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The Fun Facts Trivia Book: History & World Culture

Sky Pyramid 지음
낭독자 AI성우
제인 컴퍼니

2024년 02월 15일 출간

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오디오북 상품 정보
듣기 가능 오디오
제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (124.00MB)
ISBN 9791191629279
※ 구매한 상품의 회차별 재생은 PC/모바일 웹스토어 ‘상품상세' 페이지 및 'e-라이브러리'에서 스트리밍 서비스 형태로 이용 가능합니다. 오디오북은 [교보eBook]앱 (Android v3.0.42, iOS v3.0.23 버전 이상) 에서 이용가능 하며, PC e서재에서는 이용하실 수 없습니다.

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  • 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 416P
  • 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 추가 최대 300원
The Fun Facts Trivia Book: History & World Culture 총 25회
1회. Introduction

3분 3.00MB

2회. Chapter 1: Ancient Civilizations

5분 5.00MB

3회. Chapter 2: Middle Ages

5분 5.00MB

4회. Chapter 3: Renaissance and Exploration

5분 6.00MB

5회. Chapter 4: Revolutions

3분 4.00MB

6회. Chapter 5: 19th Century

4분 4.00MB

7회. Chapter 6: World War I

4분 5.00MB

8회. Chapter 7: Between the Wars

4분 5.00MB

9회. Chapter 8: World War II

5분 5.00MB

10회. Chapter 9: Cold War Era

5분 6.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

알아두면 좋은 세계 문화, 역사 상식을 쉽게 정리한 영문 서적.
Disclaimer 3
Introduction 8
Chapter 1: Ancient Civilizations 10
Facts on ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Mesoamerica etc. 10
Chapter 2: Middle Ages 17
Facts on medieval Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas 17
Chapter 3: Renaissance and Exploration 24
Facts on the Renaissance, age of discovery, early colonialism 24
Chapter 4: Revolutions 32
Facts on American, French, Latin American, Industrial Revolutions 32
Chapter 5: 19th Century 37
Facts on Victorian era, late colonialism, unifications of Italy and Germany 37
Chapter 6: World War I 43
Facts on causes, major battles, outcomes, impacts of WWI 43
Chapter 7: Between the Wars 49
Facts on the Roaring 20s, Great Depression, rise of fascism 49
Chapter 8: World War II 56
Facts on causes, major events, Holocaust, atomic bombings, outcomes 56
Chapter 9: Cold War Era 63
Facts on post-WWII tensions, Cold War, space race, proxy conflicts 63
Chapter 10: Civil Rights Movements 70
Facts on civil rights in USA, Apartheid, decolonization 70
Chapter 11: 1960s and 1970s 76
Facts on counterculture, Vietnam War, feminism, environmentalism 76
Chapter 12: End of Cold War 83
Facts on detente, collapse of USSR, fall of Berlin Wall 83
Chapter 13: Contemporary History 90
Facts on modern China, European Union, War on Terror, internet age 90
Chapter 14: Famous Rulers and Leaders 97
Facts on kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, revolutionaries 97
Chapter 15: Inventions and Discoveries 103
Facts on important inventions and scientific discoveries throughout history 103
Chapter 16: Art and Culture 109
Facts on notable artists, writers, works of art, cultural trends 109
Chapter 17: Philosophy and Religion 116
Facts on major philosophers, religious figures, faiths, ethical ideas 116
Chapter 18: Science and Technology 123
Facts on important scientists, innovations in science and technology 123
Chapter 19: Language and Communication 129
Facts on writing systems, development of languages, changes in communication 129
Chapter 20: Business and Economics 135
Facts on trade, money, corporations, economic theories and systems 135
Chapter 21: Law and Politics 141
Facts on legal systems, political ideologies, forms of government 141
Chapter 22: Sports and Games 147
Facts on history and rules of sports, origins of games 147
Conclusion 153
References 155


Welcome to an interesting tour through the exciting events, innovations, and characters that have shaped human civilization! This trivia book contains over 600 fascinating facts spanning world history and cultures that are sure to entertain and enlighten you.
From ancient empires like Rome and China to more recent events such as the World Wars and moon landing, this book covers major milestones, intriguing inventions, influential leaders, unique customs, and much more. You'll learn about fearsome warriors like Genghis Khan, brilliant thinkers like Aristotle, great explorers like Christopher Columbus, and visionary inventors like Thomas Edison. Not only does this book highlight important facts about politics, art, science, and war, but also interesting details about sports, food, fashion, and daily life throughout the ages.
This trivia book focuses on sharing obscure, funny, and surprising tidbits from across world cultures and time periods, giving you a broad overview of key moments in the human story. You'll discover that the Great Wall of China is not actually visible from space without aid, that Cleopatra was Greek, not Egyptian, and that Napoleon wasn't as short as we imagined. These revelations challenge common assumptions and give a fresh perspective on history. From brief wars to inventive gadgets that shaped society, you’ll learn something new on every page!


저자(글) Sky Pyramid

낭독 AI성우

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