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Docker for Developers

Develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 09월 14일 출간

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ISBN 9781789539486
쪽수 469쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Learn how to deploy and test Linux-based Docker containers with the help of real-world use cases

▶Book Description
Docker is the de facto standard for containerizing apps, and with an increasing number of software projects migrating to containers, it is crucial for engineers and DevOps teams to understand how to build, deploy, and secure Docker environments effectively. Docker for Developers will help you understand Docker containers from scratch while taking you through best practices and showing you how to address security concerns.

Starting with an introduction to Docker, you'll learn how to use containers and Virtual Box for development. You'll explore how containers work and develop projects within them after you've explored different ways to deploy and run containers. The book will also show you how to use Docker containers in production in both single-host set-ups and in clusters and deploy them using Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Spinnaker. As you advance, you'll get to grips with monitoring, securing, and scaling Docker using tools such as Prometheus and Grafana. Later, you'll be able to deploy Docker containers to a variety of environments, including the cloud-native Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), before finally delving into Docker security concepts and best practices.

By the end of the Docker book, you'll be able to not only work in a container-driven environment confidently but also use Docker for both new and existing projects.

▶What You Will Learn
? Get up to speed with creating containers and understand how they work
? Package and deploy your containers to a variety of platforms
? Work with containers in the cloud and on the Kubernetes platform
? Deploy and then monitor the health and logs of running containers
? Explore best practices for working with containers from a security perspective
? Become familiar with scanning containers and using third-party security tools and libraries

▶Key Features
? Understand how to make a deployment workflow run smoothly with Docker containers
? Learn Docker and DevOps concepts such as continuous integration and continuous deployment
? Gain insights into using various Docker tools and libraries

▶Who This Book Is For
If you're a software engineer new to containerization or a DevOps engineer responsible for deploying Docker containers in the cloud and building DevOps pipelines for container-based projects, you'll find this book useful. This Docker containers book is also a handy reference guide for anyone working with a Docker-based DevOps ecosystem or interested in understanding the security implications and best practices for working in container-driven environments.
▷ Section 1: An Introduction to Docker ? Containers and Local Development
Chapter 1: Introduction to Docker
Chapter 2: Using VirtualBox and Docker Containers for Development
Chapter 3: Sharing Containers Using Docker Hub
Chapter 4: Composing Systems Using Containers

▷ Section 2: Running Docker in Production
Chapter 5: Alternatives for Deploying and Running Containers in Production
Chapter 6: Deploying Applications with Docker Compose
Chapter 7: Continuous Deployment with Jenkins
Chapter 8: Deploying Docker Apps to Kubernetes
Chapter 9: Cloud-Native Continuous Deployment Using Spinnaker
Chapter 10: Monitoring Docker Using Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger
Chapter 11: Scaling and Load Testing Docker Applications

▷ Section 3: Docker Security ? Securing Your Containers
Chapter 12: Introduction to Container Security
Chapter 13: Docker Security Fundamentals and Best Practices
Chapter 14: Advanced Docker Security ? Secrets, Secret Commands, Tagging, and Labels
Chapter 15: Scanning, Monitoring, and Using Third-Party Tools
Chapter 16: Conclusion ? End of the Road, but not the Journey

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Introduction to Docker, provides some background on Docker, a walk-through of containers and their purpose, and presents the reader with an introduction to the topics that will be discussed in the book.

? Chapter 2, Using VirtualBox and Docker Containers for Development, guides the reader through using a virtual machine locally for development and then compares this to how Docker can be used for containerized development projects.

? Chapter 3, Sharing Containers Using Docker Hub, introduces the reader to Docker Hub and pre-built containers. Next, we explore the process of building specialized containers.

? Chapter 4, Composing Systems Using Containers, investigates more complex situations where multiple containers need to work together as a complete system. Additionally, we give the reader an overview of Docker Compose.

? Chapter 5, Alternatives for Deploying and Running Containers in Production, helps the reader understand the spectrum of choices when it comes to running containers in a production environment, including cloud options, on-premises and hybrid solutions.

? Chapter 6, Deploying Applications with Docker Compose, discusses how to deploy a production application on a single host with Docker Compose and how to deal with logging and monitoring, along with the pros and cons of this simple setup.

? Chapter 7, Continuous Deployment with Jenkins, shows how to use Jenkins for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) for containers, using a Jenkinsfile and multiple development branches.

? Chapter 8, Deploying Docker Apps to Kubernetes, explores Kubernetes concepts, cloud distribution options, and shows how to create an Amazon Web Services Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster for deploying Docker applications to Kubernetes.

? Chapter 9, Cloud-Native Continuous Deployment Using Spinnaker, builds upon the skills we developed around CI/CD by integrating Netflix's Spinnaker with Kubernetes and looking at automated tests.

? Chapter 10, Monitoring Docker Using Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger, explains how to monitor container-based applications using AWS CloudWatch, Prometheus, and Grafana. We introduce the OpenTracing API and implement it using Jaeger.

? Chapter 11, Scaling and Load Testing Docker Applications, explores how to scale a Docker-based application through Kubernetes. It introduces the concept of a service mesh and shows a simple implementation using Envoy, integrating load balancing and advanced traffic routing and filtering, including utilization of the circuit breaker pattern. Finally, we show how to use k6.io to perform load testing to demonstrate that our application can scale out.

? Chapter 12, Introduction to Container Security, walks the reader through basic container security concepts, including how virtualization and hypervisor security models work.

? Chapter 13, Docker Security Fundamentals and Best Practices, builds upon the previous chapter's introduction and delves deeper into Docker and security components. This includes a comparison of Docker commands and their security implications.

? Chapter 14, Advanced Docker Security ? Secrets, Secret Commands, Tagging, and Labels, covers the topics of secrets, including passwords, and how they can be used securely with container-based environments. The reader is also introduced to the use of tagging and labeling best practices.

? Chapter 15, Scanning, Monitoring, and Using Third-Party Tools, expands upon our logging and monitoring skills acquired from other chapters by refocusing on these elements from a security focus. Here, we also look at what options are available for users of AWS, Azure, and GCP and how we can scan containers for security issues using Anchore.

? Chapter 16, Conclusion ? End of the Road, but not the Journey, wraps the book up by revisiting what we have learned so far. Finally,...

▶ Preface
Software engineering teams are rapidly adopting containers to package and deploy their software. Providing a platform-agnostic experience, containers allow you to run applications with a variety of operating system images and to deploy on-premises, in data centers, and in the cloud. In order to support container-based applications, vendors have developed a wide variety of tools, ranging from Docker and Google's Kubernetes project to Lyft's Envoy service mesh and Netflix's Spinnaker. Whether you are working on the software development side of the house, hosting, and infrastructure, or constructing DevOps pipelines, you need both a broad and in-depth understanding of many concepts in order to manage container-based environments.

In Docker for Developers, we will start with a walk-through of the basics of developing with containers locally using Docker, and then move on to deploying production-ready, cloud-hosted systems with AWS. If you are interested in learning about container orchestration, deployment, monitoring, and security, then we think you will enjoy this book.


Richard Bullington-McGuire is a software architect and DevOps practitioner with more than 28 years of professional experience in information technology. He has operated internet services continuously since 1995 when he established The Obscure Organization. He has used Docker to build, deploy, and run applications in production, including operating the Freezing Saddles winter cycling event since 2018. Richard is a member of the IEEE and the ACM. He holds 6 AWS certifications, including all of the Foundational, Associate, and Professional level certifications. He works at Modus Create, Inc. as director of engineering. You can find him on Twitter and GitHub at @obscurerichard. Richard lives in Arlington, VA, with his wife and four children.

저자(글) Andrew K. Dennis

Andrew K. Dennis is a full stack and cybersecurity architect with over 17 years' experience who currently works for Modus Create in Reston, VA. He holds two undergraduate degrees in software engineering and creative computing and a master's degree in information security. Andy has worked in the US, Canada, and the UK in software engineering, e-learning, data science, and cybersecurity across his career, and has written four books on IoT, the Raspberry Pi, and supercomputing. His interests range from the application of pataphysics in computing to security threat modeling. Andy lives in New England and is an organizer of Security BSides CT.

저자(글) Michael Schwartz

Michael Schwartz is a full stack software engineer, architect, and embedded engineer for Modus Create, with over 45 years' experience as a professional. He founded one of the first public ISPs in the SF Bay Area, Best Internet Communications, and an early internet advertising agency, MediaPlex. He was one of the early developers of video games, including the upright coin-operated machines and consoles. His most recent project is RoboDomo, a home automation system built around Node.js, Docker containers, MQTT, and React.js. Originally from Chicago, IL, Mike resides in the Palm Springs area of California.

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    Docker for Developers
    Develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery
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