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The Exploration of Korean Buddhist Thoughts

Humanities Korea buddhism Series 4

2020년 04월 06일 출간

국내도서 : 2018년 07월 14일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

The Exploration of Korean Buddhist Thoughts is an introduction to Korean Buddhist thought.
The book is a product of the Institute for Buddhist Culture at Dongguk University.
This Book examines the features of Korean Buddhist thought from the perspectives of
comparative history, intellectual history, and philosophy. It also introduces the development
and characteristics of the representative Korean schools of thought such as Seon, Hwaeom,
and Cheontae, along with diverse devotional practices, including Pure Land, Esoteric
Buddhism. Through this book, readers can explore the uniqueness of Korean Buddhism
that has combined both universality and particularity, drawing the comprehensive map
of the Korean Buddhist thoughts.

The Development of Korean Buddhist History and the Spread of
the Buddhist Thought, Faith, and Culture in Korea ???????????????????????????????? 1
? Kim Jong-wook and Kim Yong-tae

Part I
Overview of Korean Buddhist Thoughts

Chapter 1
Korean Buddhism in the History of East Asian Buddhism:
An Approach to Its Relationship to Chinese Buddhism / 23
? Choi Byung-hun 崔柄憲
1. Korean Buddhism and East Asian Buddhism / 25

2. Integration of M?dhyamika and Yog?c?ra Doctrines in
Korean Buddhism / 29
1) Introduction of Buddhist Doctrines / 29
2) Woncheuk’s Yog?c?ra Doctrine / 33
Table of Contents
vi Exploration of Korean Buddhist Thoughts
3) Wonhyo’s Reconciliation of Disputes / 36
4) Fazang’s Huayan Doctrine and Uisang’s Hwaeom School / 38

3. Integration of the Gyo and Seon Schools in Korean Buddhism / 42
1) Introduction of the Seon School / 42
2) Buddhist Reform during King Gwangjong’s Reign and
the Beoban School / 45
3) Uicheon’s Cheontae School and His Emphasis on Dual Cultivation of
Doctrines and Contemplation / 50
4) Jinul’s Jogye Order and Jeonghye gyeolsa / 55

Chapter 2
A Historical Interpretation of Korean Buddhism / 69
? Koh Ik-jin 高翊晉
1. Preface / 71

2. Korean Buddhism as Seen from the Spiritual View of History / 73
1) Classification of Korea’s Historic Periods / 73
2) State-Sponsorship of Buddhism in Its Initial Introduction to
the Three Kingdoms / 74
3) Study of Mahayana Scholasticism and Hwaeom Thought / 77
4) Introduction of Seon in the Late Silla Period / 81
5) Succession of Silla Buddhism in the Early Goryeo Period / 84
6) Prosperity of Buddhist Scholasticism and the Direction of
Its Development / 86
7) Advent of Community Movements / 90
8) Introduction of Imje Seon in the Late Goryeo Period / 95
9) Anti-Buddhism and Pro-Buddhism in the Early Joseon Period / 100
10) Appearance and Succession of Master Taego’s Dharma Lineage / 104

3. Conclusion / 107

Part II
Variety of Korean Buddhist Thoughts

Chapter 3
Seon Thought / 117
? Chae In-hwan 蔡印幻
1. Master Musang’s Seon Thought / 119

2. Korean Acceptance of Seon Thought / 121
1) Introduction of Seon to the Late Silla / 121
2) Main Ideas of the Early Seon / 126

3. National Master Bojo Jinul’s Seon Thought / 135
1) The Approach of the Equal Maintenance of Alertness and Calmness / 137
2) The Approach of Complete and Sudden Faith and Understanding / 140
3) Shortcut Approach / 142

4. The Acceptance of Imje Seon in Late Goryeo / 146

5. Seon and Gyo in the Early Joseon / 148

6. Master Cheongheo Hyujeong’s Ideas / 150

7. The Argument between Master Baekpa and Master Choui / 153

8. Korean Seon in Modern Times / 157
1) Master Gyeongheo’s Re-Establishment of Seon / 157
2) The Modern Argument between Sudden and Gradual Cultivation / 158

Chapter 4
Hwaeom Thought / 173
? Yi Ji-gwan 李智冠
1. The Introduction of Hwaeom Thought in Korea / 175
1) Initial Korean Transmissions of Hwaeom Thought / 175
2) Master Wonhyo and Hwaeom / 177

2. Master Uisang’s Hwaeom Thought / 180
1) Establishment / 180
2) Hwaeom ilseung beopgye-do / 182
3) Characteristics / 191

3. Gyunyeo’s Transmission of Uisang’s Hwaeom / 193

4. Master Uicheon’s Criticism of Master Gyunyeo / 200

5. The Hwaeom School Movement in the Late Goryeo / 204

6. Hwaeom Studies in Joseon / 208
1) The Seon and Hwaeom of Scholar Seoljam / 209
2) Hwaeom Study in the Late Joseon / 216

Chapter 5
Cheontae Thought / 229
? Lee Young-ja 李永子
1. Preface / 231

2. Acceptance of the Lotus Sutra in Korea / 232
1) Belief in the Lotus Sutra during the Three Kingdoms / 233
2) Master Wonhyo’s Philosophy of the Lotus Sutra / 241

3. The Development of Cheontae Thought / 245
1) Cheontae Studies in Early Goryeo / 245
2) Master Jegwan’s Cheontae sagyo-ui / 248
3) National Master Daegak Uicheon and the Founding of
the Cheontae School / 253
4) Master Wonmyo Yose’s Bohyeon doryang Assembly and
the Baengnyeon gyeolsa Community / 258
5) Master Jeongmyeong Cheonin and the Realization of
Lotus Repentance / 267
6) Master Jinjeong Cheonchaek’s Thought / 272
7) Master Buam Unmuk’s Cheontae Thought / 276

4. Conclusion / 281

Chapter 6
Jeongto Thought / 299
? Gwon Gi-jong 權奇悰
1. Introduction / 301

2. Jeongto Thought in Goguryeo and Baekje / 302
1) Jeongto Thought in Goguryeo / 303
2) Jeongto Thought in Baekje / 305

3. Jeongto Thought in Silla / 308
1) Early Tendencies / 309
2) During the Unified Silla / 310

4. Jeongto Thought in Goryeo / 321
1) Views of Seon Masters on Jeongto / 322
2) Jeongto Thought of the Cheontae School / 327
3) Jeongto Belief of Esoteric Buddhism / 331
5. Jeongto Thought in Joseon / 333
1) Jeongto Thought of Masters through Their Writings / 334
2) Kinds of Chanting Practice / 338

Chapter 7
Esoteric Buddhism / 351
? Seo Yun-gil 徐閏吉
1. Preface / 353

2. Esoteric Buddhist Thought in the Three Kingdoms / 353
1) Introduction / 353
2) Establishment and Role of the Esoteric Buddhism / 358
3) The Development of Belief / 361

3. Esoteric Buddhist Thought in Goryeo / 369
1) Ideology of the State Protection / 369
2) Belief in Esoteric Buddhism by the Royal Family and
its Protective Policy / 373
3) Establishment and Development of Esoteric Buddhist Schools / 376
4) Prevalence of Various Esoteric Buddhist Ceremonies / 380

4. Esoteric Buddhist Thought in Joseon / 385
1) Arrangement and Operation of Various Esoteric
Buddhist Ceremonies / 385
2) Publication of Various Esoteric Buddhist Texts / 388
3) Traditional Esoteric Buddhist Thought and the Seven Element
Dharma Body / 391

Index / 407


저자(글) Kim Jong Wook

저자 : Kim Jong Wook
Director of the Institute for Buddhist Culture at Dongguk University

저자 : Kim Yon tae
HK Professor at Dongguk University

저자 : Choi Buyng Hun
Emeritus Professor, Department of Korean History, Seoul National University

저자 : Koh Ik Jin
Professor, retired (now deceased), Department of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University

저자 : Chae In hwan
Emeritus Professor, Department of Seon Studies, Dongguk University

저자(글) Kim Yon tae

저자(글) Choi Buyng Hun

저자(글) Koh Ik Jin

저자(글) Chae In hwan

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