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Windows Server 2019 Cookbook Second Edition

Over 100 recipes to effectively configure networks, manage security, and administer workloads
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 07월 22일 출간

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ISBN 9781838989828
쪽수 652쪽
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시리즈 전체 2
Windows Server 2019 Automation with PowerShell Cookbook Third Edition
Windows Server 2019 Cookbook Second Edition


이 상품이 속한 분야

Efficiently manage and administer enterprise environments using Microsoft Windows Server 2019

▶Book Description
Do you want to get up and running with essential administrative tasks in Windows Server 2019?

This second edition of the Windows Server 2019 Cookbook is packed with practical recipes that will help you do just that.

The book starts by taking you through the basics that you need to know to get a Windows Server operating system working, before teaching you how to navigate through daily tasks using the upgraded graphical user interface (GUI). You'll then learn how to compose an optimal Group Policy and perform task automation with PowerShell scripting. As you advance, you'll get to grips with faster app innovation, improved Windows security measures, and hybrid cloud environments. After you've explored the functions available to provide remote network access to your users, you'll cover the new Hyper-V enhancements. Finally, this Windows Server book will guide you through practical recipes relating to Azure integration and important tips for how to manage a Windows Server environment seamlessly.

By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with Windows Server 2019 essentials and have the skills you need to configure Windows services and implement best practices for securing a Windows Server environment.

▶What You Will Learn
?Get up and running with Windows Server 2019's new features
?Install, configure, and administer Windows Server 2019 effectively
?Configure the server to host any enterprise application
?Discover ways to manage a server without a GUI
?Safeguard your virtual machines in the event of server failure
?Explore new ways to integrate Windows Server with Microsoft Azure
?Deploy Windows containers using Docker

▶Key Features
?Leverage Windows Server 2019 to improve enterprise workflow efficiency and increase productivity
?Deliver enterprise-grade cloud services that can be applied in your infrastructure
?Get up and running with PowerShell and the all-new Hyper-V improvements

▶Who This Book Is For
This Windows Server 2019 book is for system administrators and IT professionals who have basic experience in Windows environments and are interested in acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to manage and maintain the core infrastructure required for a Windows Server 2019 environment.
?Chapter 1: Learning the Interface
?Chapter 2: Core Infrastructure Tasks
?Chapter 3: Networking
?Chapter 4: Working with Certificates
?Chapter 5: Internet Information Services
?Chapter 6: Remote Access
?Chapter 7: Remote Desktop Services
?Chapter 8: Monitoring and Backup
?Chapter 9: System Insights
?Chapter 10: Group Policy
?Chapter 11: File Services and Data Control
?Chapter 12: Server Core
?Chapter 13: Working with Hyper-V
?Chapter 14: Containers and Docker
?Chapter 15: Desired State Configuration and Automation
?Chapter 16: Hardening Your Infrastructure

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Learning the interface, takes you on a journey of working with Windows Server 2019 as we figure out how to navigate through the new look and feel of this new operating system, and gain some tips and tricks to complete our daily chores efficiently.

? Chapter 2, Core Infrastructure Tasks, takes us through configuring and working with the core Microsoft technology stack. The recipes contained in this chapter are what I consider essential knowledge for any administrator who intends to work in a Windows network.

? Chapter 3, Networking, runs through many common network configurations and useful tools that you'll need to know to configure a Windows network.

? Chapter 4, Working with Certificates, starts to get us comfortable with the creation and distribution of certificates within our network. Public Key Infrastructure is an area that administrators increasingly need to use and operate, but many administrators have not yet had an opportunity to work hands-on with it.

? Chapter 5, Internet Information Services, brings us into the configuration of a Windows Server 2019 server as a web server in our network. We will start to tie in the earlier chapters of this book ? we'll be using network configuration, core infrastructure tasks, and certificates in this chapter. We'll also be looking at a certificate authority called Let's Encrypt.

? Chapter 6, Remote Access, digs into using Windows Server 2016 as the connectivity platform that brings your remote computers into the corporate network. We discuss DirectAccess and VPNs in this chapter.

? Chapter 7, Remote Desktop Services, encourages you to look into using Server 2019 as a virtual session host or VDI solution. Remote Desktop Services (RDS) can be an incredibly powerful tool for anyone interested in centralized computing.

? Chapter 8, Monitoring and Backup, covers some of the capabilities included with Windows Server 2019 to help keep tabs on the servers running in your infrastructure. From monitoring system performance and IP address management to backing up and restoring data using the tools baked into Windows, these recipes will walk you through some helpful tasks related to monitoring and backup, and checking for viruses.

? Chapter 9, System Insights, covers a new feature in Windows Server 2019 that allows large-scale analysis and predictions of server health and capacity. We look at how we can use this for capacity planning, and how you might integrate it into an existing monitoring system. We also do a lot of work in the new Windows Admin Center.

? Chapter 10, Group Policy, takes us into the incredibly powerful and far-reaching management powers contained within Active Directory that are provided out of the box with Windows Server 2019.

? Chapter 11, File Services and Data Control, provides us with information and step-bystep recipes on some of the lesser - known ways that data can be managed on a Windows server. We will cover technologies such as DFSR, iSCSI, and Windows Server 2019 Work Folders. We also look at building a scale-out file server.

? Chapter 12, Server Core, encourages us to shrink our servers! Most of us automatically deploy our servers with the full graphical interface, but often we could make our servers more efficient and more secure by using a headless interface. Let's explore these capabilities together to see where they can fit into your environment.

? Chapter 13, Working with Hyper-V, takes a look into the backend interface of our virtualization infrastructure. Many server administrators only ever access their virtual machines as if they were physical servers, but there may come a day when you need to get into that backend administration and create a new VM or adjust some settings. We also look at another brand-new Windows Server 2019 feature: nested resilience.

▶ Preface
Windows is, and will probably always be, the leader in server software for businesses. In any data center in the world that supports desktop Windows computers, you will find Windows Server. You will also find Windows powering one of the world's largest cloud environments ? Microsoft Azure. Businesses have been relying on Windows and Windows Server for almost 25 years, and not without reason! Windows Server 2019 continues the long-standing tradition of providing all the core functionality from previous versions of Windows Server along with many enhancements and improvements new to this version of Windows.

Windows has seen a substantial shift in the past 10 years towards remote management. Where once upon a time you had to log into individual servers, now almost everything can be done from the comfort of your Windows 10 desktop. Many remote management GUIs are available, and for those who like scripting and repeatability there's a large focus on PowerShell. Windows Server 2019 is no exception, and for the first time in the Windows Server cookbook series we'll be looking at this extensively.

When I was approached to continue the excellent work of Jordan Krause, who wrote the previous editions of the book, I was excited at the idea of being able to educate readers on many of the common mistakes I see made in Windows environments around the globe. I've seen more badly named Active Directory domains than well-named ones. I've seen so many web servers that were meant to be identical but where one or two have been configured differently. I see companies that don't have the right tools in place to be able to reconstruct a security incident after the fact. I saw this edition of this book as my chance to share the knowledge I've built up over the past 15 years. Windows Server 2019 has so many wonderful features that are woefully under-utilized. Desired State Configuration is one particular example that, if used properly, could have saved a lot of the heartache I've seen.

You may be asking yourself why this book even exists ? isn't everything moving to the cloud? Why do I need to learn all this? The simple answer is that most of the things you learn here are still relevant to the cloud! The cloud isn't some magic wand that you can wave over your infrastructure and make it all just work. There's still management that needs to be done. Servers still need configuring, users need administering, file servers still need anti-virus. There are also a lot of workloads that are not moving to the cloud yet. Any medium to large business probably has at least one or two Windows servers sitting in a rack in each office. And let's not forget that cloud services only work well if you have a solid, high - bandwidth, low - latency internet connection. For countries where internet bandwidth is limited or expensive, then on-premises hardware will surely always win. So, whether or not your company is going all-in on the cloud, you will still need a good, fundamental, solid understanding of Windows Server 2019.

A book about Windows Server can't just focus on the new fancy pieces. It also needs to lay a good foundation to get you to a point where you can use these new features with confidence. That's why a lot of the recipes early on in this book cover doing things two ways: once via the GUI and a second time via PowerShell. As we get into the more advanced chapters of the book, the GUI will be seen less and less, and we'll be in PowerShell a lot more. As your skills in PowerShell improve, my hope is that you can take the foundations found in this book and maybe one day you can write your own book about your adventures in Windows administration. Maybe you will take over the reins of the Windows Server cookbook series!


저자(글) Mark Henderson

Mark Henderson is a Site Reliability Engineer. He has worked for companies like Take 2 Games and Stack Overflow. He has Bachelor of Information Systems and over 13 years of experience in Windows administration, focussed on internet-facing applications and scaling enterprise applications. He works daily with containers, Azure, Amazon Web Services, Active Directory, IIS, SQL Server, and .NET. He lives in a quiet, peaceful beach town in Australia with his family, but has been working with small, medium and large American companies since 2015

저자(글) Jordan Krause

Jordan Krause is a six-time Microsoft MVP, currently awarded in the Cloud and Datacenter Management category. He has the unique opportunity of working daily with Microsoft networking and remote access technologies. Jordan specializes in Microsoft DirectAccess and Always On VPN. Committed to continuous learning, Jordan holds Microsoft certifications as an MCP, MCTS, MCSA, and MCITP Enterprise Administrator, and regularly writes articles reflecting his experiences with these technologies. Jordan lives in beautiful West Michigan (USA), but works daily with companies around the world.

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    Windows Server 2019 Cookbook Second Edition
    Over 100 recipes to effectively configure networks, manage security, and administer workloads
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