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Swift Cookbook Second Edition

Over 60 proven recipes for developing better iOS applications with Swift 5.3
Packt(GCO Science)

2021년 02월 26일 출간

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ISBN 9781839210624
쪽수 488쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Discover recipes for building feature-rich, reliable iOS native apps and explore the latest features in Swift 5.3 with the help of proven industry standard recipes, modern design techniques, and popular strategies

▶Book Description
Swift is an exciting, multi-platform, general-purpose programming language, and with this book, you'll explore the features of its latest version, Swift 5.3.

The book begins with an introduction to the basic building blocks of Swift 5.3, its syntax, and the functionalities of Swift constructs. You'll then discover how Swift Playgrounds provide an ideal platform to write, execute, and debug your Swift code. As you advance through the chapters, the book will show you how to bundle variables into tuples or sets, order your data with an array, store key-value pairs with dictionaries, and use property observers. You'll also get to grips with the decision-making and control structures in Swift, examine advanced features such as generics and operators, and explore functionalities outside of the standard library. Once you've learned how to build iOS applications using UIKit, you'll find out how to use Swift for server-side programming, run Swift on Linux, and investigate Vapor. Finally, you'll discover some of the newest features of Swift 5.3 using SwiftUI and Combine to build adaptive and reactive applications, and find out how to use Swift to build and integrate machine learning models along with Apple's Vision Framework.

By the end of this Swift book, you'll have discovered solutions to boost your productivity while developing code using Swift 5.3.

▶What You Will Learn
-Explore basic to advanced concepts in Swift 5.3 programming
-Understand conditional statements, loops, and how to handle errors in Swift
-Define flexible classes and structs using generics
-Use advanced operators and create custom ones
-Build iOS apps using the powerful features of UIKit or the new SwiftUI framework
-Import your own custom functionality into Swift Playgroun
-Chapter 1: Swift Building Blocks
-Chapter 2: Mastering the Building Blocks
-Chapter 3: Data Wrangling with Swift Control Flow
-Chapter 4: Generics, Operators, and Nested Types
-Chapter 5: Beyond the Standard Library
-Chapter 6: Building iOS Apps with Swift
-Chapter 7: Swift Playgrounds
-Chapter 8: Server-Side Swift
-Chapter 9: Performance and Responsiveness in Swift
-Chapter 10: SwiftUI and Combine Framework
-Chapter 11: Using CoreML and Vision in Swift

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Swift Building Blocks, introduces you to the basic building blocks of Swift 5, its syntax, and the functionalities of basic Swift constructs. Also, this chapter will introduce you to Apple’s Xcode IDE and Swift Playgrounds, which provides an ideal way to create, execute, debug, and understand the recipes contained in this book, thus setting you up to initiate the development process. In this chapter, you will learn how to write your first Swift program and understand the various basic elements of the Swift language.

- Chapter 2, Mastering the Building Blocks, teaches you how to create more complex structures on the basis of the building blocks that you studied in the first chapter and the functionalities provided by the Swift standard library. You will get an understanding of how to bundle variables into tuples, order data with the help of an array, and store keyvalue pairs with dictionaries. You will also learn how to use the property observers and control the access to and visibility of your code. Then, you will learn how to extend the functionalities of your code using the extensions.

- Chapter 3, Data Wrangling with Swift Control Flow, will teach you that programming is all about making decisions, therefore in this chapter, we will explore how to make decisions on the basis of the information gained and how to alter the control flow of the code. You will learn how to conditionally execute your code with if/else statements. You will also learn how to control the flow of execution of your code with switch statements, and then loop this code by understanding how to use for and while loops. You will then understand how to handle Swift errors with try, throw, do, and catch statements. Also, we will cover how a defer statement can be useful to change state once a function's execution is complete or to clean up values that are no longer needed.

- Chapter 4, Generics, Operators, and Nested Types, provides you with an understanding

▶ Preface
Since Apple announced the Swift programming language at WWDC 2014, it has gone on to become one of the fastest-growing programming languages. Swift is modern, open-source, and easy to use, and therefore its usefulness can extend beyond Apple's ecosystem, giving it the potential to be used across all platforms and for any scenario.

Swift 5.3 is the latest version of this exciting new programming language, giving you the tools to build performant and responsive apps with safe and clean code.

This book will guide you through Swift's features, building up your knowledge and toolset layer by layer, so you can use Swift to build the next great app or service.

You will be given useful, easy-to-follow recipes for using Swift to accomplish real-world tasks. Each recipe only uses concepts previously covered in the book so you will never feel lost.

Learn what makes Swift one of the fastest-growing and most exciting programming languages available today.


저자(글) Keith Moon

Keith Moon is an award-winning iOS developer, author and speaker based in London. He has worked with some of the biggest companies in the world to create engaging and personal mobile experiences. Keith has been developing in Swift since its release, working on projects both fully Swift, and mixed Swift and Objective-C. Keith has been invited to speak about Swift development in conferences from Moscow to Minsk and London.

저자(글) Chris Barker

Chris Barker is a senior iOS developer and tech lead for fashion retailer N Brown (JD Williams, SimplyBe, Jacamo), where he heads the iOS team, building apps for their major brands. Having now worked in the IT industry for over 22 years, Chris started his career developing .NET applications for online retailer (now BT Shop). In 2014, he made his move into mobile app development with digital agency Openshadow based in MediaCityUK. Here, he worked on mobile apps for clients such as Louis Vuitton and L'Oral Paris. Chris often attends and speaks at his local iOS developer meetup NSManchester.Most recently, Chris attended Malaga Mobile in Spain, where he spoke about his passion for accessibility in mobile apps. Over the past 2 years, Chris has been a regular speaker at CodeMobile Developer Conference and plans to return in the future.

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    Over 60 proven recipes for developing better iOS applications with Swift 5.3
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