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The King’s Finances. 2

Kim MiJin 지음 | Haena Lee 옮김

2021년 09월 16일 출간

종이책 : 2021년 03월 16일 출간

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ISBN 9791165042394
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시리즈 전체 2
The King’s Finances. 2
The King’s Finances. 1


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베스트셀러《왕의 재정 2》의 영문판!

이 책은 외국어로 쓰여져 있습니다.
Editor’s Notes

PART I Experience God’s Supernatural Provision
Chapter 1 Supernatural Movement of Wealth
Feed My Sheep
Dedicating My All in the Wilderness
210 Million
The Movement of Wealth for a 30-Pyeong Apartment
The Movement of a Wealth of 15 Billion
The Movement of Wealth Through Relationships
He Opens the Doors to a New Business
OREGIN, A Gift from God
God Owns 100 Percent

Chapter 2 Do You Truly Want to Become Rich (A Holy Rich Person)?
Reborn a True Rich Ma
From Debtor to Holy Rich
God’s Mathematical Equation
Breakthroughs Come from Training
Becoming a Kitchen Aide
From Owner to Employee
Be in the Place of and Within the Methods of God’s Provision
The Courage to Stand on the Edge of a Cliff

Chapter 3 A Life of Faith
God Shows the Next Step to Those Who Obey
How a Luxury Watch Became a Luxury Car
What People Whom God Uses Have in Common
The Turning Point in My Ministry
Do Not Limit the Power of God
Carried in on the Back of Another, Walked out on One’s Own Feet
The God Who Brought Me Back to Life

A Brief Introduction to The King’s Finances Implementation Workbook

PART Ⅱ Restore a Life of the Altar and the Tent
Chapter 1 There Are Three Seasons to God’s Provision
The Season for Supernatural Provision
The Season in Which He Feeds Me the Work of Others’ Hands
The Season to Harvest and Eat What I Have Sown
A Budget Plan of Faith

Chapter 2 Abraham’s Seed, Solomon the Worldly Rich, David the Godly Rich
Transplant Abraham’s Spiritual DNA
Two Strands of DNA in Abraham’s Life (A Life of the Altar and the Tent)
Two Strands of Abraham’s Spiritual DNA (Faith and Faithfulness)
Why Did I Fail?
Single Determination
The Worldly Rich Solomon’s Attitude Toward Riches
The Holy Rich David’s Attitude Toward Riches
My Life as a Holy Rich Person Finally Begins

Chapter 3 The Six Rules of Life
The Correct Relationship with God, People, and Riches
Two Rules on Our Relationship with God
Two Rules on Our R

홍성건, 〈감수의 글〉 중에서

Will You Serve God,
or Will You Serve Mammon?
A Life That Loves God and Not Money

Some are unhappy despite having a lot of money, and some are happy despite having no money. This is because money is not what determines one’s happiness. Nevertheless, this equation, which equates money to happiness, burdens the hearts of many.

Mammon’s powerful influence plants a false understanding of money within people’s mind. Mammon makes people value money in and of itself, causing them to chase after money.

However, once we clearly understand what money is, we live a life not with love for it, but a love for God; we learn to love God in all His greatness and learn how to handle money.

It is my hope that the readers of this book begin a journey of reflection on who is happy, who is rich, who is unhappy, and who is poor. I hope that through this journey, readers will gain an understanding of the real function and value of money.

Hong SungGun, Excerpt from the Editor’s Notes


저자(글) Kim MiJin

저자 : Kim MiJin
Kim MiJin is a fourth-generation Christian born into a family of faith. Though she achieved great success as an entrepreneur starting in her college years, she gave up on life under the burden of being billions of won in debt. That was when she came across lectures on biblical finances and paid off all her debt by living according to the Word as if her life depended on it.

What she learned as she repented is that “God is our only master, just as He is our sole Provider.”

Her books and lectures have brought countless unbelievers and disheartened people back to the Lord and facilitated God’s grace and miracles; people who were slaves to money finally cleared their debts and began sharing God’s blessings with their poor neighbors and started living life as disciples of Jesus. This book also contains the vivid testimonies of those who have become disciples through the testimonies and lectures of Kim MiJin as well as the training they received through the King’s Finances School after The King’s Finances I was published.

Kim MiJin is currently serving as President of NCMN (Nations-Changer Movement & Network) and the main lecturer at the King’s Finances School. She is the author of the books, The King’s Finances I, The King’s Finances Workbook, The King’s Finances I (English translation), and The King’s Voice (co-authored by Hong SungGun), published by Kyujang.

역자 : Haena Lee
A third-generation Christian, Haena Lee received her bachelor’s degree from Grove City College, a Christian liberal arts college in Grove City, Pennsylvania. She attended the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.

감수 : SungGun Hong
Rev. Hong SungGun has dedicated his life to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations and served to awaken college campuses and the young generation. He founded NCMN in 2012 and is currently serving as its International President. He received his undergraduate degree fro

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