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The Azure Cloud Native Architecture Mapbook

Explore Microsoft Cloud's infrastructure, application, data, and security architecture
Packt(GCO Science)

2021년 02월 17일 출간

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ISBN 9781800560055
쪽수 376쪽
지원기기 교보eBook App, PC e서재, 리더기, 웹뷰어
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Improve your Azure architecture practice and set out on a cloud and cloud-native journey with this Azure cloud native architecture guide

▶Book Description
Azure offers a wide range of services that enable a million ways to architect your solutions. Complete with original maps and expert analysis, this book will help you to explore Azure and choose the best solutions for your unique requirements.

Starting with the key aspects of architecture, this book shows you how to map different architectural perspectives and covers a variety of use cases for each architectural discipline. You'll get acquainted with the basic cloud vocabulary and learn which strategic aspects to consider for a successful cloud journey. As you advance through the chapters, you'll understand technical considerations from the perspective of a solutions architect. You'll then explore infrastructure aspects, such as network, disaster recovery, and high availability, and leverage Infrastructure as Code (IaC) through ARM templates, Bicep, and Terraform. The book also guides you through cloud design patterns, distributed architecture, and ecosystem solutions, such as Dapr, from an application architect's perspective. You'll work with both traditional (ETL and OLAP) and modern data practices (big data and advanced analytics) in the cloud and finally get to grips with cloud native security.

By the end of this book, you'll have picked up best practices and more rounded knowledge of the different architectural perspectives.

▶What You Will Learn
-Gain overarching architectural knowledge of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform
-Explore the possibilities of building a full Azure solution by considering different architectural perspectives
-Implement best practices for architecting and deploying Azure infrastructure
-Review different patterns for building a distributed application with ecosystem frameworks and solutions
-Get to grips with cloud-native concepts using containerized workloads
-Work with AKS
▷Section 1: Solution and Infrastructure
-Chapter 1: Getting Started as an Azure Architect
-Chapter 2: Solution Architecture
-Chapter 3: Infrastructure Design
-Chapter 4: Infrastructure Deployment
▷Section 2: Application Development, Data, and Security
-Chapter 5: Application Architecture
-Chapter 6: Data Architecture
-Chapter 7: Security Architecture
▷Section 3: Summary
-Chapter 8: Summary and Industry Scenarios

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Getting Started as an Azure Architect, starts by sharing a view of the different architecture disciplines. We define the roles and responsibilities of the various architects (enterprise, solution, infrastructure, data, and security). The rationale of going through these definitions lies in the fact that, from our experience, we have noticed some knowledge gaps in what the different stakeholders are doing. This often leads to turf wars, which can be avoided simply by understanding the broader picture. We then introduce our maps, and we help you understand how to properly conduct a cloud strategy and what the key aspects are that will make your cloud journey successful. In a nutshell, we give you a glimpse into what it feels like to be an Azure architect who has to deal with all these different disciplines, and who sometimes must report to top management on strategic aspects.

- Chapter 2, Solution Architecture, covers key aspects to consider when building a cloud solution. A solution architect is responsible for the end-to-end aspects of a solution, from its development to its monitoring. A solution architect knows what Agile methodologies are, as well as what ITIL, TOGAF, and COBIT are. They are the cornerstone of a solution, its main pillar. The primary role of a solution architect is to assemble all the building blocks to make a consistent and coherent design, as well as to talk to various stakeholders. Their stakeholders are other, more specialized architects, developers, and IT engineers, as well as enterprise architects and management. This chapter remains high-level from a technical perspective because we will still envision Azure as a whole. We share the solution architecture map, which encompasses many Azure services, and we explore multiple dimensions around the non-functional requirements. We also zoom in on Azure's container platform offering, which has been booming and expanding greatly over the last few years. Lastly,

▶ Preface
Have you ever visited a large city on your own? Sometimes you get lost, and sometimes you lose time. However, you can make your trip more valuable by taking an expert-guided tour. That's what this book is: an expert-guided tour of Azure. Our different maps will be your compass to sail the broad Azure landscape. The Microsoft cloud platform offers a wide range of services, providing a million ways to architect your solutions. This book uses original maps and expert analysis to help you explore Azure and choose the best solutions for your unique requirements. Beyond maps, the book is inspired by real-world situations and challenges. We will share typical and cross-industry concerns to help you become a better Azure architect. Our real-world-inspired architecture diagrams and use cases should put you in a better position to tackle your own challenges. Although an architecture role may be high-level, we also wanted to dive deeper into some topics and make you work harder on some use cases. In this respect, you will have some hands-on work to do too. However, our primary objective is to make you stronger in the various architecture disciplines that are scoped to Azure and that every Azure architect should be comfortable with.


저자(글) Stephane Eyskens

Stephane Eyskens has a developer background and became a solution architect about a decade ago. As a cloud subject matter expert, he contributed to many digital transformation programs, helping organizations get better results out of their cloud investments. As an MVP, he is an active contributor to the Microsoft Tech Community and has worked on multiple open source projects available on GitHub. Stephane is also a Pluralsight assessment author as well as the author of multiple books and online recordings.

저자(글) Ed Price

Ed Price is a Senior Program Manager in Engineering at Microsoft, with an MBA in technology management. He leads Microsoft's efforts to publish Reference Architectures on the Azure Architecture Center. Previously, he drove datacenter deployment and customer feedback, and he ran Microsoft's customer feedback programs for Azure development, Service Fabric, IoT, Functions, and Visual Studio. He was also a technical writer at Microsoft for 6 years and helped lead TechNet Wiki. He is the co-author of five books, including Learn to Program with Small Basic and ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners from Packt.

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    The Azure Cloud Native Architecture Mapbook
    Explore Microsoft Cloud's infrastructure, application, data, and security architecture
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