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The H. Igor Ansoff Anthology


2013년 11월 14일 출간

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ISBN 9788977361409
쪽수 508쪽
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전략경영의 대부, 앤소프 교수님의 서거후 전략경영분야의 전문가들을 중심으로 앤소프 전략경영이론체계의 전개와 프레임워크, 패러다임, 전략적 통찰에 관하여 주제와 분야별로 정리하고, 그 실천적 적용과 논박 및 전문적 견해를 기술한 논문들을 편집한 논문선집. 6 부에서 소개하고 있는 헨리 민쯔버그 교수와의 논쟁은 저명한 학술지를
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Preface 11
Patrick A. Sullivan 13

Part 1. H. Igor Ansoff, Practitioner/Scholar
Introduction ― Gen-Ichi Nakamura 1
1.1 A Profile of Intellectual Growth
H. Igor Ansoff 4
1.2 Igor Ansoff's Continuing Contribution to Strategic Management
David Hussey 36

Part 2. The Early Days
Introduction ― Roger Layton 61
2.1 Toward a Strategic Theory of the Firm
H. Igor Ansoff 66
2.2 Strategy as a Tool for Coping With Change
H. Igor Ansoff 88

Part 3. The Emergence of Strategic Management
Introduction ― John R. Montanari 93
3.1 From Strategic Planning to Strategic Management
H. Igor Ansoff, Roger P. Declerck and Robert L. Hayes 97
3.2 The Changing Manager
H. Igor Ansoff 140
3.3 Strategic Management in a Historical Perspective
H. Igor Ansoff 159

Part 4. The Strategic Management Paradigm
Introduction ― Mike Hitt 229
4.1 The Emerging Paradigm of Strategic Behavior
H. Igor Ansoff 231
4.2 Empirical Support for a Paradigmic Theory of Strategic Success
Behaviors of Environment Serving Organizations
H. Igor Ansoff, Patrick A. Sullivan et al 252

Part 5. Management of Transformational Change
Introduction ― Roman Lombriser 283
5.1 Planned Management of Turbulent Change
H. Igor Ansoff 285
5.2 How Successful Intrapreneurs Pilot Firms Through the Turbulent 1990s
Roman Lombriser and H. Igor Ansoff 303

Part 6. Debate and Controversy
Introduction ― Henry Mintzberg 323
6.1 The Design School: Reconsidering the Basic Premises of Strategic Management
Henry Mintzberg 325
6.2 Critique of Henry Mintzberg's 'The Design School: Reconsidering the Basic Premises of Strategic Management'
H. Igor Ansoff 359
6.3 Learning 1, Planning 0: Reply to Igor Ansoff
Henry Mintzberg 377
6.4 Research Notes and Communications ― Design, Learning and Planning: A Further Observation on the Design School Debate
Michael Goold 382
Part 7. Real Time Response
Introduction ― Robert Moussetis 385
7.1 Strategic Issue Management
H. Igor Ansoff 387
7.2 Managing Strategic Surprise by Response to Weak Signals
H. Igor Ansoff 408

Part 8. Portfolio Strategy
Introduction ― Thorsten van der Velten 429
8.1 Strategic Portfolio Management
H. Igor Ansoff and James Leontiades 432
8.2 Managing Business Portfolios in German Companies
Thorsten van der Velten and H. Igor Ansoff 453

Part 9. Practical Applications
Introduction ― Peter H. Antoniou, Dong J. Park 465
9.1 Application in Small Business Setting ― The Wellness Industry 467
9.2 Application in Small Business Setting ― Specialty Packer 470
9.3 Application in Large Government Setting 473
Studies Empirically Supporting the Findings 477

Strategic Diagnosis

Each SBA will then be analyzed to determine the appropriate strategic posture for the ESO. The first of these analyses should be a Strategic Diagnosis, which is based on the Ansoff Strategic Success Paradigm. The Strategic Success Paradigm was first stated as the Strategic Success Hypothesis in 1976 in From Strategic Planning to Strategic Management. The hypothesis was further elaborated in 1979 in Strategic Management, and again in 1984 in Implanting Strategic Management. The Strategic Success Hypothesis stated that optimum performance will be realized when Strategic Aggressiveness and General Management Capability Responsiveness are aligned with the Environmental Turbulence. This alignment is shown in Table I-1:

Empirical support for the Strategic Success Hypothesis was provided by a series of doctoral dissertations at United States International University (now Alliant International University) in San Diego, California. At this time, there have been 945 ESO/SBU observations of different ESO types in different countries where alignment of the three variables was related to better performance. This extensive empirical support led Ansoff to change the name from Strategic Success Hypothesis to Strategic Success Paradigm, recognizing the limitations associated with the use of the term paradigm that were stated at the beginning of this paper.

General Management Capability Responsiveness includes dimensions of both General Managers and the supporting organization as shown in Table 2:

Strategic Diagnosis is the procedure that is used to operationalize the Strategic Success Paradigm. The first step is to diagnose the expected future Environmental Turbulence in the SBA. This will establish the Strategic Aggressiveness and General Management Capability Responsiveness required for optimum performance. The next step is to diagnose the existing Strategic Aggressiveness and General Management Capability Responsiveness in the ESO.

The third step is to identify the gaps between the expected future Environmental Turbulence and the existing Strategic Aggressiveness and General Management Capability Responsiveness.
The gaps that must be closed will then provide the basis for planning the changes that must take place for the ESO to realize optimum performance in the future.

Strategic Transformation Change Management

When action is taken to close gaps in General Management Capability Responsiveness to support required changes in Strategic Aggressiveness, significant changes in behavior are required. These changes will produce resistance to change.

Resistance to Change will be behavioral when changes in climate are necessary and systemic when changes in competence and capacity are required. Symptoms of resistance include change projects that do not meet objectives and do not complete within budget and the target time schedule.
The basic strategies that can be used to manage resistance to change are shown in the Table I-3:

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