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Life and Works: HAYDN [하이든, 그 삶과 음악]

낭독자 Jeremy Siepmann

2024년 08월 28일 출간

총 시간
4시간 39
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오디오북 상품 정보
듣기 가능 오디오
제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (615.00MB)
ISBN 9781843790693
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Life and Works: HAYDN [하이든, 그 삶과 음악] 총 56회
1회. Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 92 in G ('Oxford', Mvt 4: Presto)

7분 17.00MB

2회. Life and Works - Haydn - Missa brevis Santic Joannis de Deo: 'Kleine Orgelmesse' (Kyrie)

2분 5.00MB

3회. Life and Works - Haydn - Pranks, a narrow escape and expulsion

4분 9.00MB

4회. Life and Works - Haydn - Poverty, hunger and determination

3분 8.00MB

5회. Life and Works - Haydn - C.P.E. Bach: Keyboard Sonata in A, Wq. 65/37 (Mvt 3: Allegro di molto)

3분 7.00MB

6회. Life and Works - Haydn - Further pranks, apprenticeship and a helping hand

9분 21.00MB

7회. Life and Works - Haydn - String Quartet in E flat, Op. 33 No. 2 (Mvt 4: Finale)

3분 8.00MB

8회. Life and Works - Haydn - Early fame and first sonatas

2분 6.00MB

9회. Life and Works - Haydn - Piano Sonata L. 11 in B flat, Hob. XVI: 2 (Mvt 1: Moderato)

4분 9.00MB

10회. Life and Works - Haydn - Patronage, marriage and first symphonies

6분 15.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

No great composer's story is more predominantly happy than Haydn's, though even his has its share of clouds. A classic rags-to-riches tale, it sees him move from humble beginnings through decades as a liveried servant to his emergence as the most popular and successful composer of his time. One of the healthiest and least neurotic artists in musical history, he did more than any other single figure to pioneer the symphony, the piano sonata and the string quartet - and he was the first truly great practitioner of each. Brilliant, strikingly original and blessed not only with genius but an infectious sense of humour, he was also profound and modest, and his music, copiously illustrated here, has brought happiness and illumination to millions.<BR><BR>NOTE: Each CD includes a CD-ROM part containing the complete spoken text and booklet material with interactive features and links to the Internet.
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 92 in G ('Oxford', Mvt 4: Presto)
Life and Works - Haydn - Missa brevis Santic Joannis de Deo: 'Kleine Orgelmesse' (Kyrie)
Life and Works - Haydn - Pranks, a narrow escape and expulsion
Life and Works - Haydn - Poverty, hunger and determination
Life and Works - Haydn - C.P.E. Bach: Keyboard Sonata in A, Wq. 65/37 (Mvt 3: Allegro di molto)
Life and Works - Haydn - Further pranks, apprenticeship and a helping hand
Life and Works - Haydn - String Quartet in E flat, Op. 33 No. 2 (Mvt 4: Finale)
Life and Works - Haydn - Early fame and first sonatas
Life and Works - Haydn - Piano Sonata L. 11 in B flat, Hob. XVI: 2 (Mvt 1: Moderato)
Life and Works - Haydn - Patronage, marriage and first symphonies
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 6 in D ('Le Martin', Mvt 1: Adagio-Allegro)
Life and Works - Haydn - Haydn as servant and diplomat
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 72 in D (Mvt 1: Allegro)
Life and Works - Haydn - Curtain
Life and Works - Haydn - Finding his feet at the Esterhazy court
Life and Works - Haydn - Cello Concerto in C Major, Hob. VIIb: 1 (Mvt 3: Allegro molto)
Life and Works - Haydn - Reprimand, overwork, illness and inspiration
Life and Works - Haydn - Piano Sonata L. 33 in C Minor, Hob. XVI: 20 (Mvt 1: Moderato)
Life and Works - Haydn - 'Sturm und Drang'
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 45 in F-Sharp Minor ('Farewell', Mvt 1: Allegro assai)
Life and Works - Haydn - Mastery, history and profundity: a genius in full flower
Life and Works - Haydn - String Quartet in F Minor, Op. 20 No. 5 (Mvt 3: Adagio)
Life and Works - Haydn - 'Exile' at Esterhazy and enforced originality
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 22 in E flat ('The Philosopher', Mvt 1: Adagio)
Life and Works - Haydn - A diplomat of genius
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 45 in F-Sharp Minor ('Farewell', Mvt 4: closing Adagio)
Life and Works - Haydn - Fire endured and commemorated
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 70 in D (Mvt 4: Allegro con brio)
Life and Works - Haydn - Curtain
Life and Works - Haydn - Haydn and opera
Life and Works - Haydn - La fedelta premiata (Act One: Finale - 'Aiutatemi, son morta'; 'Ah, che duolo disperato')
Life and Works - Haydn - An affair and a friendship: Polzelli and Mozart
Life and Works - Haydn - Mozart: String Quartet in C, K. 465 ('Dissonance', Mvt 1: Adagio-Allegro) - Going to bat for Mozart
Life and Works - Haydn - String Quartet in F, Op. 55 No. 2 (Mvt 4: Finale: Presto)
Life and Works - Haydn - Fame, servitude and loyalty: the unseen celebrity
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 88 in G (Mvt 4: Finale: Allegro con spirito)
Life and Works - Haydn - Sprung from a gilded cage: Haydn goes to London
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 96 in D ('The Miracle', Mvt 1: Adagio-Allegro)
Life and Works - Haydn - The naked face of genius: triumph, glamour, depression and resilience
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 94 in G ('The Surprise', Mvt 2: Andante)
Life and Works - Haydn - Haydn as foreign correspondent
Life and Works - Haydn - Six English Canzonettas: Piercing Eyes
Life and Works - Haydn - Haydn as statistical historian
Life and Works - Haydn - Piano Trio in G, Hob. XV: 25 (Mvt 3: Rondo all'ongarese)
Life and Works - Haydn - Return to Vienna (and an unusual new pupil)
Life and Works - Haydn - Beethoven: Piano Trio in G, Op. 1 No. 2 (Finale: Presto)
Life and Works - Haydn - Once more to England
Life and Works - Haydn - Symphony No. 100 in G ('Military', Mvt 2: Allegretto)
Life and Works - Haydn - The homecoming hero
Life and Works - Haydn - String Quartet in G, Op. 76 No. 3 (Mvt 2: Poco adagio, cantabile)
Life and Works - Haydn - Towards The Creation
Life and Works - Haydn - The Creation ('Die Vorstellung des Chaos' - 'The Representation of Chaos')
Life and Works - Haydn - Towards The Seasons; age begins to tell
Life and Works - Haydn - The Seasons ('Hort das laute Geton' - 'Hark! The mountains resound!')
Life and Works - Haydn - A sad old age
Life and Works - Haydn - The Creation ('Die Himmel erzahlen' - 'The Heavens Are Telling')


저자(글) Jeremy Siepmann

Jeremy Siepmann has contributed articles, reviews and interviews to numerous journals and reference works, including New Statesman, The Musical Times, Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine. His books include a widely acclaimed biography of Chopin, The Reluctant Romantic. His career as a broadcaster began with a radio series on the life and work of Mozart, described by Alistair Cooke as ‘the best music program on American radio’. He has devised, written, and presented more than 1,000 programmes, including the international award-winning series The Elements of Music.

이 상품의 총서

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