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Mastering Embedded Linux Programming Third Edition

Create fast and reliable embedded solutions with Linux 5.4 and the Yocto Project 3.1 (Dunfell)
Packt(GCO Science)

2021년 05월 14일 출간

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ISBN 9781789535112
쪽수 758쪽
지원기기 교보eBook App, PC e서재, 리더기, 웹뷰어
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Harness the power of Linux to create versatile and robust embedded solutions

▶Book Description
Embedded Linux runs many of the devices we use every day. From smart TVs and Wi-Fi routers to test equipment and industrial controllers, all of them have Linux at their heart. The Linux OS is one of the foundational technologies comprising the core of the Internet of Things (IoT).

This book starts by breaking down the fundamental elements that underpin all embedded Linux projects: the toolchain, the bootloader, the kernel, and the root filesystem. After that, you will learn how to create each of these elements from scratch and automate the process using Buildroot and the Yocto Project. As you progress, the book explains how to implement an effective storage strategy for flash memory chips and install updates to a device remotely once it's deployed. You'll also learn about the key aspects of writing code for embedded Linux, such as how to access hardware from apps, the implications of writing multi-threaded code, and techniques to manage memory in an efficient way. The final chapters demonstrate how to debug your code, whether it resides in apps or in the Linux kernel itself. You'll also cover the different tracers and profilers that are available for Linux so that you can quickly pinpoint any performance bottlenecks in your system.

By the end of this Linux book, you'll be able to create efficient and secure embedded devices using Linux.

▶What You Will Learn
-Use Buildroot and the Yocto Project to create embedded Linux systems
-Troubleshoot BitBake build failures and streamline your Yocto development workflow
-Update IoT devices securely in the field using Mender or balena
-Prototype peripheral additions by reading schematics, modifying device trees, soldering breakout boards, and probing pins with a logic analyzer
-Interact with hardware without having to write kernel device drivers
-Divide your system up into services supervised by BusyBox runit
-Debug devices remotel
▷Section 1: Elements of Embedded Linux
-Chapter 1: Starting Out
-Chapter 2: Learning about Toolchains
-Chapter 3: All about Bootloaders
-Chapter 4: Configuring and Building the Kernel
-Chapter 5: Building a Root Filesystem
-Chapter 6: Selecting a Build System
-Chapter 7: Developing with Yocto
-Chapter 8: Yocto Under the Hood

▷Section 2: System Architecture and Design Decisions
-Chapter 9: Creating a Storage Strategy
-Chapter 10: Updating Software in the Field
-Chapter 11: Interfacing with Device Drivers
-Chapter 12: Prototyping with Breakout Boards
-Chapter 13: Starting Up ? The init Program
-Chapter 14: Starting with BusyBox runit
-Chapter 15: Managing Power

▷Section 3: Writing Embedded Applications
-Chapter 16: Packaging Python
-Chapter 17: Learning about Processes and Threads
-Chapter 18: Managing Memory

▷Section 4: Debugging and Optimizing Performance
-Chapter 19: Debugging with GDB
-Chapter 20: Profiling and Tracing
-Chapter 21: Real-Time Programming

▶ Preface
Linux has been the mainstay of embedded computing for many years. And yet, there are remarkably few books that cover the topic as a whole: this book is intended to fill that gap. The term "embedded Linux" is not well defined and can be applied to the operating system inside a wide range of devices ranging from thermostats to Wi-Fi routers to industrial control units. However, they are all built on the same basic open source software. Those are the technologies that I describe in this book, based on my experience as an engineer and the materials I have developed for my training courses.

Technology does not stand still. The industry based around embedded computing is just as susceptible to Moore's law as mainstream computing. The exponential growth that this implies has meant that a surprisingly large number of things have changed since the first edition of this book was published. This third edition is fully revised to use the latest versions of the major open source components, which include Linux 5.4, the Yocto Project 3.1 Dunfell, and Buildroot 2020.02 LTS. In addition to Autotools, the book now covers CMake, a modern build system that has seen increased adoption in recent years.

Mastering Embedded Linux Programming covers the topics in roughly the order that you will encounter them in a real-life project. The first eight chapters are concerned with the early stages of the project, covering basics such as selecting the toolchain, the bootloader, and the kernel. I introduce the idea of embedded build systems, using Buildroot and the Yocto Project as examples. The section ends with new in-depth coverage of the Yocto Project.

Section 2, Chapters 9 to 15, looks at the various design decisions that need to be made before development can take place in earnest. It covers the topics of filesystems, software update, device drivers, the init program, and power management. Chapter 12 demonstrates various techniques for rapid prototyping with a breakout board, including how to read schematics, solder headers, and troubleshoot signals using a logic analyzer. Chapter 14 is a deep dive into Buildroot where you will learn how to partition your system software into separate services using BusyBox runit.

Section 3, Chapters 16, 17, and 18, will help you in the implementation phase of the project. We start with Python packaging and dependency management, a topic of growing importance as machine learning applications continue to take the world by storm. Next, we move on to various forms of inter-process communication and multithreaded programming. The section concludes with a careful examination of how Linux manages memory and demonstrates how to measure memory usage and detect memory leaks using the various tools that are available.

The fourth section, which includes Chapters 19 and 20, shows you how to make effective use of the many debug and profiling tools that Linux has to offer in order to detect problems and identify bottlenecks. Chapter 19 now describes how to configure Visual Studio Code for remote debugging using GDB. Chapter 20 now includes coverage of BPF, a new technology that enables advanced programmatic tracing inside the Linux kernel. The final chapter brings together several threads to explain how Linux can be used in realtime applications.

Each chapter introduces a major area of embedded Linux. It describes the background so that you can learn the general principles, but it also includes detailed working examples that illustrate each of these areas. You can treat this as a book of theory, or a book of examples. It works best if you do both: understand the theory and try it out in real life.

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    Mastering Embedded Linux Programming Third Edition
    Create fast and reliable embedded solutions with Linux 5.4 and the Yocto Project 3.1 (Dunfell)
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