인기 드라마로 배우는 한국어(Learn Korean Through K-Dramas)
2021년 07월 15일 출간
국내도서 : 2021년 05월 15일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791189809485
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이 상품이 속한 분야
핫한 한국 드라마 5편의 대본과 유튜브 링크 수록
● 최근에 방영된 가장 핫한 드라마 5편의 대본과 유트브 영상을 함께 보며 효율적으로 한국어를 공부한다.
● 딕테이션 연습, 꼼꼼하게 설명한 단어와 문법 그리고 연습문제 풀이를 통해 한국어 학습에 깊이와 재미를 제공한다.
● 한국에서 일상적으로 쓰는 구어체, 젊은 사람들 사이에서 유행하거나 최근에 자주 쓰는 신조어, 준말, 비속어와 같은 ‘살아 있는 한국어’를 배운다.
● 드라마 내용을 통해 한국의 음식 문화, 패션 문화, 놀이 문화, 한국인들의 가치관 등을 자연스럽게 익힌다.
Descriptions & Characteristics:
Learn Korean while watching K-drama scenes on YouTube!
Inside the book: scripts and YouTube links to scenes from five sensational K-drama shows
● Learn Korean through video clips and scripts from five of the latest and hottest K-drama shows.
● Feel the joy of understanding the various expressions used in your favorite shows through detailed exercises and explanations of the vocabulary and sentence structures.
● Internalize features of everyday Korean including colloquial expressions, popular neologisms, shortened words, and slang used by today’s younger generation.
● Encounter Korean food, fashion, and entertainment as well as cultural values through the featured scenes.
Dramas excerpted are:
〈You Who Come from the Stars〉 (별에서 온 그대)
〈Descendants of the Sun〉 (태양의 후예)
〈Goblin, Dokkaebi〉 (도깨비)
〈Hotel Del Luna〉 (호텔 델루나)
〈Crash Landing on You〉 (사랑의 불시착)
1회(2013. 12. 18), SBS, 5분 25초, 박지은 작가
Chapter 1 You Who Came From the Stars
Episode 1 (Dec. 18, 2013), SBS, 5’ 25”, written by Park Ji-eun
2과 〈태양의 후예〉
3회(2016. 3. 2), KBS2, 3분 8초, 김은숙/김원석 작가
Chapter 2 Descendants of the Sun
Episode 3 (Mar. 2, 2016), KBS2, 3’ 8”, written by Kim Eun-sook and Kim Won-seok
3과 〈쓸쓸하고 찬란하神 도깨비〉
5회(2016. 12. 16), tvN, 4분 49초, 김은숙 작가
Chapter 3 Goblin (Dokkaebi)
Episode 5 (Dec. 16, 2016), tvN, 4’ 49”, written by Kim Eun-sook
4과 〈호텔 델루나〉
6회(2019. 7. 28), tvN, 3분 49초, 홍정은/홍미란 작가
Chapter 4 Hotel Del Luna
Episode 6 (Jul. 28, 2019), tvN, 3’ 49”, written by Hong Jung-eun and Hong Mi-ran
5과 〈사랑의 불시착〉
4회(2019. 12. 22), tvN, 2분 30초, 박지은 작가
Chapter 5 Crash Landing on You
Episode 4 (Dec. 22, 2019), tvN, 2’ 30”, written by Park Ji-eun
pe and Asia, as well as to schools and universities outside of Korea. With this book as the first of its K-Drama Korean series, Seoul Selection plans to publish sequels to Learn Korean through K-Dramas that will include the latest popular K-drama shows.
Understanding Various Expressions Used on K-Drama Shows and Learning Colloquial Korean, Acronyms, and Slang
Though the videos are each only about five minutes long, there is a lot to be learned from their content. Vocabulary and grammar are thoroughly explained with examples from the scripts, and exercise questions to help readers master the various expressions used in the scenes are included in each lesson.
K-drama shows mirror Korean language as it is used every day-colloquial expressions, popular or newly-coined terms and slang used by young people, abbreviations, idioms, and so on-which greatly benefits those who want to learn “real-life” Korean language.
K-Drama Shows Featured in the Book
1. My Love from the Star (starring Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun)
A story about the fateful and quirky romance between Do Min-joon, an extraterrestrial who fell to Earth approximately 400 years ago, and Cheon Song-yi, a popular Hallyu star with an attitude.
2. Descendants of the Sun (starring Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo)
A blockbuster-scale humanitarian melodrama that reflects on the value of life through the stories of young soldiers and doctors who strive to achieve love and peace under extreme conditions in a foreign land.
3. Goblin (Dokkaebi) or Guardian: The Great and Lonely God (starring Gong Yoo, Lee Dong-wook, Kim Go-eun, and Yoo In-na)
A mystical and romantic folktale that unfolds as a dokkaebi (goblin), who needs a human bride to end his tedious eternal life, and his peculiar housemate, the jeoseungsaja (Korean grim reaper), meet a girl who evaded a fateful death and claims that she is the dokkaebi’s destined bride-to-be.
4. Hotel Del Luna (starring Lee Ji-eun a.k.a IU and Yeo Jin-goo)
A story abo
저자(글) 이미옥
저자 : 이미옥
서울대학교 국어교육학과를 졸업하고, 동 대학교 대학원에서 국어국문학과 박사 과정을 마쳤다. 명지대학교 객원교수로 있으며 한양대, 단국대, 국민대, 강남대 등 여러 대학에서 한국어와 한국문화를 10년 동안 강의해왔다.
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