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Mastering Ubuntu Server Third Edition

Gain expertise in the art of deploying, configuring, managing, and troubleshooting Ubuntu Server
Jay LaCroix 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 12월 29일 출간

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ISBN 9781800568051
쪽수 703쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

This is the third edition of the bestselling one-stop resource for sysadmins and DevOps professionals to learn, configure and use Ubuntu 20.04 for their day-to-day operations and deployments.

▶Book Description
Ubuntu Server has taken data centers around the world by storm. Whether you're deploying Ubuntu for a large-scale project or for a small office, it is a stable, customizable, and powerful Linux distribution with innovative and cutting-edge features. For both simple and complex server deployments, Ubuntu's flexible nature can be easily adapted to meet to the needs of your organization.

This third edition is updated to cover the advancements of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and further train you to understand how to use Ubuntu Server, from initial deployment to creating production-ready resources for your network. The book begins with the concepts of user management, group management, and file system permissions. Continuing into managing storage volumes, you will learn how to format storage devices, utilize logical volume management, and monitor disk usage. Later, you will learn how to virtualize hosts and applications, which will include setting up QEMU & KVM, as well as containerization with both Docker and LXD. As the book continues, you will learn how to automate configuration with Ansible, as well as take a look at writing scripts. Lastly, you will explore best practices and troubleshooting techniques when working with Ubuntu Server that are applicable to real-world scenarios.

By the end of this Ubuntu Server book, you will be well-versed in Ubuntu server's advanced concepts and attain the required proficiency needed for Ubuntu Server administration.

▶What You Will Learn
-Manage users, groups, and permissions
-Optimize the performance of system resources
-Perform disk encryption and decryption with Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)
-Set up Secure Shell (SSH) for remote access, and connect it to other nodes
-Share directories using Samba and Network File System (NFS)
-Chapter 1: Deploying Ubuntu Server
-Chapter 2: Managing Users and Permissions
-Chapter 3: Managing Software Packages
-Chapter 4: Navigating and Essential Commands
-Chapter 5: Managing Files and Directories
-Chapter 6: Boosting Your Command-line Efficiency
-Chapter 7: Controlling and Managing Processes
-Chapter 8: Monitoring System Resources
-Chapter 9: Managing Storage Volumes
-Chapter 10: Connecting to Networks
-Chapter 11: Setting Up Network Services
-Chapter 12: Sharing and Transferring Files
-Chapter 13: Managing Databases
-Chapter 14: Serving Web Content
-Chapter 15: Automating Server Configuration with Ansible
-Chapter 16: Virtualization
-Chapter 17: Running Containers
-Chapter 18: Container Orchestration
-Chapter 19: Deploying Ubuntu in the Cloud
-Chapter 20: Automating Cloud Deployments with Terraform
-Chapter 21: Securing Your Server
-Chapter 22: Troubleshooting Ubuntu Servers
-Chapter 23: Preventing Disasters

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Deploying Ubuntu Server, covers the installation process for Ubuntu Server. This chapter walks you through creating bootable media and the installation process.

- Chapter 2, Managing Users and Permissions, covers user management in full. Topics here will include creating and removing users, configuring password policies, and using the sudo command, as well as group management and switching from one user to another.

- Chapter 3, Managing Software Packages, takes the reader through the process of searching for, installing, and managing packages. This will include managing APT repositories and installing packages, and even a look at Snap packages.

- Chapter 4, Navigating and Essential Commands, teaches you the essential commands needed necessary for navigating through directory trees, viewing the contents of log files, and perusing log files.

- Chapter 5, Managing Files and Directories, expands on the knowledge gained from the previous chapter and rounds out your toolset of essential commands by going over how to edit, copy, move, and rename files.

- Chapter 6, Boosting Your Command-line Efficiency, goes over additional tips, tricks, and techniques to enhance the reader's usage of the command line. Topics here include managing output, investigating Bash history, and more.

- Chapter 7, Controlling and Managing Processes, teaches the reader how to manage what is running on the server, as well as how to stop misbehaving processes. This will include having a look at htop, systemd, and managing jobs.

- Chapter 8, Monitoring System Resources, goes over how to manage valuable system resources on your server, such as viewing disk and memory usage, as well as understanding load average and how it impacts your CPU.

- Chapter 9, Managing Storage Volumes, takes a look at storage volumes. You'll be shown how to view disk usage, format volumes, manage the /etc/fstab file, use LVM, and more. In addition, we'll look at managing swap.

- Chap

▶ Preface
Ubuntu is an exciting platform. You can literally find it everywhere―desktops, laptops, phones, and especially servers. The server edition enables administrators to create efficient, flexible, and highly available servers that empower organizations with the power of open source. As Ubuntu administrators, we're in good company―according to W3Techs, Ubuntu is the most widely deployed distribution on the web with regard to Linux. With the release of Ubuntu 20.04, this platform becomes even more exciting!

In this book, we will dive right into Ubuntu Server, and you will learn all the concepts needed to manage your servers and configure them to perform all kinds of neat tasks, such as serving web pages, managing virtual machines, running containers, automating configuration, sharing files with other users, and even running Ubuntu in the cloud.

We'll start our journey with the first chapter, where we'll walk through the installation of Ubuntu Server 20.04, which will serve as a foundation for the rest of the book. As we proceed through our journey, we'll look at managing users, connecting to networks, and controlling processes. Later, we'll implement important technologies, such as DHCP, DNS, Apache, MariaDB, and more. We'll even set up our own Nextcloud server along the way.

Finally, the end of the book covers various things we can do to troubleshoot issues, as well as preventing and recovering from disasters.


저자(글) Jay LaCroix

Jeremy “Jay” LaCroix is a technologist and open-source enthusiast, specializing in Linux. Jay is currently the director of Cloud Services, Adaptavist.He has a net field experience of 20 years across different firms as a Solutions Architect and holds a master's degree in Information Systems Technology Management from Capella University.In addition, Jay also has an active Linux-focused YouTube channel with over 100K followers and 10.5M views, available at LearnLinuxTV, where he posts instructional tutorial videos and other Linux-related content. He has also written Linux Mint Essentials and Mastering Linux Network Administration, published by Packt Publishing.

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