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Work Life A + in this case, How - Must read for office workers: How to deal with each situation


2023년 11월 13일 출간

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ISBN 9791198506047
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Hello, I want to greet all the new employees and their managers who are guiding them.
As you step into the new workplace environment, you are faced with challenges and opportunities.
The managers are crucial in helping new employees adapt to this new environment and unleash their potential.

In this context, I am pleased to introduce the book "Workplace A+: In this case, How."
This book explains various workplace situations that new employees might encounter, offering examples and providing methods to handle each scenario.
It also suggests ways to maintain a stable psychological state even under challenging situations, helping you to engage more effectively in your work life.

For managers, using this book can be an invaluable learning resource for new employees, positively influencing the overall atmosphere and performance of the team.
New employees can use this book to avoid being flustered by unexpected situations, enhance problem-solving abilities, and strengthen communication and teamwork.

"Workplace A+: In this case, How" is a mentor in your work life.
Through this book, new employees can gain a preliminary understanding and preparation for various workplace situations, while managers can find practical guidelines to address new employees' problems.

I hope the new employees will embrace work-life challenges as opportunities for growth.
This book is intended to support your successful career journey.

Thank you.
Author Iksoon Kim

※ The book is essential for new employees in their work life, covering workplace etiquette, general knowledge, and survival strategies.
Therefore, for foreigners aiming to work and settle in Korea, this book is an excellent guide to indirectly understanding Korean workplace culture and etiquette.
Business communication and response
I want to respond quickly and accurately to work instructions via messenger. What do you think I should do?
How do you show respect for others when writing a business email?
What should you do when you discover an essential typo in an email or document?
How do you clearly understand vague instructions from your boss?
How should you respond to a personal question from your boss?
How should I respond to my boss' unfair demands?
What should you do if your Internet connection is lost while working on important material?
What should you do if you have questions or want to challenge your boss' instructions?
How should I report a physical injury to the company, and how should it be handled?
I heard that attire is essential at work. How should I choose clothes?
What should I do about legal issues such as copyright and contract violations that may arise at work?

Relationships and Interactions at Work
How should I celebrate my boss's birthday?
How do you communicate with a critical boss to maintain a positive relationship?
How should you respond when your boss reacts emotionally?
My boss/senior often orders me to run errands like coffee. What do you think I should do?
What should you do when you want to propose a new idea to your boss?
I accidentally exposed important information to the outside world. How do you think I should handle this situation?
How do we interact with colleagues from multicultural backgrounds?
How do we manage the friction that arises from collaboration with other departments?
What should you do if a personal relationship begins at work?
What should be done when conflict arises due to political or religious views in the workplace?
What should you do when a coworker claims work credit as their own?
What to do if you are being bullied at work?

Coping with work environment and situations
What should I do when my office copier breaks down?
What do you think I should do when using the office's common space?
How do you think I should respond when I receive an urgent call outside of business hours?
What should I do when I need to answer a personal phone call at work?
What should you do when you have much work to do and need to ask for help?
What should I do if I am late due to various reasons?
When traveling in the car with your boss, which seat should you sit in?
What should you do when your company suffers damage due to your fault?
What should you do when you are assigned a project that is difficult for you to handle?
What should I do when going to a funeral or commercial home?
What do you think I should do when I need to inform the company of a significant personal event?
What should I do to participate in company cultural events and other company gatherings?
What should you do if you meet your boss in the bathroom?
Is it possible to moderate drinking at a company dinner without spoiling the atmosphere?
How should I allocate seats during a meeting?
What should you do when you take on the work of a colleague scheduled to go on vacation?
What should I do when a customer or boss contacts me during a break or public holiday?
How do you inform your boss and colleagues when absence from work is unavoidable?
I was unintentionally assaulted at work. In this case, what should I do?
A stranger comes to your workplace and is looking for a coworker. In this case, what do you think I should do?
What should I do if I have a meeting when I still need to get a business card?

Work adjustments and requests
How much should I put in when there is a congratulations or condolence event?
What should I do when I want to use my annual leave?
I receive work-related calls even after work; what should I do?
How should you greet your boss on your first day at work to make a good impression?
What should I do when I experience sexual harassment?
How do you manage work stress?
What should you do when you're facing a salary negotiation?
How do I tell my boss when I want to use sick leave?
What methods can be used for self-development within the company?
Your boss or coworkers ask for money. In this case, what do you think I should do?
What should you do when your company's financial condition is not good?
What should you do when you receive an offer from a competitor at work?
What if I want to move to a new team or department?

The book is essential for new employees in their work life, covering workplace etiquette, general knowledge, and survival strategies.
Therefore, for foreigners aiming to work and settle in Korea, this book is an excellent guide to indirectly understanding Korean workplace culture and etiquette.



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