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Understanding Korean History

Korea Studies Series 3

2017년 09월 01일 출간

종이책 : 2011년 05월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9788962971743
쪽수 332쪽
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『Understanding Korean History』은 한국의 중견 학자들이 꾸려낸 한국사에 대한 소개서로, 한국의 역사를 처음 배우는 사람들을 위한 입문서이다. 한국의 언어, 문화, 역사, 예술에 관한 보다 전문적인 지식을 담았다. 뿐만 아니라 한국사에 대한 최근의 연구 성과와 시각을 반영하고 있기에 왜곡된 한국역사상을 교정하는 한편, 외국인들에게 한국사를 체계적이고 쉽게 전달한다.
1. Primitive Society·Building of State
1) Origin of the Korean People and Prehistoric Times
2) Bronze Culture and Building of State
A. Bronze Culture
B. Emergence and Culture of Gojoseon
C. Spread of Iron Culture and Building of Kingdom

2. Establishment and Development of the Three Kingdoms
1) Formation and Development of the Three Kingdoms
A. Emergence of the Three Kingdoms
B. Development and Battles of the Three Kingdoms
C. Gaya, the Iron State
2) Ruling System of the Three Kingdoms
A. Governing Structure and Society of the Three Kingdoms
B. Characteristics of the Three Kingdoms
3) Culture and Tumuli of the Three Kingdoms
A. Buddhism and Culture of the Three Kingdoms
B. Tumuli of the Three Kingdoms

3. Unified Silla and Balhae
1) Birth of Unified Silla
A. Unification Wars of Silla and their Significance
B. Birth of Unified Silla
2) Ruling System of Unified Silla
A. Establishment and the Ruling System of Unified Silla
B. Culture of Unified Silla
3) Late Unified Silla Period and Birth of the Later Three Kingdoms
A. Bone-Rank System and Instability of the Late Period
B. Power Struggles within the Later Three Kingdoms
4) Balhae and Culture
A. Founding and the Development of Balhae
B. Culture and Foreign Relations of Balhae

4. Goryeo
1) Ruling Structure and Society of the Earlier Goryeo Period
A. Reunification Process and the Restructuring of the Ruling System
B. Establishment of Aristocratic Society
C. External Relations and Trade
2) Social Unrest in the Late Goryeo Period
A. Military Regime and People's Uprisings
B. Battles against the Mongols and Interventions of Yuan
3) Culture of Goryeo
A. Coexistence of Buddhism and Confucianism in Early Goryeo
B. New Trend of Buddhism in the Late Goryeo
C. Acceptance of Neo-Confucianism
D. Advanced Technology of Goryeo
4) Reform in Late Goryeo and Change of Dynasties
A. Changes in the International Order and Withdrawal from Wihwa Island
B. Yi Seonggye and the New Dynasty

5. Founding of Joseon and Neo-Confucianism
1) Founding of Joseon and Managing of the State
2) Political System of Joseon
A. Securing of the Political System
B. Implementation of Economic Policies for Public Welfare
C. Stabilization of Social Status
D. Managing of Foreign Policies
3) Formation of Joseon Culture
A. Establishing the Cultural Framework of Neo-Confucianism
B. Hangeul, the Cultural Treasure and Asset of Korea
C. Development of Science and Technology
4) Emergence and Growth of Sarim
A. Emergence of Sarim
B. Political Growth of Sarim
C. Development of Private Academies and the Village Code

6. Changes in the Late Joseon Period
1) Foreign Invasions and Influences
A. The Japanese-Korean War of 1592
B. Manchu Invasions
2) Factional Politics and Implementation of Tangpyeongchaek
A. Factional Politics
B. Tangpyeongchaek of King Youngjo and Jeongjo
3) Shifts in Society and Search for a New Order
A. Changes in Rural and Urban Areas
B. Changes in Social Structure
C. Emergence of New Academic Tradition
D. New Trends in Literature and Arts
E. Advances in Science and Technology
4) Sedo Jeongchi and People's Resistance
A. Structure of Sedo Jeongchi and Its Downsides
B. Social Reforms

7. Opening of Ports and Modernization Process
1) Opening of Ports
A. International Landscape in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
B. Heungseon Daewongun's Reform and Closed-Door Policy
C. Opening of Ports and Signing of Unfair Treaties
2) Progressives and Conservatives
A. For and Against Enlightenment Policy
B. Coup of the Gapsin Year
C. Uprising of Donghak Peasant Army
3) Road to a Modern State
A. Gabo Reform
B. Independence Club and the People's Mass Assembly
C. Founding of the Great Han Empire and Its Reforms
4) Japanese Colonization and Resistance of Koreans
A. Colonization of Korea
B. Resistance of Koreans against Japan
5) Introduction and Establishment of Modern Culture

8. Korea during Japanese Colonial Period
1) Japanese Colo

이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원은 국내외 외국인 대학생 및 해외 동포들에게 실용적이면서도 전문적인 지식을 전달하고자 한국의 언어, 문화, 역사, 예술에 관한 보다 전문적인 지식을 담은 통합교재인 ‘이화 한국학 국제화 총서’ 시리즈를 개발하였다.
한국을 제대로 이해하기 위해서는 그 역사에 대한 지식이 반드시 필요하다. 그동안 한국에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 한국역사를 알고자 하는 외국인들이 크게 늘어났다. 이에 ‘이화 한국학 국제화 총서 3’에 해당하는 Understanding Korean History는 해외 주요 대학들과의 적극적인 교류를 통해 한국사에 대한 외국인들의 이해도와 요구를 반영하였다. 한국의 중견 학자들이 꾸려낸 한국사에 대한 소개서로, 한국의 역사를 처음 배우는 사람들을 위한 입문서로 집필된 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 한국사에 대한 최근의 연구 성과와 시각을 반영하고 있기에 왜곡된 한국역사상을 교정하는 한편, 외국인들에게 한국사를 체계적이고 쉽게 전달하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 이 책을 통해 독자들은 한국의 역사, 나아가 한국사회 전반에 대해 보다 깊은 이해와 관심을 갖게 되는 기회를 얻게 될 것이다.

A complete understanding of Korea requires broad knowledge of Korea's history. There has been a sharp increase in the number of foreign researchers who take an interest in Korea and want to learn about Korea's history. Understanding Korean History, Ewha's Korean Studies Series for Globalization 3 is an introduction to the history of Korea for beginners written by Korea's prominent scholars.
This book was written after ascertaining, through the KCRI's active exchange with major universities overseas, the level of background knowledge of prospective readers and their academic inquiry. Accordingly, by providing recent studies and varied views, this book will help readers to easily and systematically understand the development of Korea's history and gain overall knowledge about Korea's past and present. This introductory book also offers a great opportunity for its readers to take further interest in various aspects of Korea beyond its history.


저자(글) Baek Ok Kyoung

저자(글) Cho Ji Hyung

저자(글) Ham Dongju

저자(글) Jung Byung Joon

저자(글) Lee Hyun Sook

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