Life and Works: BACH, J.S. [바흐, 그 삶과 음악]
2024년 09월 02일 출간
- 오디오북 상품 정보
- 듣기 가능 오디오
- 제공 언어 한국어
- 파일 정보 mp3 (601.00MB)
- ISBN 9781843790228
판매가 12,500원
50% 할인 | 열람기간 : 90일쿠폰적용가 22,500원
10% 할인 | 5%P 적립카드&결제 혜택
- 5만원 이상 구매 시 추가 2,000P
- 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 416P
- 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 추가 최대 200원
8분 19.00MB
3분 8.00MB
2분 4.00MB
10분 23.00MB
10분 23.00MB
4분 11.00MB
4분 9.00MB
3분 9.00MB
2분 5.00MB
12분 29.00MB
이 상품이 속한 분야
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Capriccio on the Departure of His Beloved Brother
Bach: Life and Works - Bach and the organ
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565
Bach: Life and Works - Bach in trouble
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Trio Sonata in E flat, BWV 525
Bach: Life and Works - Bach the husband and father
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Vivaldi / Bach: Concerto in A Minor for Four Harpsichords
Bach: Life and Works - Bach the young composer
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543
Bach: Life and Works - Bach in Weimar (and in jail)
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Prelude in E-Flat Minor (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach leaves Weimar
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Violin Concerto in E Major (Finale)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach at Cothen
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Concerto for Two Violins (Largo ma non tanto)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach and the Brandenburgs
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D (first movement)
Bach: Life and Works - From grief to joy though faith
Bach: Life and Works - Music: 'Et Resurrexit' (B Minor Mass)
Bach: Life and Works - New beginnings: Bach remarries and his family grows
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Aria in G (from Goldberg Variations)
Bach: Life and Works - Goldberg Variations and Anna Magdalena's Notebook
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Stolzel: Bist du bei mir
Bach: Life and Works - Domestic happiness and the move to Leipzig
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Magnificat
Bach: Life and Works - Bach's duties at Leipzig
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Canata No. 80 (Duetto)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach the teacher
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Sinfonia (Three-Part Invention) in E flat
Bach: Life and Works - The great keyboard works with an educational agenda
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Italian Concerto (last movement)
Bach: Life and Works - A letter to the King
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Cantata No. 147 (opening chorus)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach takes up the poet's pen
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Partita No. 1 in B flat, BWV 825 (Courante)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach's frustration at Leipzig
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Singet dem Herrn, BWV 225
Bach: Life and Works - Frustrations intensify
Bach: Life and Works - Music: St John Passion (opening chorus)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach's efforts to leave Leipzig
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 (first movement)
Bach: Life and Works - The King of Poland's jubilee
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Suite No. 3 in D, BWV 1068
Bach: Life and Works - The Ernesti affair
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Prelude in D Major, BWV 532
Bach: Life and Works - Adolf Scheibe's scathing views on Bach
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Concerto in C for Three Harpsichords (Finale)
Bach: Life and Works - Bach and opera
Bach: Life and Works - 'Coffee' Cantata (excerpts)
Bach: Life and Works - 'Peasant' Cantata (excerpts)
Bach: Life and Works - The twilight years
Bach: Life and Works - Music: The Art of Fugue
Bach: Life and Works - Bach's visit to Frederick the Great
Bach: Life and Works - Music: The Musical Offering
Bach: Life and Works - Decline and death
Bach: Life and Works - Music: Mass in B Minor
저자(글) Jeremy Siepmann
Jeremy Siepmann has contributed articles, reviews and interviews to numerous journals and reference works, including New Statesman, The Musical Times, Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine. His books include a widely acclaimed biography of Chopin, The Reluctant Romantic. His career as a broadcaster began with a radio series on the life and work of Mozart, described by Alistair Cooke as ‘the best music program on American radio’. He has devised, written, and presented more than 1,000 programmes, including the international award-winning series The Elements of Music.
이 상품의 총서
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