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iOS 14 Programming for Beginners Fifth Edition

Get started with building iOS apps with Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12
Ahmad Saha 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 11월 13일 출간

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ISBN 9781800202061
쪽수 767쪽
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Learn iOS app development and work with the latest Apple development tools

▶Book Description
If you're a beginner looking to work and experiment with powerful iOS 14 features such as widgets and App Clips to create your own apps, this iOS programming guide is for you. The book offers a comprehensive introduction for experienced programmers who are new to iOS, taking you through the entire process of learning the Swift language, writing your own apps, and publishing them on the App Store.

Fully updated to cover the new iOS 14 features, along with Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3, this fifth edition of iOS 14 Programming for Beginners starts with an introduction to the Swift programming language and shows you how to accomplish common programming tasks with it. You'll then start building the user interface (UI) of a complete real-world app using the storyboards feature in the latest version of Xcode and implement the code for views, view controllers, data managers, and other aspects of mobile apps. The book will also help you apply iOS 14 features to existing apps and introduce you to SwiftUI, a new way to build apps for all Apple devices. Finally, you'll set up testers for your app and understand what you need to do to publish your app on the App Store.

By the end of this book, you'll not only be well versed in writing and publishing applications, but you'll also be able to apply your iOS development skills to enhance existing apps.

▶What You Will Learn
?Get to grips with the fundamentals of Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3, the building blocks of iOS development
?Understand how to prototype an app using storyboards
?Discover the Model-View-Controller design pattern and how to implement the desired functionality within an app
?Implement the latest iOS features, such as widgets and App Clips
?Convert an existing iPad app into an Apple Silicon Mac app
?Design, deploy, and test your iOS applications with design patterns and best practices

▶Key Features
?Explore the latest features of Xcode 12 and the Swift 5.3 programming language in this updated fifth edition
?Kick-start your iOS programming career and have fun building your own iOS apps
?Discover the new features of iOS 14 such as Mac Catalyst, SwiftUI, widgets and App Clips

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for anyone who has programming experience but is new to Swift and iOS app development. Experienced programmers looking to explore the latest iOS 14 features will also find this book useful.
▷ Section 1: Swift
?Chapter 1: Getting Familiar with Xcode
?Chapter 2: Simple Values and Types
?Chapter 3: Conditionals and Optionals
?Chapter 4: Range Operators and Loops
?Chapter 5: Collection Types
?Chapter 6: Functions and Closures
?Chapter 7: Classes, Structures, and Enumerations
?Chapter 8: Protocols, Extensions, and Error Handling

▷ Section 2:Design
?Chapter 9: Setting Up the User Interface
?Chapter 10: Building Your User Interface
?Chapter 11: Finishing Up Your User Interface
?Chapter 12: Modifying and Configuring Cells

▷ Section 3:Code
?Chapter 13: Getting Started with MVC and Collection Views
?Chapter 14: Getting Data into Collection Views
?Chapter 16: Getting Started with MapKit
?Chapter 17: Getting Started with JSON Files
?Chapter 18: Displaying Data in a Static Table View
?Chapter 19: Getting Started with Custom UIControls
?Chapter 20: Getting Started with Cameras and Photo Libraries
?Chapter 21: Understanding Core Data

▷ Section 4:Features
?Chapter 22: Getting Started with Apple Silicon Macs
?Chapter 23: Getting Started with SwiftUI
?Chapter 24: Getting Started with Widgets
?Chapter 25: Getting Started with App Clips
?Chapter 26: Testing and Submitting Your App to the App Store

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Getting Familiar with Xcode, takes you through a tour of Xcode and talks about all the different panes that you will use throughout the book.

? Chapter 2, Simple Values and Types, deals with how values and types are implemented by the Swift language.

? Chapter 3, Conditionals and Optionals, shows how if and switch statements are implemented, and how to implement variables that may or may not have a value.

? Chapter 4, Range Operators and Loops, shows how to work with ranges and the different ways loops are implemented in Swift.

? Chapter 5, Collection Types, covers the common collection types, which are arrays, dictionaries, and sets.

? Chapter 6, Functions and Closures, covers how you can group instructions together using functions and closures.

? Chapter 7, Classes, Structures, and Enumerations, talks about how complex objects containing state and behavior are represented in Swift.

? Chapter 8, Protocols, Extensions, and Error Handling, talks about creating protocols that complex data types can adopt, extending the capabilities of existing types, and how to handle errors in your code.

? Chapter 9, Setting Up the User Interface, deals with creating the Let's Eat app, adding graphical assets, and setting up the initial screen that the users will see.

? Chapter 10, Building Your User Interface, covers setting up the main screen for the Let's Eat app.

? Chapter 11, Finishing Up Your User Interface, covers setting up the remaining screens for the Let's Eat app.

? Chapter 12, Modifying and Configuring Cells, is about designing the table and collection view cells in a storyboard.

? Chapter 13, Getting Started with MVC and Collection Views, concerns working with collection views and how you can use them to display a grid of items.

? Chapter 14, Getting Data into Collection Views, concerns the incorporation of data into collection views.

? Chapter 15, Getting Started with Table Views, teaches you how to work with table views and takes an in-depth look at dynamic table views.

? Chapter 16, Getting Started with MapKit, deals with working with MapKit and adding annotations to a map. You will also create custom annotations for your map.

? Chapter 17, Getting Started with JSON Files, involves learning how to use a data manager class to read a JSON file and use the data inside your app.

? Chapter 18, Displaying Data in a Static Table View, teaches you how to populate a static table view with data passed from one view controller to another using segues.

? Chapter 19, Getting Started with Custom UIControls, takes a look at how to create your own custom views.

? Chapter 20, Getting Started with Cameras and Photo Libraries, talks about working with the device's camera and photo library.

? Chapter 21, Understanding Core Data, covers the basics of using Core Data, and how to save reviews and restaurant photos.

? Chapter 22, Getting Started with Apple Silicon Macs, deals with modifying your app to work well on the iPad's larger screen, as well as how to make it work on an Apple Silicon Mac.

? Chapter 23, Getting Started with SwiftUI, is about building an app using Apple's new SwiftUI technology.

? Chapter 24, Getting Started with Widgets, shows you how you can add a widget for your app on your Home Screen.

? Chapter 25, Getting Started with App Clips, shows you how you can add an app clip to your app, and provide relevant information to your users.

? Chapter 26, Testing and Submitting Your App to the App Store, concerns how to test your apps with internal and external testers, as well as submitting apps to the App Store.

▶ Preface
Welcome to iOS 14 Programming for Beginners. This book is the fifth edition of the iOS Programming for Beginners series, and has been fully updated for iOS 14, macOS 11.0 Big Sur, and Xcode 12.

In this book, you will build a restaurant reservation app called Let's Eat. You will start off by exploring Xcode, Apple's programming environment, also known as its Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Next, you will start learning the foundations of Swift, the programming language used in iOS apps, and see how it is used to accomplish common programming tasks.

Once you have a solid foundation of using Swift, you will start creating the user interface of the Let's Eat app. During this process, you will work with storyboards and connect your app's scenes together using segues.

With your user interface complete, you will then add code to implement your app's functionality. To display your data in a grid, you will use collection views, and to display your data in a list, you will use table views. You will also look at how to add basic and custom annotations to a map. You'll see how you can use JSON files to get actual restaurant data into your collection views, table views, and map. You'll enable users to add ratings, reviews, and photos for a particular restaurant, which you'll save using Core Data.

You now have a complete app, but how about adding the latest iOS 14 features? You'll start by modifying your app to work on both an iPhone and an iPad, as well as make it work on Apple Silicon Macs. Next, you will learn how to develop apps using SwiftUI, a great new way of developing apps for all Apple platforms. After that, you'll add widgets to display relevant information from your app on the Home Screen. Finally, you'll create an app clip for your app to provide specific app experiences when needed.

Finally, you'll learn how to test your app with internal and external testers and get it into the App Store.


저자(글) Ahmad Saha

Ahmad Sahar is a trainer, presenter, and consultant at Tomafuwi Productions, specializing in conducting training courses for macOS and iOS, macOS Support Essentials certification courses, and iOS Development courses. He is a member of the DevCon iOS and MyCocoaHeads online communities in Malaysia, and has conducted presentations and talks for both groups. In his spare time, he likes building and programming LEGO Mindstorms robots.

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    iOS 14 Programming for Beginners Fifth Edition
    Get started with building iOS apps with Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12
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