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AWS Certified Security - Specialty Exam Guide

Build your cloud security knowledge and expertise as an AWS Certified Security Specialist (SCS-C01)
Stuart Scott 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 09월 07일 출간

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ISBN 9781789537260
쪽수 542쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Get to grips with the fundamentals of cloud security and prepare for the AWS Security Specialty exam with the help of this comprehensive certification guide

▶Book Description
AWS Certified Security ? Specialty is a certification exam to validate your expertise in advanced cloud security. With an ever-increasing demand for AWS security skills in the cloud market, this certification can help you advance in your career. This book helps you prepare for the exam and gain certification by guiding you through building complex security solutions.

From understanding the AWS shared responsibility model and identity and access management to implementing access management best practices, you'll gradually build on your skills. The book will also delve into securing instances and the principles of securing VPC infrastructure. Covering security threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks such as the DDoS attack, you'll discover how to mitigate these at different layers. You'll then cover compliance and learn how to use AWS to audit and govern infrastructure, as well as to focus on monitoring your environment by implementing logging mechanisms and tracking data. Later, you'll explore how to implement data encryption as you get hands-on with securing a live environment. Finally, you'll discover security best practices that will assist you in making critical decisions relating to cost, security,and deployment complexity.

By the end of this AWS security book, you'll have the skills to pass the exam and design secure AWS solutions.

▶What You Will Learn
? Understand how to identify and mitigate security incidents
? Assign appropriate Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources to underpin security requirements
? Work with the AWS shared responsibility model
? Secure your AWS public cloud in different layers of cloud computing
? Discover how to implement authentication through federated and mobile access
? Monitor and log tasks effectively using AWS

▶Key Features
? Learn the fundamentals of security with this fast-paced guide
? Develop modern cloud security skills to build effective security solutions
? Answer practice questions and take mock tests to pass the exam with confidence

▶Who This Book Is For
If you are a system administrator or a security professional looking to get AWS security certification, this book is for you. Prior experience in securing cloud environments is necessary to get the most out of this AWS book.
▷ Section 1: The Exam and Preparation
1. AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam Coverage

▷ Section 2: Security Responsibility and Access Management
2. AWS Shared Responsibility Model
3. Access Management
4. Working with Access Policies
5. Federated and Mobile Access

▷ Section 3: Security - a Layered Approach
6. Securing EC2 Instances
7. Configuring Infrastructure Security
8. Implementing Application Security
9. DDoS Protection
10. Incident Response
11. Securing Connections to Your AWS Environment

▷ Section 4: Monitoring, Logging, and Auditing
12. Implementing Logging Mechanisms
13. Auditing and Governance

▷ Section 5: Best Practices and Automation
14. Automating Security Detection and Remediation
15. Discovering Security Best Practices

▷ Section 6: Encryption and Data Security
16. Managing Key Infrastructure
17. Managing Data Security
18. Mock Tests

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam Coverage, provides you with an understanding of the different assessment topics that will be covered throughout the exam across the five different domains, including incident response, logging and monitoring, infrastructure security, identity and access management, and data protection.

? Chapter 2, AWS Shared Responsibility Model, looks at the different security models (infrastructure, container, and abstract) that define where your responsibility as a customer implementing, controlling, and managing security in AWS starts and ends, in addition to the responsibilities of AWS, which controls the security of the cloud.

? Chapter 3, Access Management, outlines the core concepts of identity and access management through the use of users, groups, and roles, and the differences between them. It also dives into the different types of roles available and EC2 instance profiles, before finishing with an understanding of how to implement multi-factor authentication.

? Chapter 4, Working with Access Policies, takes a deep look at the multitude of different access policies that exist across the AWS environment, and which policy type should be used in different circumstances.

You will also learn how to read JSON policies to evaluate their permissions and the steps involved to implement cross-account access.

? Chapter 5, Federated and Mobile Access, provides you with a comprehensive understanding of different federated access methods, including enterprise identity and social identity federation to provide a single sign-on approach to your AWS environment. In addition, you will also be introduced to the Amazon Cognito service to understand access control through mobile applications and devices.

? Chapter 6, Securing EC2 Instances, tackles the best approach to secure your instance infrastructure using a variety of techniques. These include performing vulnerability scans using Amazon Inspector, how to manage your EC2 key pairs, using AWS Systems Manager to effectively administer your fleet of EC2 instances, and also, should a security breach occur, how to isolate your EC2 instances for forensic investigation.

? Chapter 7, Configuring Infrastructure Security, enables you to gain a full understanding and awareness of the range of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security features that AWS offers to effectively secure your VPC environments. By the end of the chapter, you will be able to confidently build a secure multi-subnet VPC using internet gateways, route tables, network access control lists, security groups, bastion hosts, NAT gateways, subnets, and virtual private gateways.

? Chapter 8, Implementing Application Security, looks at how to minimize and mitigate threats against your application architecture using different AWS services to prevent them from being compromised. You will also be introduced to the configuration of securing your elastic load balancers using certificates and how to secure your APIs using AWS API Gateway.

? Chapter 9, DDoS Protection, highlights how to utilize different AWS features and services to minimize threats against this very common attack to ensure that your infrastructure is not hindered or halted by the threat. You will gain an understanding of the different DDoS attack patterns and how AWS Shield can be used to provide added protection.

? Chapter 10, Incident Response, explains the process and steps to manage a security incident and the best practices to help you reduce the blast radius of the attack. You will understand how to prepare for such incidents and the necessary response actions to isolate the issue using a forensic account.

? Chapter 11, Securing Connections to Your AWS Environment, provides you with an understanding of the different methods of securely connecting your on-premise data centers to your AWS cloud environment using both a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and ...

▶ Preface
This book will provide you with a deep understanding of the different security mechanisms that can be applied when architecting within the cloud, specifically within AWS. Security should always be the number one factor when deploying solutions, and understanding the impact of security at every layer is a requirement for any security practitioner.

You will be guided through every layer of AWS security from the following perspectives:

? Access management and the different techniques that can be applied to enforce it
? Policy management to understand how to define permissions that should be applied
? Host security, defining best practices on protecting instances
? Network and application security, ensuring neither are left vulnerable to exposures, vulnerabilities, or attacks
? Incident response, and how to manage security incidents to minimize the blast radius
? Log management, allowing full tracking and tracing of your solutions to automatically detect and remediate any issues found
? How to accurately record and audit your infrastructure to maintain compliance with governance standards
? Data protection, covering different encryption mechanisms to ensure your data is protected at rest and in transit


저자(글) Stuart Scott

With over two decades in the IT industry, Stuart Scott has an extensive background covering a range of technologies, but his passion is centered around Amazon Web Services (AWS).Stuart is the AWS content and security lead at Cloud Academy where he has created over 80 courses teaching over 100,000 students. His content focuses on cloud security and compliance, and how to implement and configure AWS services to protect, monitor, and secure customer data in AWS.Stuart has written many cloud security blogs and regularly hosts webinars with AWS and leading AWS partners.He is a certified expert within the Experts-Exchange community. In January 2016 he was awarded 'Expert of the Year' for his sharing of knowledge on cloud services with the community.

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    AWS Certified Security - Specialty Exam Guide
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