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Opera Explained: BELLINI - La sonnambula [친절한 오페라 이야기: 벨리니 - 몽유병 여인]

낭독자 David Timson

2024년 08월 27일 출간

총 시간
1시간 18
(개의 리뷰)
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오디오북 상품 정보
듣기 가능 오디오
제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (174.00MB)
ISBN 9781843793328
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Opera Explained: BELLINI - La sonnambula [친절한 오페라 이야기: 벨리니 - 몽유병 여인] 총 14회
1회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Introduction

5분 11.00MB

2회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Rossini and Donizetti

5분 13.00MB

3회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Bellini: his life and other operas

6분 14.00MB

4회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: The plot and bel canto

3분 8.00MB

5회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Prelude and Lisa's cavatina

5분 13.00MB

6회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Amina's entrance

5분 12.00MB

7회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Amina and Elvino's love duet

6분 15.00MB

8회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Enter Count Rodolfo

5분 13.00MB

9회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Exit Count Rodolfo, and other love duet

4분 9.00MB

10회. Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Lisa's visit and Amina's sleepwalking

7분 16.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

La sonnambula was written by Bellini as a vehicle for two of the supreme singers of his age and accordingly is a fine example of the school we call bel canto, where beauty of voice and the virtuosity of the singers is integral to conveying the emotions in the soul of the composer. The fact that Bellini was one of the great melodists, writing long, beautiful vocal lines, that he was a master orchestrator and that he could write stirringly for the chorus all conspire to make La sonnambula an extremely enjoyable example of Italian opera in its prime.<BR><BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Introduction<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Rossini and Donizetti<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Bellini: his life and other operas<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: The plot and bel canto<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Prelude and Lisa's cavatina<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Amina's entrance<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Amina and Elvino's love duet<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Enter Count Rodolfo<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Exit Count Rodolfo, and other love duet<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Lisa's visit and Amina's sleepwalking<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Broken-hearted Elvino<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Elvino still feels betrayed<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Plot revelations<BR>Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: The 'mad' scene
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Introduction
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Rossini and Donizetti
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - Background: Bellini: his life and other operas
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: The plot and bel canto
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Prelude and Lisa's cavatina
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Amina's entrance
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Amina and Elvino's love duet
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Enter Count Rodolfo
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Exit Count Rodolfo, and other love duet
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Lisa's visit and Amina's sleepwalking
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Broken-hearted Elvino
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Elvino still feels betrayed
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: Plot revelations
Bellini: An Introduction to BELLINI La sonnambula - La sonnambula: The 'mad' scene


저자(글) Thomson Smillie

"Thomson Smillie began his career in the early days of Scottish
Opera and has been artistic director of the Wexford International
Festival, general manager of the Opera Company of Boston, and
general director of Kentucky Opera. He now makes a career as a
writer, speech-writer, and public speaker. He has a strong belief
that people mature into a love of opera and travels the world
encouraging a love of the art form. His other passions are travel,
languages, and friendships. He has written several other titles in
the Naxos ‘Opera Explained’ series."

이 상품의 총서

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