The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
2014년 01월 22일 출간
국내도서 : 2021년 05월 01일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is a concise, entertaining workbook and guide to English grammar, punctuation, and usage. This user-friendly resource includes simple explanations of grammar, punctuation, and usage; scores of helpful examples; dozens of reproducible worksheets; and pre- and post-tests to help teach grammar to students of all ages. Appropriate for virtually any age range, this authoritative guide makes learning English grammar and usage simple and fun. This updated Eleventh Edition reflects the latest updates to English usage and grammar and features a fully revised two-color design and lay-flat binding for easy photocopying.
- Clear and concise, easy-to-follow, offering "just the facts"
- Fully updated to reflect the latest rules in grammar and usage along with new quizzes
- Ideal for students from seventh grade through adulthood in the US and abroad
For anyone who wants to understand the major rules and subtle guidelines of English grammar and usage, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation offers comprehensive, straightforward instruction.
Preface and Acknowledgments xv
About the Authors xvii
Introduction xix
Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects 1
Clauses and Phrases 7
Pronouns 7
Who vs. Whom 12
Whoever vs. Whomever 13
Who, That, Which 14
Adjectives and Adverbs 15
Prepositions 18
Effective Writing 20
Periods 25
Commas 25
Semicolons 30
Colons 31
Quotation Marks 33
Parentheses and Brackets 34
Parentheses 34
Brackets 35
Apostrophes 36
Hyphens 40
Hyphens between words 41
Hyphens with prefixes and suffixes 43
Dashes 45
Ellipses 46
Question Marks 47
Exclamation Points 48
Grammar Pretest 125
Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz 1 127
Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz 2 127
Subject and Verb Agreement Quiz 1 128
Subject and Verb Agreement Quiz 2 129
Pronouns Quiz 1 130
Pronouns Quiz 2 131
Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever Quiz 1 131
Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever Quiz 2 132
Who, Whom, That, Which Quiz 1 133
Who, Whom, That, Which Quiz 2 134
Adjectives and Adverbs Quiz 1 134
Adjectives and Adverbs Quiz 2 135
Prepositions Quiz 1 136
Prepositions Quiz 2 136
Affect vs. Effect Quiz 1 137
Affect vs. Effect Quiz 2 137
Lay vs. Lie Quiz 1 138
Lay vs. Lie Quiz 2 139
Advice vs. Advise Quiz 1 139
Advice vs. Advise Quiz 2 140
Their vs. There vs. They’re Quiz 1 140
Their vs. There vs. They’re Quiz 2 141
More Confusing Words and Homonyms Quiz 1 141
More Confusing Words and Homonyms Quiz 2 142
Effective Writing Quiz 1 142
Effective Writing Quiz 2 143
Grammar Mastery Test 144
Punctuation, C
저자(글) Jane Straus
<p><b>JANE STRAUS</b> (1954–2011) was an educator and best-selling author with extensive experience teaching English to adult learners. She created <i>The Blue Book</i> because she found no resources that explained English rules “in plain English.” Straus also created the popular website <b>LESTER KAUFMAN</b> is publisher of He married Jane Straus in 1987, eventually retiring from his career in government to help with her website. <b>TOM STERN</b> is a veteran reporter and columnist. In 2012, his bimonthly newspaper column on English grammar and usage won a first-place award in the California Newspaper Publishers Association’s Better Newspapers Contest.
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