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Power Arabic Conversation. 1

한국외국어대학교 지식출판콘텐츠원

2024년 01월 31일 출간

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Power Arabic Conversation. 1


이 상품이 속한 분야

『Power Arabic conversation』제1권. 아랍어 말하기, 듣기, 표현 등의 회화 능력의 집중적 향상을 목적으로 개발된 교재이다. 총 8개의 단원으로 구성되어 있으며, 각 단원은 각각 3개의 상황문과 단어, 중요표현, 연습문제로 이루어져있으며 상황문에서 다뤄진 단어를 정리하여 단어 예습이 가능하게 하였다. 중요 표현에서는 주요 문장 구조를 익히고 나아가 확장된 표현을 다루고 있으며, 이후 패턴 드릴을 이용한 중요 연습문제를 통하여 학습 효과를 바로 확인할 수 있게 하였다. 특히 초보자를 위한 기초 실용회화뿐 아니라 일상생활에 필요한 최신 유용한 표현들을 다루어 아랍어 회화 능력을 획기적으로 향상하는 데 도움이 된다.
Unit 1 Greetings & Making Introductions/ 11
1- How are you/ 13
2- Good Morning/ 20
3- Good Afternoon/ 25

Unit 2 Basic Topics/ 31
1- What is this?/ 33
2- Where is your car?/ 38
3- What do you do?/ 44

Unit 3 Personal Information/ 55
1- Major/ 57
2- Hobby/ 65
3- Family/ 74

Unit 4 University Life/ 81
1- University Bus/ 83
2- University Election/ 90
3- University Library/ 97

Unit 5 Travel/ 105
1- At the Travel Agency/ 107
2- At the Airport/ 114
3- Study Trip/ 120

Unit 6 Conversations/ 127
1- I’m Busy/ 129
2- Two Students/ 136
3- Facebook Chatting/ 142

Unit 7 Social Life/ 151
1- Nabeela’s Birthday/ 153
2- Visiting a patient/ 161
3- Banquet/ 167

Unit 8 City Life/ 177
1- Metro Station/ 179
2- Yongsan Market/ 187
3- Jamal Street at Sana’a/ 196

Appendix/ 205
1. Arabic-English glossary/ 207
2. English-Arabic glossary/ 229

Answer & Solution/ 251


Arabic is spoken in over twenty two countries, from North-West Africa to the Arabian Gulf and used as the religious language in over fifty six Islamic counties with approximately 1.6 million Muslims. This makes it one of the most widely-used languages in the world, and the one of the most important languages to communicate with one ?fifth of world population. However it is often regarded as obscure and difficult and this perception is based more on an over-emphasis on the difficulty of the Arabic script and the traditional nature of some of the learning material than it is on the complexity of the language itself.

Over the last decade or so, there has been an increasing demand among students of Arabic, business men working in the Middle East and even general people for proficiency in Arabic. As a response to this high demand, and through teaching experience, we have felt urgent need for such a textbook that enables learners to acquire the ability of communicating in Arabic. This book will not only be useful to those learners who wish to familiarize themselves with daily life situation in Arabic, but also to those who are in great need of speaking and listening skills from and into Arabic.

Primarily, this textbook is intended to improve and strengthen learners’ speaking skills. Each unit consists of three conversation texts that are designed to develop learners’ speaking skills. Each conversation text is followed by a wide range of pattern drills in language practice and is accompanied by a vocabulary list which will facilitate the learners’ comprehension of the texts. Development of speaking skills will help learners’ increase their vocabularies, and refine and expand their knowledge of speaking Arabic.

The topics used in this textbook are recent and authentic. They are taken from different Arabic sources and contain various real life issues that are normally highlighted for learners’ convenience.

The units are structured in a way that can be easily followed. Each unit is organized with the following sections: three conversation texts, vocabulary, expressions and language practice. There are more than 170 exercises in this book, carefully designed to help learners practice what they have learnt and to prepare them for what is coming. There is a section of answers to the exercises. This key will help the learners verify their answers, and facilitate their independent learning of speaking Arabic.

Conversation Sections
These sections are designed to introduce learners to basic conversational Arabic in social and everyday situations so that learners can get talking right from the start. They appear in all the units with three conversation texts. Each conversation text includes not only daily life situation topics, but also the newer trends such as Face book and IT issues.

The vocabulary section followed each conversation text is devoted to the acquisition and activation of vocabulary that appear in each conversation. Learners are suggested to prepare vocabulary before class for study efficiency. Building vocabulary is the core of building proficiency in Arabic.

These occur after vocabulary section and contain useful and key expressions. Learners are able to achieve the main sentence structure that they can apply to different situations. They are not only essential to learners' understanding of basic Arabic expressions, but also will be helpful in recognizing some of the finer points when you hear them.

Language Practice
A section containing seven or eight exercises comes at the end of each conversation text. These exercises, which are mostly structured on pattern drill, can be used as review and strengthening the conversation. This section is the most important features of this book for learners to develop and improve their own speaking skills by themselves.

아랍어는 세계에서 가장 널리 사용되는 언어 중의 하나로 UN 6개 공용어중 하나이자 전 세계 인구의 20% 이상이 사용하는 중요한 언어이다. 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화등 제반 분야에서 아랍어의 수요가 증가하는 시점에서 초보자 또는 중급 학습자에게 효율적으로 아랍어를 가르치고 습득할 수 있도록 하는 교재의 필요성이 절실히 대두되어왔다. Power Arabic Conversation은 아랍어 말하기, 듣기, 표현 등의 회화 능력의 집중적 향상을 목적으로 개발되었고 총 8개의 단원으로 구성되어 있다. 각 단원은 각각 3개의 상황문과 단어, 중요표현, 연습문제로 이루어져있으며 상황문에서 다뤄진 단어를 정리하여 단어 예습이 가능하게 하였다. 중요 표현에서는 주요 문장 구조를 익히고 나아가 확장된 표현을 다루고 있으며, 이후 패턴 드릴을 이용한 중요 연습문제를 통하여 학습 효과를 바로 확인할 수 있게 하였다. 특히 초보자를 위한 기초 실용회화뿐 아니라 일상생활에 필요한 최신 유용한 표현들을 다루고 있기 때문에 Power Arabic Conversation을 통하여 아랍어 회화 능력을 획기적으로 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.


저자(글) 이영태

저자 이영태(Youngtae LEE)는
Arabic Linguistics
Department of Arabic Interpretation and Translation
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

저자(글) 김수완

저자 김수완(Suwan KIM)은
International Area Studies (Middle East)
Department of Arabic Interpretation and Translation
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

저자 Abdulkareem Assad는
Arabic Poetry
Department of Arabic Interpretation and Translation
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Aden University

저자(글) Ahmed Balboula

저자 Ahmed Balboula는
Classical Arabic Poetry
Department of Arabic Interpretation and Translation
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
University of Cairo

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