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Systems Engineering Demystified

A practitioner's handbook for developing complex systems using a model-based approach
Jon Holt 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2021년 01월 29일 출간

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ISBN 9781838985448
쪽수 468쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Get to grips with systems engineering life cycles, processes, and best practices and discover techniques to successfully develop complex systems

▶Book Description
Systems engineering helps us to understand, specify, and develop complex systems, and is applied across a wide set of disciplines. As systems and their associated problems become increasingly complex in this evermore connected world, the need for more rigorous, demonstrable, and repeatable techniques also increases.

Written by Professor Jon Holt ? an internationally recognized systems engineering expert ? this book provides a blend of technical and business aspects you need to understand in order to develop successful systems. You'll start with systems engineering basics and understand the complexity, communication, and different stakeholders' views of the system. The book then covers essential aspects of model-based systems engineering, systems, life cycles, and processes, along with techniques to develop systems. Moving on, you'll explore system models and visualization techniques, focusing on the SysML, and discover how solutions can be defined by developing effective system design, verification, and validation techniques. The book concludes by taking you through key management processes and systems engineering best practices and guidelines.

By the end of this systems engineering book, you'll be able to confidently apply modern model-based systems engineering techniques to your own systems and projects.

▶What You Will Learn
-Understand the three evils of systems engineering-complexity, ambiguous communication, and lack of understanding
-Realize successful systems using model-based systems engineering
-Understand the concept of life cycles and how they control the evolution of a system
-Explore processes and related concepts such as activities, stakeholders, and resources
-Discover how needs fit into the systems life cycle and which processes are relevant and how to comply with them
-Find out how des
▷Section 1: Introduction to Systems Engineering
-Chapter 1: Introduction to Systems Engineering
-Chapter 2: Model-Based Systems Engineering

▷Section 2: Systems Engineering Concepts
-Chapter 3: Systems and Interfaces
-Chapter 4: Life Cycles
-Chapter 5: Systems Engineering Processes

▷Section 3: Systems Engineering Techniques
-Chapter 6: Needs and Requirements
-Chapter 7: Modeling the Design
-Chapter 8: Verification and Validation
-Chapter 9: Methodologies
-Chapter 10: Systems Engineering Management

▷Section 4: Next steps
-Chapter 11: Best Practices

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to Systems Engineering, provides a brief history of systems engineering, then provides an overview of exactly what we mean by systems engineering and what differentiates it from other disciplines of engineering. The real-world, pragmatic need for systems engineering is explored by considering the increased complexity of today's systems, the need for effective and efficient communication, and the need for a clear, context-based understanding of different stakeholders' views of our systems. The practical issues with implementing systems engineering successfully in an organization are also discussed.

- Chapter 2, Model-Based Systems Engineering, introduces the most effective and efficient way to realize systems engineering in the form of Model-Based Systems Engineering(MBSE). MBSE allows systems engineers to understand systems by developing a model to represent the single source of truth and how to use this as the basis for all systems engineering activities.
The system and its model are discussed, along with the importance of a framework that provides the blueprint for the model and various visualization techniques, such as SysML. This is then expanded to include tools and best practices to ensure that the model is as effective as possible.

- Chapter 3, Systems and Interfaces, describes exactly what we mean by a system and the different types of systems that exist, including systems of systems. The structure of systems and their system elements ? subsystems, assemblies, and components ? are discussed as well as how they are arranged in hierarchies. The importance of understanding the relationships between these system elements is explained and how this impacts the system behavior. Behavioral concepts such as states, modes, and interactions are then defined. The key concept of the interfaces that connect a system together and to other systems is explained and the requirements for such interfaces are defined.

- Chapter

▶ Preface
Systems engineering allows us to develop successful systems while managing complexity. This brings together all aspects of systems engineering in a concise, clear, and consistent way.

This book is a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to systems engineering as well as experienced practitioners. Complete with examples and self-assessment questions, this easy-to-follow guide will teach you all the concepts and techniques required for modern systems engineering.

It provides you with an overview of systems engineering and describes why we need such an approach in our complex world. It covers the essential aspects of model-based systems engineering, systems, life cycles, and processes, along with techniques to realize systems engineering successfully.

By the end of the book, you will be in a position to start applying a systems engineering approach in your organization.


저자(글) Jon Holt

Jon Holt is an internationally-recognized expert in the field of model-based systems engineering. He is an international award-winning author and public speaker and has authored 17 books on systems engineering, including a children's STEM book. Jon currently works for Scarecrow Consultants, holds a Chair in systems engineering at Cranfield University, and is a Fellow of both the IET and the BCS. He is currently the technical director of INCOSE UK and, in 2015, was identified as one of the 25 most-influential systems engineers in the last 25 years by INCOSE. He is also actively involved in the promotion of STEM where he uses magic, mind-reading, and occasional escapology to promote systems engineering at various festivals.

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    A practitioner's handbook for developing complex systems using a model-based approach
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