Life and Works: MOZART [모차르트, 그 삶과 음악]
2024년 09월 02일 출간
- 오디오북 상품 정보
- 듣기 가능 오디오
- 제공 언어 한국어
- 파일 정보 mp3 (636.00MB)
- ISBN 9781843790518
판매가 12,500원
50% 할인 | 열람기간 : 90일쿠폰적용가 22,500원
10% 할인 | 5%P 적립카드&결제 혜택
- 5만원 이상 구매 시 추가 2,000P
- 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 416P
- 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 추가 최대 200원
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Minuet in G, K.1
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - A Miracle Exported
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Molto allegro in G, K.72a
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Prodigy and the Child: At Home and Abroad
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - A Musical Joke, K.522
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - A Prodigy at Home
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Cassation in G, K.63
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - The Grand Tour
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Symphony No. 1 in E flat,K.16
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Salzburg's Ambassadors
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 3 in D, K.40
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Italian Investments
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Allegri: Miserere
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - A Dream Come True
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Ascanio in Alba, K.111 (Act I, Scene 1)
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Mozart as Eternal Child
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - 'Riconosci in questo amplesso' from 'The Marriage of Figaro', K.492
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Leopold and the Eternal Child
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 5 in D, K.175
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Dashed Hopes of Escape
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Symphony No. 25 in G Minor, K.183
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - The Composer Comes of Age
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Symphony No. 29 in A, K.201
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - The Genius Emerges Fully Fledged
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 9 in E flat, K.271
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Fired by the Archbishop, Mozart seeks his fortune elsewhere
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Violin Concerto No. 3 in G, K.216
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Sexual Awakening
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 8 in B flat, K.238
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Mozart, Love, and Filial Obedience
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Sonata No. 7 in C, K.309
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - To Paris under Protest
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Concerto in C for Flute and Harp, K.299
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - An Unexpected Triumph
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Symphony No. 31 in D, K.297
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Death, Deception, and Grief
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Sonata No. 8 in A Minor, K.310
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Recrimination and Capitulation
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Mass in C, K.317
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Liberation in Vienna
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Clementi: Piano Sonata in B flat, Op. 24 No. 2
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Variations on 'Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman', K.265
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Love, Marriage...and Leopold
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Overture to 'The Abduction from the Seraglio', K.384
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - A Miraculous Outpouring
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Serenade in B flat for Thirteen Wind Instruments, K.361
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - On the Cadge
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Concert Rondo in D for piano and orchestra, K.382
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Reunion, Parenthood, Grief, Resilience
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Horn Concerto No. 1 in D, K.412
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Father, Father-figure, and Friendship
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - String Quartet No. 19 in C, K.465
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Destiny versus Popularity
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 20 in D Minor, K.466
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Prague, Figaro, and Celebrity
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - 'Se vuol ballare' from 'The Marriage of Figaro', K.492
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Don Giovanni, Death, and Desolation
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K.550
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Despair and Recovery
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Così fan tutte, K.588 (Act II, finale)
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Genius in Adversity
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Adagio in C for Glass Harmonica, K.356
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Decline, Death and Immortality
Mozart: Life and Works of Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 25 in C, K.503
저자(글) Jeremy Siepmann
Jeremy Siepmann has contributed articles, reviews and interviews to numerous journals and reference works, including New Statesman, The Musical Times, Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine. His books include a widely acclaimed biography of Chopin, The Reluctant Romantic. His career as a broadcaster began with a radio series on the life and work of Mozart, described by Alistair Cooke as ‘the best music program on American radio’. He has devised, written, and presented more than 1,000 programmes, including the international award-winning series The Elements of Music.
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