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Survival Korean Crash Course

Your Friendly Guide to Student Life in Korea

2017년 11월 28일 출간

종이책 : 2017년 10월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9781624121050
쪽수 151쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

어서 와, 한국 대학생활은 처음이지?
Welcome! Is it your first time at a Korean university?

√ 네덜란드 교환학생 3인방이 쓴 실전 한국어 가이드
√ 유학생, 교환학생들에게 필수적인 한국어 표현만 골라 쉽고 빠르게!
√ 한 손에 들어오는 포켓 사이즈로 간편하게 휴대 가능

√ A practical Korean language textbook written by three exchange students
from the Netherlands
√ An easy, friendly guide on essential Korean idioms and expressions for international and exchange students
√ A portable pocket-sized book
Authors‘ Note
Introduction to Hangeul

Chapter 1. Everyday Essentials
Useful Words
Useful Sentences
Question Words
Useful Verbs
Useful Adjectives
Useful Adverbs
Forms of Address
Time and Dates
Seasons and Weather
Fun to Know

Chapter 2. University
Facilities on Campus
Exams and Assignments
Language Exchange and Campus Activities

Chapter 3. Housing
Housing Types
Housing Conditions
Daily Necessities

Chapter 4. Navigation
On the Street

Chapter 5. Food
Places and Service
Ordering and Paying
Dishes and Fruit

Chapter 6. Leisure Activities
Having Fun

Chapter 7. Shopping
Prices and Sales
Clothes and Merchandise

Chapter 8. In Case of Emergency
Fire Department

Word List

'Survival Korean Crash Course'는 유럽에서 유일하게 한국학과가 있는 네덜란드 레이덴대학교에서 온 교환학생 3인방이 쓴 실전 한국어 교재다. 부제인 ‘Your Friendly Guide to Student Life in Korea’에 걸맞게, 일상 생활 및 캠퍼스에서 자주 쓰이는 단어, 표현과 더불어 직접 경험한 한국 살이의 이모저모를 친한 친구에게 들려주듯 재미있게 풀었다.
레이덴대학교 한국학과에 다니는 라우른, 아이린, 레이첼은 연세대학교 교환학생이 되면서 한국 생활의 매력에 흠뻑 빠져든다. 축제와 MT, 동아리를 종횡무진 누비며 신나게 놀기도 하고, 치열한 수강신청 경쟁을 뚫는가 하면, 식당에서 “이모님”을 외치며 주문하는 것에도 익숙해진다.
물론, 문화 차이로 난감한 상황도 겪었다. 식당에서 벨을 누르면 종업원이 온다는 사실을 모른 채 무작정 기다리거나, 윗사람과 술을 마실 때는 고개를 돌린 채 잔을 비워야 한다는 예절을 몰랐을 때처럼 말이다.
이렇게 한국에서 좌충우돌 시행착오를 겪으며 배운, 말 그대로 “서바이벌” 한국어와 한국문화를 상황별로 정리해 8개의 챕터로 구성했다. 두루 쓰이는 생활 필수 표현에서부터 학교 수업, 자취방 구하기, 길 찾기, 식당에서 주문하기, 여가 생활, 쇼핑, 응급상황에 이르기까지, 한국에 처음 온 외국 학생들이 겪게 되는 거의 모든 상황을 다루며 꼭 필요한 단어와 표현을 제시한다.
올해 초 막 교환학생을 마치고 고향으로 돌아간 저자들의 따끈따끈한 경험을 바탕으로, 한국에 온 외국인이 어떤 점을 어려워하는지, 어떤 표현을 헷갈려 하는지를 콕콕 짚어내 ‘꿀팁’을 전수한다. 한국 유학을 계획하고 있거나 지금 한국에서 친절한 멘토를 찾고 있는 유학생이라면, 먼저 한국을 거쳐간 세 사람의 조언이 좋은 길잡이가 될 것이다.

Survival Korean Crash Course is a practical Korean language guide written by three exchange students from Leiden University in the Netherlands, which runs the only Korean Studies major in Europe. As “Your Friendly Guide to Student Life in Korea,” the book is a friendly, fun read, like the writers are personally sharing their stories of life in Korea to a good friend. The book also contains frequently used Korean words and idioms.
The three writers?Irene Schokker, Lauren Kies, and Rachel van den Berg?fell in love with life in Korea as exchange students at Yonsei University, where they met Korean friends, hung out at university festivals and student outings, joined student clubs and activities, and even raced against Koreans students in the fierce competition to register for classes.
They went through difficulties too, as they got used to the cultural differences. Before they learned to call out “Auntie!” at a restaurant or ring a bell on the table, they would wait ages for a server to finally come take their order. And they had no idea that, according to Korean drinking customs, they should have turned their heads away when drinking with their seniors.
Based on their own newbie mistakes and confusion, they put together this Survival Korean manual, featuring eight chapters organized by situation. The book lays out essential words and expressions commonly used in daily life and various situations that international students in Korea often encounter, including school classes, searching for a place to live, navigating the streets, ordering food at a restaurant, enjoying leisure time, shopping, and emergencies.
Based on the first-hand experiences of the authors themselves, who have just finished their exchange semester and returned to the Netherlands earlier this year, the three students pass on their tips for the things foreigners living in Korea find difficult and the Korean expressions they find confusing. This book will be a useful guide for students who plan to study in Korea or are looking for a mentor on Korean life, with authentic advice and recommendations from real exchange students.

작가 소개
저자 Irene Schokker, Lauren Kies, Rachel van den Berg
네덜란드 레이덴대학교 한국학 석사과정 재학 중. 동 대학교 한국학과에 다니던 학부 시절 성균관대에 교환학생을 온 뒤, 한국을 더 좋아하게 됐다. 대학원 역시 한국학과로 진학하면서 2016년 연세대 교환학생으로 다시 한국을 찾았다. 1년여 간의 교환학생 생활을 마친 후 현재 네덜란드에서 한국 관련 졸업논문을 쓰고 있다. 한식캅노래방, 거리공연 등 ‘겪어본 사람만 아는’ 생생한 한국어와 한국문화를 나누기 위해 이 책을 썼다.

Irene Schokker, Lauren Kies, and Rachel van den Berg are students in the Korea Studies masters’ program at Leiden University in the Netherlands. During their undergraduate years as Korean Studies majors at Leiden, they first visited Korea as exchange students at Sungkyunkwan University, and their love for Korea grew all the more. They returned to Korea in 2016 as exchange students at Yonsei University as part of their graduate studies. They are currently in the Netherlands, writing their dissertations on Korea after spending a year in the country. The authors wrote this book to share the real Korean language and culture they enjoyed with their first-hand experiences with Korean food, noraebang, and street performances.

Authors’ Note
Hello! We are three university students from the Netherlands with degrees in Korean Studies. Because we love Korea and the Korean language, we want to make it easier for other exchange students like ourselves to navigate Korea and its rich culture. In this book, we give you tips about Korean culture and language from our own experiences. From students, for students! Find out all about Korean student life and start making Korean friends with your newly learned language skills. Have fun


저자(글) Irene Schokker

저자(글) Lauren Kies

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