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The Birth of Tragedy [비극의 탄생]

낭독자 Duncan Steen

2024년 09월 13일 출간

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제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (800.00MB)
ISBN 9781843797272
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The Birth of Tragedy [비극의 탄생] 총 72회
1회. The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music

3분 6.00MB

2회. One

4분 9.00MB

3회. Now, just as the philosopher behaves

4분 9.00MB

4회. In the same place Schopenhauer also described for us

4분 10.00MB

5회. Two

5분 13.00MB

6회. In these Greek festivals

3분 8.00MB

7회. Three

4분 11.00MB

8회. In order to be able to live

5분 12.00MB

9회. Four

4분 11.00MB

10회. This deification of individuation

5분 13.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music was published in 1872. In 1869, at the age of 24, he had been appointed a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel, a remarkable position for one of his age, and the book was his first significant publication. It did little, however, to help his reputation as a scholar; his views were controversial and aroused strong criticism in some quarters, while his deliberate espousal of the cause of the composer Richard Wagner was, to say the least, unhelpful. Nietzsche later revised his views on Wagner and re-issued The Birth of Tragedy in 1886 under the title The Birth of Tragedy, or Hellenism and Pessimism, introducing it with An Attempt at a Self-Criticism. The present reading includes this last, his 1871 Preface to Richard Wagner and the original book itself, with its famous discussion of the Apollonian and Dionysian in Greek tragedy.<BR><BR>The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music<BR>One<BR>Now, just as the philosopher behaves<BR>In the same place Schopenhauer also described for us<BR>Two<BR>In these Greek festivals<BR>Three<BR>In order to be able to live<BR>Four<BR>This deification of individuation<BR>Five<BR>The plastic artist, as well as his relation, the epic poet<BR>Schopenhauer, who did not hide from the difficulty<BR>Six<BR>If we are thus entitled to consider the lyrical poem<BR>Seven<BR>But that emphatic tradition speaks here<BR>On this last point<BR>Eight<BR>The satyr chorus is, first and foremost<BR>This conception of ours<BR>Nine<BR>There was a very ancient folk belief<BR>The Prometheus saga is a primordial possession<BR>Ten<BR>It has been pointed out earlier<BR>Eleven<BR>The new comedy could now direct its attention<BR>By contrast, it is, in fact, well known everywhere<BR>Twelve<BR>Now, how is Euripides' work related to this ideal of Apollonian drama?<BR>As long as the listener still has to figure out<BR>Thirteen<BR>That is the immensely disturbing thing<BR>Fourteen<BR>For who can fail to recognize the optimistic element<BR>Fifteen<BR>With that statement the fundamental secret of science is unmasked<BR>With respect to this practical pessimism<BR>Sixteen<BR>Perhaps we can touch on that original problem<BR>Now, when in a particular case<BR>Seventeen<BR>At this point we are concerned with the question<BR>From another perspective<BR>Eighteen<BR>While the disaster slumbering in the bosom of theoretical culture<BR>Nineteen<BR>For us now it is unimportant<BR>Now we can immediately draw attention here<BR>However, if in the explanation given above<BR>Twenty<BR>There is no other artistic period<BR>Twenty One<BR>Trusting in this noble deception<BR>And where we breathlessly imagined we were dying<BR>But nonetheless we could just as surely claim<BR>Twenty Two<BR>That pathological purgation<BR>Twenty Three<BR>I know that now I have to take the sympathetic friend<BR>Twenty Four<BR>Here it is necessary for us to vault with a bold leap<BR>Twenty Five<BR>Postscript<BR>One<BR>Two<BR>Three<BR>Four<BR>Five<BR>Six<BR>Seven
The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music
Now, just as the philosopher behaves
In the same place Schopenhauer also described for us
In these Greek festivals
In order to be able to live
This deification of individuation
The plastic artist, as well as his relation, the epic poet
Schopenhauer, who did not hide from the difficulty
If we are thus entitled to consider the lyrical poem
But that emphatic tradition speaks here
On this last point
The satyr chorus is, first and foremost
This conception of ours
There was a very ancient folk belief
The Prometheus saga is a primordial possession
It has been pointed out earlier
The new comedy could now direct its attention
By contrast, it is, in fact, well known everywhere
Now, how is Euripides' work related to this ideal of Apollonian drama?
As long as the listener still has to figure out
That is the immensely disturbing thing
For who can fail to recognize the optimistic element
With that statement the fundamental secret of science is unmasked
With respect to this practical pessimism
Perhaps we can touch on that original problem
Now, when in a particular case
At this point we are concerned with the question
From another perspective
While the disaster slumbering in the bosom of theoretical culture
For us now it is unimportant
Now we can immediately draw attention here
However, if in the explanation given above
There is no other artistic period
Twenty One
Trusting in this noble deception
And where we breathlessly imagined we were dying
But nonetheless we could just as surely claim
Twenty Two
That pathological purgation
Twenty Three
I know that now I have to take the sympathetic friend
Twenty Four
Here it is necessary for us to vault with a bold leap
Twenty Five


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) occupies a unique place in the history of modern philosophy. His work is obviously a direct challenge to all traditional philosophy, but his style is so unique that there is much dispute about how one should interpret his ideas. For Nietzsche does not offer a systematic approach in the usual way, but launches short vigorous attacks on particular philosophical problems and ad hominem assaults on particular philosophers in an extraordinarily personal and provocative style, which, in addition, often relies upon ambiguous aphorisms and sweeping and speculative historical generalizations and reconstructions. Hence, questions have been raised about whether he should be considered a philosopher at all.

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