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Life and Works: VERDI [베르디, 그 삶과 음악]

낭독자 Jeremy Siepmann

2024년 08월 27일 출간

총 시간
4시간 53
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오디오북 상품 정보
듣기 가능 오디오
제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (639.00MB)
ISBN 9781843793779
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Life and Works: VERDI [베르디, 그 삶과 음악] 총 64회
1회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Aida:Grand March and Triumphal Chorus

7분 17.00MB

2회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - La Traviata : Brindisi ' Libiam ne' lieti calici

2분 6.00MB

3회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Early manhood, civil strife, and the start of a career

5분 11.00MB

4회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio'

3분 7.00MB

5회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Tragedy, creation, and the birth of a true professional

2분 5.00MB

6회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'Un giorno di regno'

1분 4.00MB

7회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Failure, despair, and rescue : the genesis o Nabucco

4분 10.00MB

8회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Nabucco: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves 'Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate'

4분 10.00MB

9회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - A sensation reported and recalled

1분 2.00MB

10회. Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'Nabucco'

2분 6.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

With the possible exception of Mozart, Verdi is the most popular opera composer who ever lived. Quite early in his career his tunes were being cranked out by barrel organs throughout Europe and were well known to many who may never even have heard his name. But the complex man behind them remains elusive and puzzling. In this portrait-in-sound, Jeremy Siepmann and a group of distinguished actors take an in-depth look behind the popular image of a man who was, and perhaps remains, the most enduring national hero in Italian history and a colossus in the history of music itself.<BR><BR>Here, Verdi comes alive through an utterly committed portrayal by Freddie Jones. The composer's larger-than-life personality, with all its self-indulgent outbursts and irresistible expressions of artistic genius, is here conveyed in a unique and touching way. We can follow his path, as exemplary passages of music are smoothly intermingled with spoken text. Jeremy Siepmann's narration is enthralling and detailed, and the character behind this most fervently Italian music is fascinating to discover.
With the possible exception of Mozart, Verdi is the most popular opera composer who ever lived. Quite early in his career his tunes were being cranked out by barrel organs throughout Europe and were well known to many who may never even have heard his name. But the complex man behind them remains elusive and puzzling. In this portrait-in-sound, Jeremy Siepmann and a group of distinguished actors take an in-depth look behind the popular image of a man who was, and perhaps remains, the most enduring national hero in Italian history and a colossus in the history of music itself.<BR><BR>Here, Verdi comes alive through an utterly committed portrayal by Freddie Jones. The composer's larger-than-life personality, with all its self-indulgent outbursts and irresistible expressions of artistic genius, is here conveyed in a unique and touching way. We can follow his path, as exemplary passages of music are smoothly intermingled with spoken text. Jeremy Siepmann's narration is enthralling and detailed, and the character behind this most fervently Italian music is fascinating to discover.<BR><BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Aida:Grand March and Triumphal Chorus<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - La Traviata : Brindisi ' Libiam ne' lieti calici"<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Early manhood, civil strife, and the start of a career<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Tragedy, creation, and the birth of a true professional<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'Un giorno di regno'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Failure, despair, and rescue : the genesis o Nabucco<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Nabucco: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves 'Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - A sensation reported and recalled<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'Nabucco'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Into the galleys: fame. frustration, and A Major surprise<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Macbeth : Chorus of the Scottish Exiles 'Patria oppressa!"<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - The revolution of Macbeth and a return to safer ground<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'I masnadieri'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Paris and a love affair<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - The revolutions of 1848<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'La battaglia di Legnano'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Composition and censorship: the strife-torn birth of Rigoletto<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Rigoletto : 'La donna e mobile'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Verdi the unsurpassed psychologist<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Rigoletto: 'Bella figlia dell'amore'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Strepponi, Busseto, and the rift with Barezzi<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Escape : Verdi and Strepponi at Sant' Agata<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Il Trovatore : Soldiers' Chorus 'Or co'dadi, ma fra poco'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - 'The Bear of Busseto' emerges : the darker side of Verdi<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Il Trovatore : 'Di tale amor che dirsi'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Verdi's divorce' from his parents;his mother's death, and a theatrical fiasco<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - La Traviata: 'Dite alla giovine'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Verdi and Women: Strepponi and the 'Dark Lady'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - 'La Travailata': Verdi's trials at the Paris Opera<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - I vespri siciliani : ' Quando al mio sen per te parlava'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Verdi in rehearsal - and a review from Berlioz<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Overture to 'I vespri siciliani'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Yet more trouble with the censors<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - Un ballo in maschera: 'Ma se m'e forza perderti'<BR>Guiseppe Verdi: Life and Works - A passionate patriot, a re


저자(글) Jeremy Siepmann

Jeremy Siepmann has contributed articles, reviews and interviews to numerous journals and reference works, including New Statesman, The Musical Times, Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine. His books include a widely acclaimed biography of Chopin, The Reluctant Romantic. His career as a broadcaster began with a radio series on the life and work of Mozart, described by Alistair Cooke as ‘the best music program on American radio’. He has devised, written, and presented more than 1,000 programmes, including the international award-winning series The Elements of Music.

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