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Nonkilling Korea

Six Culture Exploration
SNU Series in Asian Studies 2

2017년 06월 27일 출간

종이책 : 2012년 04월 24일 출간

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ISBN 9788952112880
쪽수 220쪽
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한반도의 비살생 지대화(nonkilling zone)를 통해 한국이 동아시아형 평화와 공동체 건설의 새 교두보로 서게 되는 지적 정향을 모색해 온 서울대 정치학과 안청시 명예교수와 비살생(nonkilling) 평화주의적 정치학을 제안하고 오랜 기간 연구하고 실천해 온 하와이대 페이지(Glenn D. Paige) 명예교수(Center for Global Nonkilling 대표)가 함께 엮은 책. 사제지간이기도 한 두 엮은이는 이메일과 전화통화를 통해 긴밀하게 논의하여 이 책의 편집을 완성하였다. 책의 뿌리는 2년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 두 엮은이는 한반도의 통일노력 가운데 선행되어야 할 가치로 ‘차용 가능한 비폭력 자원’을 상정하고, 이를 발굴하기 위해 남북한과 주변 4강국(미국, 중국, 일본, 러시아)의 전문가들과 함께 각국의 문화 전통 가운데 외현(外現)되었거나 내재(內在)되어 있는 비폭력 자원들을 탐색하기 시작했다.
Sung Chul Yang

Glenn D. Paige and Chung-Si Ahn

1. Introduction
From Cultures of Killing
Glenn D. Paige

2. Korean Culture
1) Spiritual and Practical Assets of Korean Nonviolence
Jang-Seok Kang
2) Nonkilling in North Korean Culture
Discoveries of a Former Enemy Soldier
Glenn D. Paige

3. American Culture
From Nonkilling to Beloved Community
Can America Help?
Michael N. Nagler and Stephanie N. Van Hook

4. Chinese Culture
Possibilities of a Peaceful Nonkilling China
Cultural and Political Perspectives
Dahua Tang

5. Japanese Culture
Nonkilling in Japanese Culture
Mitsuo Okamoto and Tamayo Okamoto

6. Russian Culture
1) Evolution of the Idea of Nonkilling in Russian Culture
Tatiana Yakushkina
2) Nonkilling in Russian Culture
Social Science Approach
William V. Smirnov

7. Conclusion
Toward Nonkilling Korea
Glenn D. Paige and Chung-Si Ahn

March 1, 1919 Nonviolent Declaration of Korean Independence


Over the past century four of the world's most dynamic and lethal societies ― Japan, America, Russia and China ― have impacted upon the Korean people, leaving them divided, and with all six cultures suffering from killing within and among them, perpetrated before, during and following the Korean War (1950-53). Customary scholarly and policy analyses related to Korea since 1945 have focused upon geopolitical and inter-Korean military, political and economic security concerns as each of the six societies seeks to pursue its interests by continued reliance on killing and threats to kill. By contrast, this book begins to explore nonkilling cultural aspects in each of the six societies that could be combined to reverse the legacy of lethality and assist realization of a unified Nonkilling Korea. (19쪽)

Nonkilling Korea can be envisioned as a unified society in which Koreans do not kill each other, no foreigners kill Koreans, and no Koreans kill foreigners, including Koreans sent abroad to kill. The society is characterized by absence of weapons specifically designed to kill and absence of ideological justifications for killing. It is distinguished by a strong nonkilling ethicthat pervades all aspects of national culture and contributes to decisions and processes of problem-solving to realize personal, family, community and national well-being. It is saliently practiced in relation to Korea's Asian neighbors and to all people of the world. (20쪽)

The following chapters present initial scholarly explorations of nonkilling aspects in each of the six cultures. Authors outside Korea were not asked specifically to relate discoveries to Korea. This task remains for further exploration. These studies begin to lay the groundwork for comparisons and relating discoveries to Korea. No specific guidelines were given to authors although attention was called to two earlier essays on the subject (Paige, 1984; 2000). Authors were familiar with the nonkilling thesis of Nonkilling Global Political Science (Paige 2009). They were invited to respond to the open-ended question, “What are the nonkilling aspects of your culture?” Readers will appreciate the difficulty of the task posed by this open-ended question and can benefit from the discoveries shared here. Readers are invited to engage in further nonkilling explorations in these or their own cultures that can benefit Nonkilling Korea and a killing-free world. (29쪽)

But what roles did nonviolence play in the Korean history, if any? To answer this question, we need to discover nonviolent factors and resources in Korean history as well as in the Koreans' lives. This inquiry will first explore nonviolent resources from the Koreans' spiritual world, followed by exploration of contemporary and historical practical experiences and movements. Exploration of these nonviolent assets will show that they contributed positively to nonviolent problem-solving in Korean society, and that they have a great potential to transform the society into a nonviolent and peaceful one in the future.
For spiritual resources in Korea the paper will examine: the humanist spirit of Hongikingan the peace-loving nature of Koreans and the wearing of white clothes; and the influence of Buddhism and other religious teachings. For practical resources, the focus will be on contemporary nonviolent actions, movements and trends. (35-36쪽)

한국 문화의 비폭력 자원을 탐색하여 소개하는
영문도서 『Nonkilling Korea: Six Culture Exploration』

한반도의 비살생 지대화(nonkilling zone)를 통해 한국이 동아시아형 평화와 공동체 건설의 새 교두보로 서게 되는 지적 정향을 모색해 온 서울대 정치학과 안청시 명예교수와 비살생(nonkilling) 평화주의적 정치학을 제안하고 오랜 기간 연구하고 실천해 온 하와이대 페이지(Glenn D. Paige) 명예교수(Center for Global Nonkilling 대표)가 함께 엮은 책. 사제지간이기도 한 두 엮은이는 이메일과 전화통화를 통해 긴밀하게 논의하여 이 책의 편집을 완성하였다.
책의 뿌리는 2년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 두 엮은이는 한반도의 통일노력 가운데 선행되어야 할 가치로 ‘차용 가능한 비폭력 자원’을 상정하고, 이를 발굴하기 위해 남북한과 주변 4강국(미국, 중국, 일본, 러시아)의 전문가들과 함께 각국의 문화 전통 가운데 외현(外現)되었거나 내재(內在)되어 있는 비폭력 자원들을 탐색하기 시작했다.
이들이 이야기하는 비폭력 자원이란 한국으로 예를 들면 고대로 올라가면 홍익인간 정신과 백의민족 정신 등이고, 근?현대로 내려오면 독립운동인 3?1운동부터 범종교계가 연대한 새만금건설 반대운동인 삼보일배, 각종 정치 현안에 대한 비판의견을 드러내는 매개였던 촛불시위 등과 같은 것이다. 북한도 마찬가지여서, 1987년 북한을 방문했던 페이지 교수는 당시 북한의 역사학자 박시형에게 들었던 ‘한국 전통의 비폭력 문화의 근원’은 ‘홍익인간’이라는 이야기, 당시 접했던 북한에서 창작된 사랑을 주제로 한 출판?영상?노래 등을 문화예술, 북한 수뢰부의 정치활동과 기록 등을 사례로 들며 폭력적으로 보이는 북한의 정치행위 속 깊은 곳에 내재되어 있는 홍익인간 정신의 뿌리를 보여준다. 더불어 미국, 중국, 일본, 러시아 등의 문화에서도 살생 정치학 아래로 면면히 흐르며 살생의 비대화를 견제해 온 보배로운 비폭력 자원도 함께 보여준다.
두 명의 엮은이 외에 Dahua Tang(중국), Michael N. Nagler(미국), Mitssuo Okkamoti(일본), William V. Smirnov(러시아) 등 아홉 명의 지은이가 집필에 참여했다. 제목을 한국어로 하면 『비살생 한국: 6개국 문화자원 탐색』.

* 이 책은 지난 2010년 8월 서울대학교에서 열린 같은 제목의 세미나 결과물을 토대로 하여 만들어진 것입니다.

** 표지에 사용된 ‘희(囍)’ 자는 엮은이 중 한 명인 페이지 교수가 방북 당시 구(求)한 북한의 예술도서에서 영감을 받아 사용한 ‘자원’이며, 경복궁 교태전 원길헌 내부의 단청 반자에 있는 문양입니다. 교태전은 주역(周易)』의 제11괘 ‘지천태(地天泰)’괘에서 따온 명칭이며 하늘(양, 陽)과 땅(음, 陰)이 만나 통하여 태평하다는 뜻으로 읽기도 합니다. 그리고 이 책의 뜻에 따르면 분단한국에서의 교태전이라는 공간은 휴전선쯤으로 볼 수 있지 않을까 합니다.

[출판사 책 소개]

In contrast to academic and policy studies that concentrate on political-military-economic aspects of Korea since Division and the Korean War, authors in this book seek to discover nonkilling cultural features in South and North Korea, America, China, Japan, and Russia that can contribute to realization of a unified Nonkilling Korea ? A Korea in which no Koreans kill other Koreans, no foreigners kill Koreans, and no Koreans are sent abroad to kill.

Discoveries reported here provide confidence that nonkilling cultural values and capabilities can be found in all six societies that can benefit each and all in progress toward the measurable goal of a killing-free Korea and world. Readers are invited to join in further explorations.

This book reports on the “Nonkilling Korea: Six Culture Exploratory Seminar” convened by the Asia Center/Seoul National University and the Center for Global Nonkilling/ Honolulu in Seoul during August 18~19, 2010.

The character design “囍” on the front cover is adapted from a ceiling painting in the Gyotaejeon Pavilion of Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul. It is in the Chinese character (喜) for ‘happiness’(pronounced “hee” in Korean) repeated twice. It means “double happiness.” Years ago in Pyeongyang Paige found it in a historical collection of Korean ornamental designs from Goguryeo to the Jeseon era. So we use it here as an appropriate symbol for publication of this book toward Doubly Happy Nonkilling Korean Unification.

<책속으로 추가>

As is the case of many other nations, the Korean people have many nonviolence-prone attitudes. This can be proved by looking at their war history.
Historically Korea was invaded hundreds of times from neighboring countries including China, Mongolia, Russia and Japan. However there is no record that Korea voluntarily launched preemptive attacks on neighbors. There were only defenses and counter-attacks on the Korean side.
Moreover the white clothes of Koreans seem to have something to do with nonviolence. White clothes symbolize purity or peace-loving nature like a white flag in wartime. Koreans were once called a “white clothes nation”(白衣民族) by neighbors, which characterized Koreans as a peace-loving or collision-avoiding nation. (37쪽)

In Pyongyang I discovered the same deep culture understanding of the nonviolent essence of Korean culture as found in Seoul. The Korean people arise not out of battles of gods and sin but out of the union of Heaven and Earth producing divinely inspired humanism and respect for life.
In reflecting upon these nonkilling scholarly discoveries in North Korea, the saying "we reap what we sow" comes to mind. In seeking nonkilling cultural understanding free of lethal intent, one discovers the previously unthinkable and seemingly impossible. When scholars from North and South Korea visit each other and their neighbors, asking similar questions about nonkilling cultural capabilities, similar discoveries are probable. (73쪽)


저자(글) Glenn D. Paige

Glenn D. Paige is professor emeritus of Political Science, University of Hawaii, founder and chair of the Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu, and author of Nonkilling Global Political Science.

저자(글) Chung Si Ahn

Chung-Si Ahn is professor emeritus of Political Science, Seoul National University, fellow of Seoul National University Asia Center, chairing editorial board of the Center's journal Asia Review (in Korea) and author of Social Development and Political Violence and editor of a festschrift for Glenn D. Paige, 『비살생 정치학과 지구평화운동』(in Korean).

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