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React and React Native Third Edition

A complete hands-on guide to modern web and mobile development with React.js
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 04월 30일 출간

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ISBN 9781839212437
쪽수 505쪽
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Get up to speed with React, React Native, GraphQL and Apollo for building cross-platform native apps with the help of practical examples

▶Book Description
React and React Native, Facebook's innovative User Interface (UI) libraries, are designed to help you build robust cross-platform web and mobile applications. This updated third edition is improved and updated to cover the latest version of React. The book particularly focuses on the latest developments in the React ecosystem, such as modern Hook implementations, code splitting using lazy components and Suspense, user interface framework components using Material-UI, and Apollo. In terms of React Native, the book has been updated to version 0.62 and demonstrates how to apply native UI components for your existing mobile apps using NativeBase.

You will begin by learning about the essential building blocks of React components. Next, you'll progress to working with higher-level functionalities in application development, before putting this knowledge to use by developing user interface components for the web and for native platforms. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn how to bring your application together with a robust data architecture.

By the end of this book, you'll be able to build React applications for the web and React Native applications for multiple mobile platforms.

▶What You Will Learn
?Delve into the React architecture, component properties, state, and context
?Get to grips with React Hooks for handling functions and components
?Implement code splitting in React using lazy components and Suspense
?Build robust user interfaces for mobile and desktop apps using Material-UI
?Write shared components for Android and iOS mobile apps using React Native
?Simplify layout design for React Native apps using NativeBase
?Write GraphQL schemas to power web and mobile apps
?Implement web and mobile components that are driven by Apollo

▶Key Features
?Covers the latest features of React such as Hooks, Suspense, NativeBase, and Apollo in this updated third edition
?Get to grips with the React architecture for writing easy-to-manage web and mobile applications
?Understand GraphQL and Apollo for building a scalable backend for your cross-platform apps

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for any JavaScript developer who wants to start learning how to use Facebook's UI libraries, React and React Native, for mobile and web application development. Although no prior knowledge of React is needed, working knowledge of JavaScript programming will help you understand the concepts covered in the book more effectively.
▷ Section 1: React
?Chapter 1: Why React?
?Chapter 2: Rendering with JSX
?Chapter 3: Component Properties, State, and Context
?Chapter 4: Getting Started with Hooks
?Chapter 5: Event Handling - The React Way
?Chapter 6: Crafting Reusable Components
?Chapter 7: The React Component Life Cycle
?Chapter 8: Validating Component Properties
?Chapter 9: Handling Navigation with Routes
?Chapter 10: Code Splitting Using Lazy Components and Suspense
?Chapter 11: Server-Side React Components
?Chapter 12: User Interface Framework Components

▷ Section 2: React Native
?Chapter 13: Why React Native?
?Chapter 14: Kick-Starting React Native Projects
?Chapter 15: Building Responsive Layouts with Flexbox
?Chapter 16: Navigating Between Screens
?Chapter 17: Rendering Item Lists
?Chapter 18: Showing Progress
?Chapter 19: Geolocation and Maps
?Chapter 20: Collecting User Input
?Chapter 21: Displaying Modal Screens
?Chapter 22: Responding to User Gestures
?Chapter 23: Controlling Image Display
?Chapter 24: Going Offline

▷ Section 3: React Architecture
?Chapter 25: Native UI Components Using NativeBase
?Chapter 26: Handling Application State
?Chapter 27: Why Apollo?
?Chapter 28: Building an Apollo React App

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Why React?, covers the basics of what React really is, and why you want to use it.

? Chapter 2, Rendering with JSX, explains that JSX is the syntax used by React to render content. HTML is the most common output, but JSX can be used to render many things, such as native UI components.

? Chapter 3, Component Properties, State, and Context, shows how properties are passed to components, how state re-renders components when it changes, and the role of context in components.

? Chapter 4, Getting Started with Hooks, gets you moving with the new Hooks React API that replaces many legacy React APIs.

? Chapter 5, Event Handling ? The React Way, explains that events in React are specified in JSX. There are subtleties associated with how React processes events, and how your code should respond to them.

? Chapter 6, Crafting Reusable Components, shows that components are often composed using smaller components. This means that you have to properly pass data and behavior to child components.

? Chapter 7, The React Component Life Cycle, explains how React components are created and destroyed all the time. There are several other life cycle events that take place in between, where you do things such as fetch data from the network.

? Chapter 8, Validating Component Properties, shows that React has a mechanism that allows you to validate the types of properties that are passed to components. This ensures that there are no unexpected values passed to your component.

? Chapter 9, Handling Navigation with Routes, explains that navigation is an essential part of any web application. React handles routes declaratively using the react-router package.

? Chapter 10, Code Splitting Using Lazy Components and Suspense, shows you how to structure your components so that only code that's needed is loaded into the browser.

? Chapter 11, Server-Side React Components, discusses how React renders components to the DOM when rendered in the browser. It can also render components to strings, which is useful for rendering pages on the server and sending static content to the browser.

? Chapter 12, User Interface Framework Components, introduces you to the popular Material-UI React framework for building responsive UIs.

? Chapter 13, Why React Native?, shows that React Native is React for mobile apps. If you've already invested in React for web applications, then why not leverage the same technology to provide a better mobile experience?

? Chapter 14, Kick-Starting React Native Projects, discusses how nobody likes writing boilerplate code or setting up project directories. React Native has tools to automate these mundane tasks.

? Chapter 15, Building Responsive Layouts with Flexbox, explains why the Flexbox layout model is popular with web UI layouts using CSS. React Native uses the same mechanism to lay out screens.

? Chapter 16, Navigating Between Screens, discusses the fact that while navigation is an important part of web applications, mobile applications also need tools to handle how a user moves from one screen to the next.

? Chapter 17, Rendering Item Lists, demonstrates that React Native has a list view component that's perfect for rendering lists of items. You simply provide it with a data source, and it handles the rest.

? Chapter 18, Showing Progress, explains that progress bars are great for showing a specified amount of progress. When you don't know how long something will take, you use a progress indicator. React Native has both of these components.

? Chapter 19, Geolocation and Maps, shows that the react-native-maps package provides React Native with mapping capabilities. The Geolocation API that's used in web applications is provided directly by React Native.

▶ Preface
I never had any interest in developing mobile apps. I used to believe strongly that it was the web, or nothing; that there was no need for yet more applications to install on devices already overflowing with apps. Then, React Native came along. I was already writing React code for web applications and loving it. It turns out that I wasn't the only developer that balked at the idea of maintaining several versions of the same app using different tooling, environments, and programming languages. React Native was created out of a natural desire to take what works well from a web development experience standpoint (React), and apply it to native app development. Native mobile apps offer better user experiences than web browsers. It turns out I was wrong; we do need mobile apps for the time being. But that's okay, because React Native is a fantastic tool. This book is essentially my experience as a React developer for the web and as a less experienced mobile app developer. React Native is meant to be an easy transition for developers who already understand React for the web. With this book, you'll learn the subtleties of doing React development in both mobile and web environments. You'll also learn the conceptual theme of React, a simple rendering abstraction that can target anything. Today, it's web browsers and mobile devices. Tomorrow, it could be anything.

The second edition of this book was written to address the rapidly evolving React projectincluding state-of-the-art best practices for implementing React components as well as the ecosystem surrounding React. I think it's important for React developers to appreciate how React works and how the implementation of React changes to better support the people who rely on it. I've done my best to capture the essence of React as it is today and the direction in which it's moving, in this edition of React and React Native.


저자(글) Adam Boduch

Adam Boduch has been involved in large-scale JavaScript development for nearly 10 years. Before moving to the frontend, he worked on several large-scale cloud computing products using Python and Linux. No stranger to complexity, Adam has practical experience with real-world software systems and the scaling challenges they pose. He is the author of several JavaScript and React books and is passionate about innovative user experiences and high performance.

저자(글) Roy Derks

Roy Derks is a serial start-up CTO, conference speaker, and developer from Amsterdam. He has been actively programming since he was a teenager, starting as a self-taught programmer using online tutorials and books. At the age of 14, he founded his first start-up, a peer-to-peer platform where users could trade DVDs with other users for free. This marked the start of his career in web development, which back then primarily consisted of creating web applications using an MVC architecture with the LAMP stack. In 2015, he was introduced to React and GraphQL at a hackathon in Berlin, and after winning a prize for his project, he started to use these technologies professionally. Over the next few years, he helped multiple start-ups create cross-platform applications using React and React Native, including a start-up that he co-founded. He also started giving workshops and talks at conferences around the globe. In 2019, he gave over 20 conference talks about React, React Native, and GraphQL, inspiring over 10,000 developers worldwide.

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    React and React Native Third Edition
    A complete hands-on guide to modern web and mobile development with React.js
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