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Developing Multi-Platform Apps with Visual Studio Code

Get up and running with VS Code by building multi-platform, cloud-native, and microservices-based apps
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 09월 18일 출간

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ISBN 9781838826642
쪽수 334쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Redefine your software development experience by understanding the extensive features and rich functionalities offered by Visual Studio Code

▶Book Description
Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a powerful, lightweight code editor for modern web and cloud development. It is a source code editor that can be used with a variety of programming languages, which works on multiple platforms such as Linux, Windows, and macOS. This book provides extensive coverage of the tools, functionalities, and extensions available within the VS Code environment that will help you build multi-platform apps with ease.

You'll start with the installation of VS Code and learn about various tools and features that are essential for development. Progressing through the chapters, you'll explore the user interface while understanding tips and tricks for increasing productivity. Next, you'll delve into VS Code extensions and discover how they can make life easier for developers. Later, the book shows you how to develop a sample application with different programming languages, tools, and runtimes to display how VS code can be used effectively for development, before helping you get to grips with source code version management and deployment on Azure with VS Code. Finally, you'll build on your skills by focusing on remote development with VS Code.

By the end of this book, you'll have the knowledge you need to use Visual Studio Code as your primary tool for software development.

▶What You Will Learn
?Explore various editing, formatting, and navigational features of VS Code
?Understand how to add, delete, and configure extensions in VS Code
?Develop web APIs using Node.js, Java, and Python in VS Code
?Develop background service in .NET Core and explore Dapr
?Delve into debugging techniques such as breakpoints, log points, and data inspection
?Use Git with Azure DevOps to share and synchronize code with VS Code
?Create custom extensions in VS Code to increase developer productivity
?Understand the concepts of remote development using VS Code

▶Key Features
?Leverage the power of the free, cross-platform, and highly customizable code editor to build modern web and cloud applications
?Edit, debug and deploy on Microsoft Azure with Visual Studio Code
?Learn how to customize features and install a wide variety of third-party extensions

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for software developers, web developers and polyglot programmers, who are working with any language or framework such as Python, Java, Node.js, or .NET and are looking to learn how they can create multi-platform, microservices based, cloud-native applications while effectively using Visual Studio Code for editing, debugging, version management and deployment. Basic software development skills are a must to grasp the concepts covered in this book.
▷ Section 1: Introduction to Visual Studio Code
?Chapter 1: Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
?Chapter 2: Extensions in Visual Studio Code

▷ Section 2: Developing Microservices-Based Applications in Visual Studio Code
?Chapter 3: Building a Multi-Platform Backend Using Visual Studio Code
?Chapter 4: Building a Service in .NET Core and Exploring Dapr
?Chapter 5: Building a Web-Based Frontend Application with Angular
?Chapter 6: Debugging Techniques
?Chapter 7: Deploying Applications on Azure
?Chapter 8: Git and Azure DevOps

▷ Section 3: Advanced Topics on Visual Studio Code
?Chapter 9: Creating Custom Extensions in Visual Studio Code
?Chapter 10: Remote Development in Visual Studio Code

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Getting Started with Visual Studio Code, explains the key features of VS Code as an editor and how it differs from IDEs. The chapter covers VS Code in terms of the overall layout, command line options, multi-cursor editing, code refactoring, code navigation and user snippets among others.

? Chapter 2, Extensions in Visual Studio Code. A key feature that makes Visual Studio Code more than just an editor is its extensibility framework. This allows the developer to add extensions relevant to their needs. This chapter will explain the extensibility framework, look at some important extensions, and explore how to add, delete, and configure extensions.

? Chapter 3, Building a Multi-Platform Backend Using Visual Studio Code, starts off discussing the architecture and then building microservices on different platforms for the Job Ordering System we will develop in this part of the book. This will help you understand how the Visual Studio Code editor can be used in real-life scenarios.

? Chapter 4, Building a Service in .NET Core and Exploring Dapr, develops a .NET Core hosted service to provide integration between different services. Communication is established between these services using a message broker system.

? Chapter 5, Building a Web-Based Frontend Application with Angular, uses Visual Studio Code to develop a client-side web application and consumes the backend services developed in the previous chapters. The chapter will focus on how Visual Studio Code can be the editor of choice for frontend development.

? Chapter 6, Debugging Techniques, focuses on exploring various debugging features of VS Code by setting up the environment for different technologies. The chapter also discusses different ways of launching the VS Code debugger.

? Chapter 7, Deploying Applications on Azure, focuses on containerizing applications using Docker as the container technology and deploying to Azure Kubernetes Services for container orchestration scenarios.

? Chapter 8, Git and Azure DevOps, focuses on the use of Git, understanding Git model and different strategies for source code version management. It also explores Azure DevOps for enabling CI/CD for automated build and deployment scenarios.

? Chapter 9, Creating Custom Extensions in Visual Studio Code, is about exploring the extension framework for extending VS Code functionality by developing custom extensions. The chapter takes you through the steps for building various types of extension such as using TypeScript, Code snippet and theme extension.

? Chapter 10, Remote Development in Visual Studio Code, focuses on exploring the remote development feature of VS Code by developing applications on remote machines, containers and on cloud using GitHub Codespaces.

▶ Preface
Developing Multi-Platform Apps with Visual Studio Code aims at exploring various functionalities of VS Code as an editor by taking the reader through a journey of developing a microservices based cloud native application.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part covers an introduction to VS Code, its features and the use of extensions. This creates a keen understanding of VS Code as an editor, by discussing the tooling features, increasing productivity and providing greater flexibility to a developer.

The second part covers building a cloud native application, based on multiple platforms. It starts by discussing the overall architecture and then moves on to developing the complete application. The application is based on a microservices architecture, where each backend service and the frontend is based on different technologies. The respective chapters elaborate the steps required to extend VS Code functionality to enable support for multiple platforms. The book also discusses Azure Event Hubs with Kafka protocol for inter-application messaging, Azure Kubernetes Services for container orchestration, Git and Azure DevOps for version management and deployment respectively. It also features Dapr for publishing messages to Kafka. Finally touching upon debugging the book explores the common VS Code debugging features along with the specific extensions required for each platform. All these topics are covered in this book in the most interactive manner to encourage you to try the examples yourself.

The last part covers advance topics related to VS Code such as creating custom extensions and remote development with examples.


Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan is a seasoned programmer and solution architect with nearly 20 years of experience in software development, consultancy and solution architecture. He has worked with various clients across the United States, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Currently he is working as a Sr. Customer Engineer at Microsoft, based in Dubai. He specializes mainly in Application development using .NET and other OSS technologies, Microsoft Azure and DevOps.He is a prolific writer and has published few books on Enterprise Application Architecture, .NET Core and JavaScript, and written numerous technical articles on various sites. He likes to talk about technology and has delivered various technical sessions around the world.

저자(글) Khusro Habib

Khusro Habib has been working in the IT industry for almost 20 years. He is a veteran programmer and delivered several enterprise grade solutions in the capacity of a consultant and solution architect. He is a certified Enterprise Architect Practitioner with the experience to design change for an enterprise. His current focus is on Cloud Computing, Web and Mobile development, Data and Process Integration, Analytics and Machine Learning. With knowledge on various technology domains, he can place technology in the right context and address complex problems with workable IT solutions. He has a unique way of explaining things by breaking them down and then gradually building them up to create a better understanding.

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    Developing Multi-Platform Apps with Visual Studio Code
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