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Homo Dongmicus: The Evolution from an Office Worker to an Influencer


2024년 02월 15일 출간

종이책 : 2024년 02월 09일 출간

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ISBN 9791193647707
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이 상품이 속한 분야

"I've been working hard in my field… but why doesn't anyone know about me?!"

Becoming an Influencer? Challenge Accepted!

This book contains the exciting and vivid story of how the author went from working at a local nonprofit foundation to becoming a LinkedIn influencer with 10,000 followers and 1.5 million annual views on her posts in just two years.

Just How Mighty is the Pen?

This journey was inspired by a single movie. It is a story of challenges and successes - from a novice blogger to a columnist to a global content creator.

Don't Worry - Just be Yourself!

My LinkedIn friends coined the nickname "Homo Dongmicus," and it has become a part of my identity!

Friendships that Last a Lifetime!

I collaborate with and build friendships with influencers who capture the hearts of thousands of users.

Networking with the Click of a Button

This book provides a sneak-peak into the author's major domestic and international LinkedIn connections.

If you are an office worker, businessman, executive, entrepreneur, freelancer, or student, and you want to build your personal brand and expand your global network, then this book is for you!

This book will explore:
- An ordinary office worker's personal branding and growth story as a creator.
- Step-by-step actionable strategies for going from 1 to 10,000 LinkedIn followers
- Real-life examples and tips on how to succeed with just one post a week.
- Secrets of collaboration and synergy between users that you can't achieve alone
- How to Build a Strong Brand on LinkedIn by Being Yourself!
- Interviews and insights with popular influencers
- Expanding your global network as an influencer

Part 1. Sarah Dongmi Choi: Remember the Name

It all starts with an eight-letter word: LinkedIn
Goal: Get 100 LinkedIn followers
TIP 1: How to increase your acceptance rate on LinkedIn
Goal: Get 500 LinkedIn followers
TIP 2: It's About Who You Know - Not What You Know

Part 2. Going Up the Food Chain: From a Small Minnow to a Big Fish

Goal: Get 1,000 LinkedIn followers
The 1,000-follower Milestone
Sarah's Secret Recipe: Collaboration
TIP 3: Collaborating - That's What Friends are for!
Goal: Get 5,000 LinkedIn followers
TIP 4: Image is Everything
5,000 followers? Now what?

Part 3. LinkedIn Influencer Reborn

User with 5,000 followers? No, influencer!
TIP 5: Create an effective post that gets people's attention
Embracing the Weird
Mindset for reaching 10k on LinkedIn
Who are "Homo Dongmicus," "Rapper," and "Ms. Sarada"?
Goal: Get 10,000 followers on LinkedIn

Part 4. Sarah the Creator

Cater to your strengths
French Food: My Inspiration
My first article is published!
Who reads my articles?
Me? A columnist?
What's next?
Putting a Voice on a Page

Part 5. Branching Out

Say What?
Don't forget to tune in!
Scouting Opportunities
I'm Your Biggest Fan!
Becoming a Startup Promoter?
Reaching 10,000 followers

Part 6. Inspirational Interviews

Tyson Junho Moon
Ho Yoon
Yuri Kim, Coach

Part 7. Oh, the People You'll Meet!

TaeYong Kim
Klaus Wehage
Will Fan
Aaron McDaniel
Bokkee Lee
Ara Koh
Ken Kwangjung Kim
Andy Woojin Kim
Gordon Dudley

Life Science & IT Experts
Dae Wook Lee(Medicine)
Dr. Siyeon Rhee
Diko Ko
Seunghwan Lee
Jaeseung Kim

Global Startup Ecosystem Builders
Jihye Kim
Julie Youngju Choi
Jonathan Moore
Daeyeon Jin
Riso Dongok Ahn
CJ Yoon

Content Creators
Jinny Jiyoon Kim
Jeremy On
Yunjoo Shin
Brasely Byun

Global Networking Professionals
Hyun Chai Lee
Christopher Lai
Josh Kim
Andrius Sankauskas
Jong Choi


At that moment, I realized I had indeed become an established influencer. I no longer had to introduce my-self to people, and they were excited to meet me and
converse well beyond the digital space.
- Prologue

I took a lot of time to strategically create my 500 connections because this number will be the blueprint for how I will network on LinkedIn.

"Who are the people in my field?"
"Who are the people in my future trending areas?"
"Who are the influencers in my field?“

I kept asking myself these questions and slowly and carefully built my network.
- Part 1. Sarah Dongmi Choi: Remember the Name

I would go to startup and investment events and give out my business card, and during those moments, I would often hear,

"Oh, she's the person from LinkedIn."
After exchanging greetings, people often asked me to take a picture with them and tag them.
- Part 2. Going Up the Food Chain: From a Small Minnow to a Big Fish

People in your industry have heard about and experienced your work countless times; the "magic" of it has long since worn off for them. However, people in different industries will consider you to be in an exciting world to them. If you confidently explain what you're doing to them, you might get a response like this:

“You’re doing something really cool!”
- Part 3. LinkedIn Influencer Reborn

The first article I wrote made me a writer, a columnist, and a global thought leader. Even though I didn't come from a writing background, I did it! You should turn on your laptop right now and write about something from your professional perspective. The world that is familiar and sometimes too mundane for you may be entirely new for someone else and something they are curious to take a look at. Let's look at how I grew as a content creator.
- Part 4. Sarah the Creator

Is Your Career or Business Struggling to Take Off? This Book is for You!

In this book, a former entrepreneur who worked as an entrepreneurial support specialist describes the transformation that began one day when she logged onto LinkedIn and started writing articles about her field of expertise. This shows that anyone can become a micro-influencer based on their expertise and personality, as long as they have the courage to build up their online presence.

For readers who are confused about how to grow their networks online, the author provides step-by-step strategies for growing their networks from 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 connections, along with real-life examples and easy-to-follow tips.

In addition, the book shares real-life examples of what the author has tried and succeeded at, making it easy for anyone to try their hand at making engaging posts.

You'll also get a glimpse into the author's journey: from writing short, simple blog posts to becoming a global creator of expert interview articles on startup investments and going global.

As the book progresses from Part 1 to Part 7, the author's friendships with her LinkedIn friends and influencers reveal how a business platform can appear to be cold and professional but also warm and empathetic.


Sarah Dongmi Choi has been working as a startup specialist in South Korea for years. Chungbuk CCEI, where she works, is a non-profit organization funded by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

She also writes articles related to startups, investment, and globalization. Her articles interviewing experts in various fields are popular among startups, investors, and LinkedIn users. In 2023, she earned a spot among the Top 10 women contributors on e27, a platform fostering connections between investors and startups in Southeast Asia.

Now, she is a LinkedIn influencer who gained over 10,000 followers in two years. These followers gave her a nickname that is also the book’s title - Homo Dongmicus - which means "a rookie with a lot of speed.“

Her posts are seen by users 1.5 million times a year.

● https://www.linkedin.com/in/dongmicus/
● https://kstartupwave.ghost.io/

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