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Thus spoke Zarathustra [짜라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다]

낭독자 Alex Jennings

2024년 09월 19일 출간

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오디오북 상품 정보
듣기 가능 오디오
제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (661.00MB)
ISBN 9789626343258
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Thus spoke Zarathustra [짜라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다] 총 124회
1회. Introduction to the Prologue

3분 8.00MB

2회. When Zarathustra was thirty years old

1분 4.00MB

3회. Zarathustra went down the mountain alone, no one meeting him

3분 8.00MB

4회. When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town

4분 10.00MB

5회. Zarathustra, however, looked at the people and wondered

3분 8.00MB

6회. When Zarathustra had spoken these words

4분 11.00MB

7회. Then, however, something happened

3분 6.00MB

8회. Meanwhile the evening came on

1분 3.00MB

9회. When Zarathustra had said this to his heart

4분 9.00MB

10회. Long slept Zarathustra

0분 1.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

Thus Spoke Zarathustra was conceived and written by Friedrich Nietzsche during the years 1881–1885; the first three parts were published in 1883 and 1884. The book formed part of his ‘campaign against morality’, in which Nietzsche explored the ethical consequences of the ‘death of God’. Heavily critical not only of Christian values but also of their modern replacements, Thus Spoke Zarathustra argues for a new value-system based around the prophecy of the Übermensch or Superman. Its appropriation by the National Socialist movement in Germany early in the twentieth century has tainted its reputation unjustly; but there are signs that the rehabilitation of Nietzsche, and of this his most incendiary work, is almost complete. Read by Alex Jennings, there are helpful introductions to every chapter.
Introduction to the Prologue
When Zarathustra was thirty years old
Zarathustra went down the mountain alone, no one meeting him
When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town
Zarathustra, however, looked at the people and wondered
When Zarathustra had spoken these words
Then, however, something happened
Meanwhile the evening came on
When Zarathustra had said this to his heart
Long slept Zarathustra
This had Zarathustra said to his heart
Zarathustra Discourses The Three Metamorphoses
The Three Metamorphoses
The Academic Chairs Of Virtue
People commended to Zarathustra a wise man
The Afterworldly
Once upon a time
The Despisers Of The Body
To the despisers of the body will I speak my word
Reading And Writing
Of all that is written
The Tree On The Hill
Zarathustra’s eye had perceived that a certain youth avoided him
War And Warriors
By our best enemies we do not want to be spared
The New Idol
Somewhere there are still peoples and herds
Just see these superfluous ones!
The Thousand And One Goals
Many lands saw Zarathustra
The Way Of The Creating One
Would you go into isolation, my brother?
Voluntary Death
Many die too late, and some die too early
The Bestowing Virtue
When Zarathustra had taken leave of the town
Here paused Zarathustra awhile
When Zarathustra had spoken these words
The Child With The Mirror
After this Zarathustra returned again into the mountains
In The Happy Isles
The figs fall from the trees
The Priests
And one day Zarathustra made a sign to his disciples
The Virtuous
With thunder and heavenly fireworks
The Tarantulas
Lo, this is the tarantula’s den!
'Will to Truth' do you call it
The Land Of Culture
Too far did I fly into the future
Great Events
There is an isle in the sea
Thus spoke I before the fire-dog
When Zarathustra went one day
I walk among men as the fragments of the future
The Stillest Hour
What has happened to me, my friends?
The Wanderer
Then, when it was about midnight
The Vision And The Enigma
When it got abroad among the sailors
'Halt, dwarf!' said I
The Bedwarfing Virtue
When Zarathustra was again on the continent
I pass through this people and keep my eyes open
I pass through this people and let fall many words
On Passing By
Thus slowly wandering though many peoples
The Return Home
O solitude!
The Spirit of Gravity
My mouthpiece is of the people
He who one day teaches men to fly
With mummies, some fall in love
Old And New Tablets
Here do I sit and wait
When I came to men
There was it also
Behold, here is a new table
Thus wishes the type of noble souls
O my brethren
To be true - that CAN few be!
When the water has planks
There is an old illusion – it is called good and evil
'You shall not rob! You shall not slay!'
It is my sympathy with all the past
O my brethren, I consecrate you
'Why should one live?'
'To the clean are all things clean'
Such sayings did I hear pious the afterworldly speak
'He who learns much unlearns all violent cravings'
There stands the boat
O my brethren, there are the tablets
I form circles around me and holy boundaries
O my brethren, am I then cruel?
I love the brave
If THEY had bread for nothing, alas!
Thus would I have man and woman
Your marriage arranging
He who has grown wise concerning old origins
O my brethren! With whom lies the greatest danger
O my brethren, have you understood this word?
You flee from me?
'Why so hard!' said to the diamond one day the charcoal
O you, my Will!
The Convalescent
One morning, not long after his return to the cave
Hardly, however, had Zarathustra spoken these words
'Do not speak further, you convalescent!'
The Other Dance Song
'Into your eyes gazed I lately'
Then did Life answer me thus
One. O man! Take heed!
The Seven Seals (or The Yea And Amen Song)
If I be a diviner
If ever my wrath
If ever a breath
If ever I have drunk
If I be fond of the sea
If my virtue be a dancer’s virtue
If ever I have spread out a tranquil heaven


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) occupies a unique place in the history of modern philosophy. His work is obviously a direct challenge to all traditional philosophy, but his style is so unique that there is much dispute about how one should interpret his ideas. For Nietzsche does not offer a systematic approach in the usual way, but launches short vigorous attacks on particular philosophical problems and ad hominem assaults on particular philosophers in an extraordinarily personal and provocative style, which, in addition, often relies upon ambiguous aphorisms and sweeping and speculative historical generalizations and reconstructions. Hence, questions have been raised about whether he should be considered a philosopher at all.

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