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Beyond Good and Evil [선악의 저편 / 선과 악을 넘어서]

낭독자 Alex Jennings

2024년 09월 13일 출간

총 시간
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오디오북 상품 정보
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제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (1113.00MB)
ISBN 9789626348772
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Beyond Good and Evil [선악의 저편 / 선과 악을 넘어서] 총 84회
1회. Beyond Good and Evil

3분 8.00MB

2회. Prologue

0분 1.00MB

3회. Suppose truth is a woman

5분 11.00MB

4회. Part One On the Prejudices of Philosophers

3분 8.00MB

5회. The will to truth

7분 17.00MB

6회. What's attractive about looking at all philosophers

6분 15.00MB

7회. Do you want to live

5분 13.00MB

8회. It strikes me that nowadays

8분 18.00MB

9회. Physiologists should think carefully

7분 16.00MB

10회. So far as the superstitions

7분 16.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

Continuing where Thus Spoke Zarathustra left off, Nietzsche’s controversial work Beyond Good and Evil is one of the most influential philosophical texts of the nineteenth century and one of the most controversial works of ideology ever written. Attacking the notion of morality as nothing more than institutionalised weakness, Nietzsche criticises past philosophers for their unquestioning acceptance of moral precepts. Nietzsche tried to formulate what he called ‘the philosophy of the future’. Alex Jennings reads this new translation by Ian Johnston.<BR><BR>Beyond Good and Evil<BR>Prologue<BR>Suppose truth is a woman<BR>Part One: On the Prejudices of Philosophers<BR>The will to truth<BR>What's attractive about looking at all philosophers<BR>Do you want to live<BR>It strikes me that nowadays<BR>Physiologists should think carefully<BR>So far as the superstitions<BR>That individual philosophical ideas<BR>People must forgive me<BR>Part Two: The Free Spirit<BR>O sancta simplicitas<BR>Every special human being strives<BR>The most difficult thing about translating<BR>In their young years<BR>No matter what philosophical standpoint<BR>What happened only very recently<BR>Are they new friends<BR>Part Three: The Religious Nature<BR>The human soul and its boundaries<BR>Up to this point<BR>The passion for God<BR>There is a large ladder<BR>Have people well observed<BR>To love human beings<BR>Finally, of course, to evaluate<BR>Part Four: Aphorisms and Interludes<BR>Whoever is fundamentally a teacher<BR>In affability there is no hatred<BR>The man who still rejoices<BR>Having a talent is not enough<BR>Part Five: A Natural History of Morals<BR>Moral feeling in Europe<BR>Every morality is in contrast<BR>There is something in Plato's morality<BR>Quidquid luce fuit<BR>All these moralities<BR>As long as the utility which rules<BR>Let us state right away<BR>Those of us who have a different belief<BR>Part Six: We Scholars<BR>At the risk that moralising<BR>To tell the truth<BR>No matter how gratefully<BR>When a philosopher nowadays<BR>The extent to which the new warlike age<BR>Assuming, then, that in the image<BR>It is increasingly apparent to me<BR>What a philosopher is<BR>Part Seven: Our Virtues<BR>Our virtues?<BR>Given the present popular praise<BR>The historical sense<BR>Whether hedonism, or pessimism<BR>I hope people forgive me<BR>Perhaps people don't readily understand<BR>A woman wants to become independent<BR>Assuming that one wants to praise<BR>Part Eight: Peoples and Fatherlands<BR>I heard once again for the first time<BR>Now, let's call what we're looking for<BR>There was a time<BR>The 'good old' days are gone.<BR>Just how little German style<BR>When a people is suffering<BR>These Englishmen are no race<BR>Even now France is still the place<BR>Thanks to the pathological alienation<BR>Part Nine: What is Noble?<BR>Every enhancement in the type<BR>As the result of a stroll<BR>Vanity is among the things<BR>A species arises<BR>There is an instinct for rank<BR>At the risk of annoying innocent ears<BR>The more a psychologist<BR>What most profoundly divides<BR>'But what has happened to you?'<BR>In the writings of a hermit<BR>The genius of the heart<BR>Aftersong<BR>O noon of life!
Beyond Good and Evil
Suppose truth is a woman
Part One: On the Prejudices of Philosophers
The will to truth
What's attractive about looking at all philosophers
Do you want to live
It strikes me that nowadays
Physiologists should think carefully
So far as the superstitions
That individual philosophical ideas
People must forgive me
Part Two: The Free Spirit
O sancta simplicitas
Every special human being strives
The most difficult thing about translating
In their young years
No matter what philosophical standpoint
What happened only very recently
Are they new friends
Part Three: The Religious Nature
The human soul and its boundaries
Up to this point
The passion for God
There is a large ladder
Have people well observed
To love human beings
Finally, of course, to evaluate
Part Four: Aphorisms and Interludes
Whoever is fundamentally a teacher
In affability there is no hatred
The man who still rejoices
Having a talent is not enough
Part Five: A Natural History of Morals
Moral feeling in Europe
Every morality is in contrast
There is something in Plato's morality
Quidquid luce fuit
All these moralities
As long as the utility which rules
Let us state right away
Those of us who have a different belief
Part Six: We Scholars
At the risk that moralising
To tell the truth
No matter how gratefully
When a philosopher nowadays
The extent to which the new warlike age
Assuming, then, that in the image
It is increasingly apparent to me
What a philosopher is
Part Seven: Our Virtues
Our virtues?
Given the present popular praise
The historical sense
Whether hedonism, or pessimism
I hope people forgive me
Perhaps people don't readily understand
A woman wants to become independent
Assuming that one wants to praise
Part Eight: Peoples and Fatherlands
I heard once again for the first time
Now, let's call what we're looking for
There was a time
The 'good old' days are gone
Just how little German style
When a people is suffering
These Englishmen are no race
Even now France is still the place
Thanks to the pathological alienation
Part Nine: What is Noble?
Every enhancement in the type
As the result of a stroll
Vanity is among the things
A species arises
There is an instinct for rank
At the risk of annoying innocent ears
The more a psychologist
What most profoundly divides
'But what has happened to you?'
In the writings of a hermit
The genius of the heart
O noon of life!


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) occupies a unique place in the history of modern philosophy. His work is obviously a direct challenge to all traditional philosophy, but his style is so unique that there is much dispute about how one should interpret his ideas. For Nietzsche does not offer a systematic approach in the usual way, but launches short vigorous attacks on particular philosophical problems and ad hominem assaults on particular philosophers in an extraordinarily personal and provocative style, which, in addition, often relies upon ambiguous aphorisms and sweeping and speculative historical generalizations and reconstructions. Hence, questions have been raised about whether he should be considered a philosopher at all

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