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Scaling Scrum Across Modern Enterprises

Implement Scrum and Lean-Agile techniques across complex products, portfolios, and programs in large organizations
Cecil Rupp 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 08월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9781839210303
쪽수 618쪽
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Establish business agility in your organization by applying industry-proven scaling strategies from popular Scrum frameworks such as Scrum of Scrums (SoS), Scrum@Scale, Nexus, Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), Disciplined Agile, and SAFe

▶Book Description
Scaled Scrum and Lean-Agile practices provide essential strategies to address large and complex product development challenges not addressed in traditional Scrum. This Scrum/ Lean-Agile handbook provides a comprehensive review and analysis of industry-proven scaling strategies that enable business agility on an enterprise scale. Free of marketing hype or vendor bias, this book helps you decide which practices best fit your situation.

You'll start with an introduction to Scrum as a lightweight software development framework and then explore common approaches to scaling it for more complex development scenarios. The book will then guide you through systems theory, lean development, and the application of holistic thinking to more complex software and system development activities. Throughout, you'll learn how to support multiple teams working in collaboration to develop large and complex products and explore how to manage cross-team integration, dependency, and synchronization issues. Later, you'll learn how to improve enterprise operational efficiency across value creation and value delivery activities, before discovering how to align product portfolio investments with corporate strategies.

By the end of this Scrum book, you and your product teams will be able to get the most value out of Agile at scale, even in complex cyber-physical system development environments.

▶What You Will Learn
-Understand the limitations of traditional Scrum practices
-Explore the roles and responsibilities in a scaled Scrum and Lean-Agile development environment
-Tailor your Scrum approach to support portfolio and large product development needs
-Apply systems thinking to evaluate the impacts of changes in the interdependent parts of a larger development and delivery system
-Scale Scrum practices at both the program and portfolio levels of management
-Understand how DevOps, test automation, and CI/CD capabilities help in scaling Scrum practices

▶Key Features
-Learn how to be Agile at scale by implementing best practices
-Understand how Lean-Agile practices are incorporated in Disciplined Agile and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
-Customize Scrum and Lean-Agile practices to support portfolio and large product development needs

▶Who This Book Is For
Executives, product owners, Scrum masters, development team members, and other stakeholders who need to learn how to scale Agile to support large, complex projects and large enterprise portfolios and programs will find this book useful. A basic understanding of the values and principles of Agile and the Scrum-based framework for Agile development practices is required before you get started with this Agile Scrum book.
▷Section 1: Scaling Lightweight Scrum into a Heavyweight Contender
-Chapter 1: TheOrigins of Agile and Lightweight Methodologies
-Chapter 2: Scrum Beyond Basics
-Chapter 3: The Scrum Approach
-Chapter 4: Systems Thinking
-Chapter 5: Lean Thinking
-Chapter 6: Lean Practices in Software Development

▷Section 2: Comparative Review of Industry Scaled Agile Approaches
-Chapter 7: Scrum of Scrums
-Chapter 8: Scrum@Scale
-Chapter 9: The Nexus Framework
-Chapter 10: Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
-Chapter 11: Disciplined Agile
-Chapter 12: Essential Scaled Agile Framework? (SAFe?)
-Chapter 13: Full Scaled Agile Framework? (SAFe?)

▷Section 3: Implementation Strategies
-Chapter 14: Contrasting Scrum/Lean-Agile Scaling Approaches

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Origins of Agile and Lightweight Methodologies, briefly touches on why Agile concepts, values, and principles evolved to address issues with the traditional plan-driven and linear-sequential software development models. We'll see how, driven by software engineers, Agile-based practices can help to eliminate the complexities, inefficiencies, and inflexibilities of the traditional software development models.

- Chapter 2, Scrum Beyond Basics, introduces the fundamentals of Scrum and explains how it became the software industry leader as the preferred lightweight and Agile framework. This chapter also explains how Scrum evolved from a simple, single-team software development practice to supporting numerous industry and functional business applications to improve both operational and development efficiencies.

- Chapter 3, The Scrum Approach, builds on the fundamental elements of Scrum and the factors that drove its widescale acceptance, as outlined in the previous chapter. This chapter gets into the details of how Scrum Teams operate. Specifically, you will learn the flow of activities across a Sprint as defined by its events; Scrum Team roles and responsibilities; and the artifacts that support transparency and inspection.

- Chapter 4, Systems Thinking, considers how Scrum implements the concepts of empirical process control theory to help teams resolve complex adaptive problems. But we need more tools in our bag to get at the dynamics that make large and complex systems challenging to understand, let alone manage. Systems thinking provides an approach to look at complex things as a set of interconnected parts that together create a dynamic environment resulting in interactions and behaviors that are often difficult to predict.

- Chapter 5, Lean Thinking, is the first of two chapters on Lean Development, and examines how these concepts and practices can help organizations maximize efficiency and value by applying Lean Development practices across all value creation and value delivery activities.

- Chapter 6, Lean Practices in Software Development, is the second of two chapters on Lean Development, and focuses on how to apply these concepts and practices to the development of software and cyber-physical systems.

- Chapter 7, Scrum of Scrums (SOS) Conce, teaches the principles and structures of the SoS approach. The founders of Scrum, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, both acknowledge that the focus of the Scrum Guide™ is on building small, flexible, and adaptive teams to develop products, services, and other desired outcomes. Though not formalized in a guide of its own, Scrum of Scrums was their first documented extension to the Scrum framework, providing additional guidance on integrating the activities of multiple Scrum teams, with the potential to scale to thousands of people.

- Chapter 8, Scrum@Scale (S@S), discusses how Jeff Sutherland developed this extension to Scrum and formalized it in the Scrum@Scale Guide?. Building on the foundations of SoS, S@S is a framework that describes a linear-scalable approach, drawing on the concepts of scale-free architectures, to create and coordinate multiple Scrum teams. The goal of S@S is to deliver high quality and value while simultaneously improving business agility.

- Chapter 9, The Nexus™ Framework, examines how Ken Schwaber developed this extension to Scrum and formalized it in the Nexus™ Guide. The purpose of the Nexus Guide is to provide advanced instructions on integrating multiple Scrum teams working in collaboration on a single product. Besides learning about many useful techniques and artifacts, readers of this chapter will also learn how to install Nexus Integration Teams (NIT) and several new events to help manage multi-team integration, dependency, and synchronization issues.

▶ Preface
Scrum is the ascendant leader in Agile practices and the primary topic of this book. But Scrum did not come about on its own, nor by accident. Nor is it the only game in town.

From the beginning, there were other Agile methodologists whose works contributed mightily to Agile-based development values and principles, as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. Many of those early Agile methodologists and practitioners developed so-called "lightweight" software development life cycle practices to overcome the deficiencies of the traditional linear-sequential and plan-driven Waterfall development model.

Scrum became the leader in this industry as a framework that encapsulates the customercentric, iterative, and incremental development practices of other Agile disciplines, but also brought empirical process control theory (empiricism) to the table to help small development teams resolve complex adaptive problems. Such problems emerge because large and complex systems are difficult to get one's head around and fully understand how their component elements impact the system as a whole.

Scrum fosters a heuristic process that relies on its pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaption to visibly expose problems, experiment on ways to make improvements, and adapt the changes that most improve upon a development team's desired goals. Moreover, Scrum has proven to be a tremendously successful problem-solving framework across numerous applications, well beyond its original roots in software.

The early successes of Scrum drove organizations to implement its Agile-based approach to development at scale and in applications not addressed in the original Scrum Guide™. Many companies and other entities figured out how to make it work, but not without investing significant time and effort. However, the limitations in scaling guidance left the door open for other methodologists to make improvements and modifications to the basic Scrum framework. Additionally, advancements in Systems Thinking and Lean Development provided new tools to further extend the capabilities of the original Scrum framework.

This book provides evidence that Agile practices have become mainstream. However, if being Agile were only about implementing advanced software development strategies, this adoption would never have come about. Instead, modern Scrum and Lean-Agile practices go beyond supporting software development to enable business agility on an enterprise scale.

Business agility is essentially the ability of an organization to evaluate and competitively respond to changes driving both their business and their industry and do so from a customer-centric and value-added perspective. But, on the other hand, the implementation of Scrum and Lean-Agile practices on an enterprise scale involves significant structural and cultural changes that are not trivial to implement.

Ultimately, the combination of business and consumer needs and competition drive major change events across organizations. It is those drivers that are forcing the adoption of Scrum and Lean-Agile practices on an enterprise scale, spanning both product development and delivery activities. And that is what this book is about ? installing the right set of Lean-Agile practices, methods, and tools, across both development and operational activities, to remain relevant in a highly disruptive, evolving, and digital world.


저자(글) Cecil Rupp

Cecil Rupp brings more than 30 years of practitioner and executive-level experience in applying the methods and tools of information technology (IT) for software development. His roles span IT professional services, management, business process re-engineering consulting, product management, sales, and marketing.

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    Scaling Scrum Across Modern Enterprises
    Implement Scrum and Lean-Agile techniques across complex products, portfolios, and programs in large organizations
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