Corporate Korea
2023년 09월 22일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791159019487
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이 상품이 속한 분야
6.25 동란과 남북 분단, IMF 위기를 비롯한 여러 가지 위기와 난관을 극복하고 ‘한강의 기적’을 이룩하고, 피원조국에서 원조 제공국가로, 수입국에서 수출국으로, 기술 후발국에서 기술 선도국으로 발전한 대한민국을 세계에 알리기 위해 영문으로 출판했다.
전쟁 폐허에서 개발과 혁신을 거듭해 경제 기술 강국으로 올라 선 국력, 수출 지향 정책, CDMA 기술 개발, IMF위기를 계기로 한 산업 구조의 일대 전환, 아날로그 기술에서 뒤지다가 디지털 기술로 추월, 반도체 기술 산업 선도 등을 주요 골자로 하고 있다.
저자는 '국제사회에서 높이 평가 받고 있는 대한민국의 역사상 유례 없는 발전상을 국내에서는 과소 평가하고 부정적인 면만 부각하는 현상이 있어서 정치적 이념이나 어느 특정 기업 또는 기관에 편중되지 않고 역사적 사실을 바탕으로 객관적으로 평가하려고 노력했다'고 강조하고 있다.
Chapter 1 Overview of Industry in Growing Phases
• Solidifying Foundation for Economic Growth
• From an Importer to an Exporter
• Solidifying Foundation for Economic Growth
Chapter 2 Development of New Technologies and Commercialization
• Technology Research Organizations
• Industrial Complexes
• Progress in Electronics, Heavy and Chemical Industries
• Commercialization of Televisions and Displays
• Development of X86 Computer
• Progress in Digital Economy and IT Industry
• Semiconductor Industry
Chapter 3 Development of ICT Industry
• Growth of Telecommunication Industry
• Development of Switchboards
• Competition in Communication Service Market
• Leading Communication Service Market with CDMA Technology
• World’s Top in Penetration Rate of Broadband Internet Service
• Daejeon International Exposition in 1993
• Establishment and Dissolution of ICT Industry Control Tower
• Role and Contribution of KEA
Chapter 4 Addressing Crises and Opening Market to World
• Heavy and Chemical Industry Policy
• Currency Crisis
• Export Strategies
• New Protectionism of Industrially Advanced Countries
• Market Opening
• GATT, WTO and FTAs
Chapter 5 Business Rearrangement and Development of Digital Technology
• Business Expansion and Growth
• Restructuring Organizations
• Global Expansion Strategies
• Digitalization of Industry
• Opportunity and Investment
• Design-Oriented Management
Chapter 6 Emergence of Global Tech Enterprises
• Samsung Electronics
• LG Electronics
• Hyundai Motor
• SK hynix
• SK Telecom
• Hyundai Heavy Industries
Chapter 7 Rise and Fall of Enterprises
• Saehan Group
• Ssangyong Group
• Haitai Group
• Hanbo Group
• Daewoo Group
• Small Businesses and Venture Bubble
To an Advanced Leader
About the Author
The South Korean economy has achieved a miraculous growth during the past 70 years or so since its Independence in 1945, effectively adapting to ever-changing security, political, economic and social environments. Despite numerous obstacles and challenges, the corporate Korea, in particular, has successfully carried out 4 major tasks of democratization, digitalization, innovation of conventional industries, and opening of the market during the past decades.
The politico-social changes triggered by the democratization movement (The June 10th Resistance against the then military dictatorship) in 1987 and disruptive changes in economic structure forced by the currency crisis in 1997 inevitably resulted in a dramatic change in paradigm of business management in Korea.
By the end of 2011, it achieved $1 trillion in trade, recording growth by as much as 2,000 times since 1962. Ranking 9th in trade in the world, it is now a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the G20. Its status has been changed from a foreign aid-recipient to an aid-donor.
In the course of addressing these changes in environments during past several decades, the manufacturing industry in the country has recorded phenomenal growth driven by leading enterprises. Having made concentrated investments in the 1990s and undergoing painstaking restructuring, companies in semiconductor, liquid crystal display (LCD), mobile handset, automobile, iron and steel, and shipbuilding sectors have accomplished competitiveness in world markets. Consequently, 14 companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motor, and POSCO, were included in the Fortune Global 500 companies in 2007, while 3 companies were listed by Interbrand as world’s top 100 enterprises in brand values. Achieving double-digit growth in export for the fifth consecutive year since 2003, Korean manufacturing industry’s export competitiveness was also significantly improved. The rapid growth in export amidst adverse situation of hiking oil prices and strong Korean Won value demonstrates sharpened competitive edge in technology, quality and design of Korean industrial products. It is also true in electronics, information technology (IT), automobile and other advanced technology industries.
As most of material heritages of companies were destroyed during chaotic period after the Independence and the Korean War in 1950, the South Korean manufacturing industry actually began to form its modern shape in the 1950s. A research shows that 9 in 10 top conglomerates, or jaebeol, as of 1984 were founded or augmented their market presence in 1955. In those days, Korean companies began to build textile, sugar and flour milling factories, but still the primary industry, merchandising and service business constituted mainstream industry, while manufacturing industry remained trivial.
저자(글) 김광수
Kim Kwang-sooh, a veteran journalist in economy and technology, started his career as an independent Korean-English translator/interpreter. After serving as a Korean-English translator/interpreter for the speaker of the National Assembly, Kim joined a radio broadcasting company as a reporter and programming producer. For a decade, he served at the International Cultural Society of Korea (predecessor of Korea Foundation) as director for international cultural exchange, and joined The Electronic Times, a leading daily in electronics and technology industries in South Korea, where he worked for over two decades holding senior editorial positions, including the editor of international news division and managing editor for English edition of the ET News, the online service of The Electronic Times. Kim is currently serving as a member of the editorial board at The Korea Post, a leading news and business English monthly in South Korea. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul.
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