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Designing Sustainable Prosperity


2024년 07월 08일 출간

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ISBN 9781394253319
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Tried-and-tested approach for transforming economies that are based on natural resource extraction to create long-term prosperity Designing Sustainable Prosperity (DSP) is a step by step blueprint for transforming economies from being dependent on short term natural resource extraction into long-term sustainable prosperity. The outcome is the creation of sustainable, circular economies that prioritise waste reduction and use recycling and renewable resources to actively implement climate change solutions. A key feature of the process is collaboration between local people, investors, appropriate experts, government and academics. The DSP method outlines seven steps in creating a plan for long-term sustainable regional development, illustrated by several case studies from North and South America which identified potential economic transformations. Designing Sustainable Prosperity explores topics such as: How to determine if and when a region is ready for DSP by analyzing factors such as climate, geology, natural resources and human potentialCase studies highlighting different aspects of the DSP approach, and how to achieve true prosperity which is beyond short-term financial performance “Hard” resources and industries that can fuel a circular economy, such as metals/mining, water/ energy, value added food products and other innovative enterprises “Soft” enabling factors such as workforce availability, educational systems, and socio-economic conditions and how to develop these factors in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) DSP shows how to align economic goals with all the UNSDGs. Designing Sustainable Prosperity is an essential and timely resource for professionals and organizations aiming to develop regions sustainably. “Not only a great collection of ideas and references but also a great story in terms of how it brings the pieces together and guides ho
List of Contributors xi Preface: My Journey Into Sustainability xiii Endorsements xv 1 Executive Summary 1 Doris Hiam-Galvez High Level Case Studies 3 Southern Peru 3 Ring of Fire 3 Quebec 3 Northwest British Columbia 4 Reference 4 2 Introduction 5 Doris Hiam-Galvez References 7 3 Metals A Key to the Future 9 John Hiam and Doris Hiam-Galvez Reimagining Mining 10 In Situ Recovery A Possible Alternative Mining Method 10 Integrating DSP into Mining Projects 11 Metal Production and Applications 13 Steel Production 13 Manufacturing of Goods and Design for Recyclability 14 References 15 4 Sustainability Climate Change and Environment 17 John Hiam and Doris Hiam- Galvez Climate Change 17 Environment 19 References 23 5 Prosperity Beyond Financial Performance 25 Allan Moss, Brittany MacKinnon, and Doris Hiam-Galvez What is Prosperity? 25 What Happens After the Extractive Industry? 25 Why UN SDGs for Sustainable Development? 26 Why is DSP Aligned with the UN SDGs? 26 How Does DSP Relate to the UN SDGs? 28 But, What About Financial Performance? How Does DSP Impact Return on Investment? 30 References 31 6 Nature’s Hidden Gifts Envisaging the Unseen Beneath Our Feet 33 Richard Blewett and Doris Hiam-Galvez What is Geology? 34 A Shaping Force 35 Seeing the Unseen 35 How Does Seeing the Unseen Deep Geology Help with DSP? 37 Mineral Diversity 37 Energy Diversity 38 Helium 39 Storage 39 Groundwater in the Water Cycle 40 New Ways of Metal Mining 42 Knowing the Unknown An Aid for Infrastructure Planning 43 Final Words 43 References 43

As a perennial advocate and speaker for the Minerals Industry and its role in society, I have long spoken on how our industry makes life possible on our planet. In that same context I have had the great privilege to view Designing Sustainable Prosperity as working draft. And what a treat that opportunity has turned out to be. Doris and her collaborators have brought together a broad and deep menagerie of facts, models and case studies demonstrating the role and future potential the minerals industry has in terms of making a world a better place. And at the same time, they have helped describe how all the pieces fit together in a simple and practical way. Not only is her work a great collection of ideas and references, and it is also a great story in terms of how it brings the pieces together and guides how we can each make a difference. As the leader at Anglo American, we brought together 100,000 people in a conversation to define our Purpose, to ?Re-imagine mining to improve people's lives?. In Designing Sustainable Prosperity Doris and her team are imagining what real change looks like and how it can be delivered. Mark Cutifani, Chairman Vale Base Metals, Former CEO at Anglo American plc. The world's population of 8 billion inhabitants requires the resource industry, not only to supply its material needs, but to be part of the disciplined solution in improving the environmental condition of the planet. This requires a shift in how resource extraction is undertaken, to ensure there are sympathetic sustainable local outcomes. The mining industry is a guest in the areas where it works, and the local social, regulatory and political frameworks need to support and encourage, timely and efficient mineral extraction, if we as a society, are to meet legislated aspirations for 2050 and beyond. With her extensive industry perspective, Doris Hiam-Galvez has set out a road map to achieve resource demand through Designing Sustainabl


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