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Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 and SharePoint Hybrid Administration

Deploy, configure, and manage SharePoint on-premises and hybrid scenarios
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 10월 22일 출간

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ISBN 9781800565845
쪽수 523쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Manage your Microsoft 365 workloads between SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online using the SharePoint Hybrid configuration

▶Book Description
SharePoint Server is an on-premises collaboration and business productivity platform. It serves as a content management and web services platform, enabling users to create, publish, and discover content and applications and integrate with business systems.

This SharePoint book offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the SharePoint Server 2019 interface to help you configure and deploy confidently from the start. With the help of clear and succinct explanations and expert tips, this book covers SharePoint Server and SharePoint Hybrid configuration as well as the process for migrating to Microsoft SharePoint Online. As the book takes you through strategies and techniques for configuring and managing SharePoint on-premises and hybrid scenarios, you'll get to grips with the concepts essential for SharePoint deployments, such as authentication, Business Connectivity Services, and the data gateway. You'll also explore migration methods and strategies.

By the end of this book, you'll have learned the fundamentals of deploying SharePoint Server 2019 and be able to use this reference guide for your administration tasks.

▶What You Will Learn
?Understand how SharePoint Server technologies enable you to collaborate
?Deploy and configure SharePoint Server 2019
?Configure and manage SharePoint site collections
?Manage data migration with SharePoint's migration tools
?Explore Business Connectivity Services (BCS) for working with external data sources
?Get to grips with the different types of authentication available in the SharePoint ecosystem

▶Key Features
?Explore the collaborative features of SharePoint Server technologies using expert techniques
?Migrate your Microsoft 365 workload and Teamwork services to SharePoint Online using a hybrid configuration
?Learn how to map traditional Microsoft services to a cloud service model

▶Who This Book Is For
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 and SharePoint Hybrid Administration is targeted at entry-level SharePoint Server administrators who want to learn how to deploy and manage SharePoint farms, service applications, and connected data services.
?Chapter 1: Overview of SharePoint Server 2019
?Chapter 2: Planning a SharePoint Farm
?Chapter 3: Managing and Maintaining a SharePoint Farm
?Chapter 4: Implementing Authentication
?Chapter 5: Managing Site Collections
?Chapter 6: Configuring Business Connectivity Services
?Chapter 7: Planning and Configuring Managed Metadata
?Chapter 8: Managing Search
?Chapter 9: Exploring Office Service Applications
?Chapter 10: Overview of SharePoint Hybrid
?Chapter 11: Planning a Hybrid Configuration and Topology
?Chapter 12: Implementing Hybrid Teamwork Artifacts
?Chapter 13: Implementing a Hybrid Search Service Application
?Chapter 14: Implementing a Data Gateway
?Chapter 15: Using Power Automate with a Data Gateway
?Chapter 16: Overview of the Migration Process
?Chapter 17: Migrating Data and Content

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Overview of SharePoint Server 2019, starts by explaining the basics of SharePoint Server and how it forms the foundation of all of the workloads that will be discussed later.

? Chapter 2, Planning a SharePoint Farm, helps you understand the basic SharePoint MinRole server configurations and the architecture components that are necessary to build a successful solution.

? Chapter 3, Managing and Maintaining a SharePoint Farm, shows you how to configure the core service applications for SharePoint Server farms.

? Chapter 4, Implementing Authentication, explains the different identity and authentication methods available for securing web applications.

? Chapter 5, Managing Site Collections, gives you a thorough understanding of the classic and modern SharePoint Server site collection architectures and provides recommendations on Microsoft's best practices.

? Chapter 6, Configuring Business Connectivity Services, will show you how to interact with external data systems with Business Connectivity Services.

? Chapter 7, Planning and Configuring Managed Metadata, shows you how the Managed Metadata Service application works and how to use it to build a structured taxonomy.

? Chapter 8, Managing Search, dives into how to configure the Search service application.

? Chapter 9, Exploring Office Service Applications, works through deploying some of the lesscommon Office-based service applications for document conversion and rendering.

? Chapter 10, Overview of SharePoint Hybrid, introduces the concepts around integrating an on-premises SharePoint farm with SharePoint Online.

? Chapter 11, Planning a Hybrid Configuration and Topology, helps you relate business requirements to SharePoint Hybrid features and plan for integration.

? Chapter 12, Implementing Hybrid Teamwork Artifacts, walks you step-by-step through the configuration of several SharePoint Hybrid configurations, including hybrid sites, OneDrive, and taxonomy.

? Chapter 13, Implementing a Hybrid Search Service Application, covers the different types of hybrid search options and the configuration of cloud hybrid search.

? Chapter 14, Implementing a Data Gateway, shows you how to connect SharePoint Server to the Microsoft 365 platform to allow cloud-based tools, including Power BI and Power Automate, to interact with SharePoint Server data.

? Chapter 15, Using Power Automate with a Data Gateway, demonstrates utilizing on-premises data with the Microsoft Power Automate service.

? Chapter 16, Overview of the Migration Process, provides an overview of migrating to SharePoint Online using different tools.

? Chapter 17, Migrating Data and Content, walks you through preparing data and migrating content to SharePoint Online.

▶ Preface
SharePoint Server is an on-premises collaboration and business productivity platform. As a content management and web services platform, it enables users to create, publish, and discover content and applications, integrate with business systems, and create products.

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 and SharePoint Hybrid Administration, as the title implies, is designed to help you in understanding the platform, its tools, and its configuration capabilities in a way that will help you successfully deploy and configure a SharePoint farm. The SharePoint system is very broad. This book will walk you through the following concepts:

? Designing a SharePoint Server environment
? Identity and authentication
? Understanding service and web applications
? Connecting to external data systems
? Migrating to SharePoint Online

This book will help you understand the basics of the SharePoint platform and its architecture and terminology, along with the identity and authentication mechanisms used to provide access to resources. It will also guide you step by step through basic and advanced configurations for SharePoint Server, OneDrive, SharePoint hybrid connectivity, the on-premises data gateway, and Business Connectivity Services.

By the end of this book, you'll be equipped to confidently and successfully deploy and administer the collaboration platform components.


저자(글) Aaron Guilmette

Aaron Guilmette, a Teams technical specialist at Microsoft, provides guidance and assistance to customers adopting the Microsoft 365 platform. He primarily focuses on collaborative technologies, including Microsoft SharePoint Online, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Teams. He also works with identity and scripting solutions.He has been involved with technology since 1998 and has provided consulting services for customers in the commercial, educational, and government sectors internationally. Aaron has also worked with technical certification exams and instructional design for Microsoft and other organizations.

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    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 and SharePoint Hybrid Administration
    Deploy, configure, and manage SharePoint on-premises and hybrid scenarios
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