Understanding Journalism in Korea
2015년 09월 21일 출간
국내도서 : 2015년 07월 27일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791130440439
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이 상품이 속한 분야
01 The Essential Problems of Korean Broadcast Journalism as Seen through the Perspective of Restriction on Media
02 Media Law and Regulations: Legal Issues of Freedom of Expression
03 Creation and Changes of Dependency Between Daily Newspapers and Conglomerate Advertisers: From the Perspective of Resource Dependency Theory
04 Alternative Media in Korea: From OhmyNews to Newstapa
Part II Values and Ethics of Journalism
05 Tendentiousness of Korean Journalism and the Problem of “the Distinction between Facts and Opinions”
06 Does Patriotism in Journalism Matter?: The Korean Hunmin Public Sphere
07 Understanding of Confucianism Behavior Ethics from the Viewpoint of Journalism Philosophy with Emphasis on Text from the Analects
08 Democracy and the Politics of Media Reform
Part III News and News People
09 Towards a New Professional Journalism in Korea: Issues in the Career Models and Structures
10 Life History of Dismissed Journalists: With a Focus on the Dong-A Committee for Free Press
11 Gendered News Production and Women Journalists in Korea: A Historical Approach
12 Routinization and Transformations in Television News Formats in Korea: A Comparative Study of Four Nations’ TV News
13 Rethinking Multicultural Social Change: Immigrant Media and the Diasporic Public Sphere in Korea
책의 특징
Not only journalism but also all other academic fields will be able to enhance their value when they are able to embrace more of the world and a full range of generations. Most scholars agree that we need to get rid of the strong tendency in academia for analytical research to be concentrated in America or Western Europe. However, realistically, the theoretical prospect of covering a variety of cases from different regions is not easy, because of language barriers. This book attempts to make a tiny contribution in building general theories in the field of journalism by introducing the phenomena of one region, Korea. We hope this book will act as a starting point for enabling other social scholars to get to know about Korean cases and to expand academic exchange through their research results.
The contributors are members of the Broadcast Journalism Research Unit of KABS (Korean Association for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies).
저자(글) Hyung-Cheol Kang
Hyung-Cheol Kang
Professor, School of Communication & Media, Sookmyung University
저자(글) Seung-Sun Lee
Seung-Sun Lee
Professor, Chungnam National University
저자(글) Jung-Kun Pae
Jung-Kun Pae
Professor, School of Communication & Media, Sookmyung University
저자(글) Seog-Tae Shim
Seog-Tae Shim
Adjunct Professor, Sogang Law School
저자(글) June Woong Rhee 외 8명
June Woong Rhee
Professor, Dept. of Communication, Seoul National University
Myung-Koo Kang
Professor and Director, Asia Center and Department of Communication, Seoul National University
Hoon Shim
Professor, School of Communications, Hallym University
Youngchul Yoon
Professor, Dept. of Communication, Yonsei University
Yung-Ho Im
Professor, Dept. of Communication, Pusan National University
Sae-Eun Kim
Professor, Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication, Kangwon National University
Yisook Choi
Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Dong-A University
Young-Jae Choi
Professor, School of Communications, Hallym University
Young-Gil Chae
Professor, Media & Communication Dvision, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
이 상품의 총서
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