.2.4 Minor chords in Minor scales 83
1.2.5 Play melody by right hand and chord by left hand 97
1.2.6 Play the chords by right hand and the bass by left hand 101
1.3 7th chords and others with 4 notes 109
1.3.1 Dominant 7th chord 109
1.3.2 Major 7th chord 116
1.3.3 Minor 7th chord 123
1.3.4 Minor Major 7th chord 130
1.3.5 9th chord 137
1.3.6 +9th chord 139
1.3.7 -9th chord 141
1.3.8 +5th (Augment) chord 143
1.3.9 Minor +5th chord 145
1.3.10 6th chord 148
1.3.11 Minor 6th chord 151
1.3.12 Sus4 chord 154
1.3.13 Diminished 7th chord 157
1.3.14 Tension chords 160

Part II To arpeggio the chords with bass walking
depending on rhythm
2.1 Bass walking 169
2.1.1 Bass position 169
2.1.2 Bass walking for 5th note 173
2.1.3 Bass walking for 3rd note 177
2.1.4 Chord inversion I (1st inversion) 181
2.1.5 Chord inversion II (2nd inversion) 182
2.2 Playing Arpeggio of chords 183
2.2.1 Basic style for arpeggio of chord 183
2.2.2 Playing arpeggio of chord for 4 beat 185
2.2.3 Playing arpeggio of chord for 3 beat 195
2.3 Playing arpeggio for various rhythm 201
2.3.1 Country Western style 201
2.3.2 Slow GoGo style 207
2.3.3 Slow Rock style 217
2.3.4 Waltz style 223
2.3.5 Shuffle style 233
2.3.6 Soul style 243
2.3.7 Latin style 247
Rumba 248
Calypso 249
Bossa Nova 250
2.3.8 Semachi Korean traditional rhythm style 251

Part III Playing much more rich and beautiful sound
with creation of melodies and variation of chords
dividing one chord into two chords
3.1 Dividing a chord into 2 or 3 chords 255
3.1.1 Dividing a chord into two chords with 7th chord 255
3.1.2 Dividing a chord into two chords with Major 7th chord 256
3.1.3 Dividing a chord into two chords with dominant 7th chord 258
3.1.4 Dividing a chord into two chords for 6th chord 259
3.1.5 The movement of minor chord between two major chords 260
3.1.6 Playing secondary dominant chord 261

3.2 Substitute the chord to create rich, colorful
and beautiful sound 263
3.2.1 Substitute chords for tonic 263
3.2.2 Substitute chords for dominant chord 265
3.2.3 Substitute chords with diminished 7th 266
3.3 How to cadence the music 269
3.3.1 The perfect cadence 270
3.3.2 The imperfect cadence 273
3.3.3 Chord progression for cadence 275
3.4 Modulation 277
3.4.1 When key signature moves to upward
by a half step or whole step 277
3.4.2 When key signature moves to upward by perfect 4th degree or 5th
degree or downward by perfect 4th degree or 5th degree 277
3.4.3 When modulation to other key signature no relation
between two keys 278
3.4.4 For modulation from major to minor or from minor to major 280
3.4.5 The modulation using by minor 7th chord 282
3.5 Tension chord 283
3.5.1 9th chord 285
3.5.2 b9th chord 285
3.5.3 #9th chord 286
3.5.4 11th chord 287
3.5.5 #11th chord 288
3.5.6 13th and b13th chord 289
3.5.7 Attentions for using tension chord 289
3.6 Improvisation 291
3.6.1 Bridge between 2nd and 3rd measure 293
3.6.2 Bridge at end of hyper measure 295
3.6.3 Improvisation 297
Attached - Key Conversion Table 301

A part of book I

1.3.10 6th Chord

Major 6th chord is built by stacking 4 notes ‘do’, ‘mi’, ‘sol’ and ‘la’. It is added 6th note on the top of major chord. It sounds major and minor feeling, so is used on progression for major harmony to minor harmony or minor to major harmony.

1. 6th note can not be used for bass tone. If you use this, it would be as same as the inversion chord of minor chord. Therefore 6th chord doesn’t effect its sound practically on any inversion chord.

A part of book II

Pattern #2 for arpeggio (Rumba)
Basic pattern [8-8s, 8s-8s, 8-8(c), 8-8(c)]

Play bass on 3rd and 4th note for short time less than 4th note as like 8th note.
(c) and ‘zzang’ ? Play the chord
8s and ‘tata’ ? Play two notes for 8th note like 2 16th notes
Practice 1st inversion and 2nd inversion on you.
Practice from C chord to B chord moving upward by a half step.
Practice from Am chord to Gm chord moving upward by a half step with bass walking also that moves ‘la’ and ‘mi’ instead of ‘do’ and ‘sol’ in major chord

The contents of this book introduce the basic information and skills how to play the chords and rhythms for beginners to learn playing the piano. Learning to play jazz piano is knowing how to play chords and rhythms on piano. Compared with classical piano, playing jazz piano normally uses chords and rhythms that mean kinds of patterns keeping in a whole song.
This book shows all chords and basic 10 rhythms. All chords that have its own names are introduced with detail explanations how to create and use where and when, therefore you can make all chords by yourself and use all of them when you finish studying this book.
There are so many kinds of rhythms in popular music that have been created and developed by many musicians. Rhythm is not a rule and theory but a kind of pattern to express the music with time intervals. So you can’t learn all kinds of rhythms but if you learn basic 10 rhythms for playing piano, you can learn other rhythms by yourself and make practical applications with basic 10 patterns.
This piano book explain the music theory very well with keyboard picture and score for all chords and rhythms, there it is very easy for even beginners who couldn’t read musical score to read and understand.
If you sound through lips and mouth for 10 basic rhythms, you can play rhythm more easily. New symbols and characters for rhythm that are created and developed by author can make you understand easier even though you are absolutely beginners.
To play and sound more beautiful and colorful, this book contains substitute chords for normal chord with detail explanation how and when to use. So you can make application for new creative music.
The reason why it is very easy to understand, all musical explanation is based on C major scale. As you know C major scales doesn’t basically contain sharp and flat. If you understand all explanation and play all chords and rhythms on based C major scale, only the thing you need to is just migration to another key signature. The migration to another key signature is very simple formula as like calculate add and minus.
All basic theory of chords and rhythms that musicians want to know is inside this book. Just read and play the piano.

From Author Henry Yoo
Many people can’t play the piano for popular music, hymn or even kid’s song though they had ever learned it. The main reason of it seems that the teaching method is not so good. Most of piano teachers would try to teach to play the classical music, it is too much difficult and required high finger technique. But most of you want to play popular songs if you wouldn’t want to be a classical pianist. I am sure you want to play only a few popular songs you like.
People don’t understand why piano teachers push them to play classical piano on its own course that had developed for being a classical pianist. There is no reason to learn it for 2 or 3 years if they want to play only a few songs. In spite of this style learning, I am not sure whether they could play songs they like.
Furthermore this learning method is not useful to play popular songs without piano score. Sometimes we could see many classical pianist not be able to play the popular music or hymns without piano score.

The chord playing enables to play the piano more easily. You can play the piano for children songs and easy popular songs through studying this book only for a few months training. Specially the theory of chords to build is very simplified with easy explanation, therefore it will be easy for beginners or musicians who want to become a amateur or professional pianist, to understand playing jazz piano.
If classical pianists want to study this, it will take only a couple of months. Eventually anybody will be able to play the piano for easy popular songs without musical scores or chords, because they can fully understand the chords and build them whenever they want to do. After all I want you to play jazz piano without any scores or chords cause y


저자(글) Henry Yoo

저자 Henry Yoo의 Korean name 유현철 Yu, Hyun Chul.
Majored Computer science at HongIk Univ.
Master course at Yonsei Univ. Graduated school. (Majored Database Theory)
Attended Jazz theory 1 year course at Western music school in Seoul National Univ.
Worked as a computer specialist at Ssangyoung and Pan Ocean for 10 years.
Established my own company Willsys for 15 years
Have worked as a writer, publisher and teacher
Was a member of the blue grass team with Yodel Kim as a guitarist in Korea
Choral conductor for many churches, companies, in college.
Was awarded many prizes for music software products.
Have 8 kinds of patent right for music tools for education
Wrote 19 books for music and English studying.

Am working at MusicThyme Publishing company as a writer and editor since 2007
A Conductor for choral at Hanmaeum Church in KangWhoa Island in Korea

그림/만화 Hanna Hyojung Im

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