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Hands-on Nuxt.js Web Development

Build universal and static-generated Vue.js applications using Nuxt.js
Lau Tiam Kok 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 08월 14일 출간

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ISBN 9781789956146
쪽수 679쪽
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▶Book Description
Nuxt.js is a progressive web framework built on top of Vue.js for server-side rendering (SSR). With Nuxt.js and Vue.js, building universal and static-generated applications from scratch is now easier than ever before.

This book starts with an introduction to Nuxt.js and its constituents as a universal SSR framework. You'll learn the fundamentals of Nuxt.js and find out how you can integrate it with the latest version of Vue.js. You'll then explore the Nuxt.js directory structure and set up your first Nuxt.js project using pages, views, routing, and Vue components. With the help of practical examples, you'll learn how to connect your Nuxt.js application with the backend API by exploring your Nuxt.js application's configuration, plugins, modules, middleware, and the Vuex store. The book shows you how you can turn your Nuxt.js application into a universal or static-generated application by working with REST and GraphQL APIs over HTTP requests. Finally, you'll get to grips with security techniques using authorization, package your Nuxt.js application for testing, and deploy it to production.

By the end of this web development book, you'll have developed a solid understanding of using Nuxt.js for your projects and be able to build secure, end-to-end tested, and scalable web applications with SSR, data handling, and SEO capabilities.

▶What You Will Learn
- Integrate Nuxt.js with the latest version of Vue.js
- Extend your Vue.js applications using Nuxt.js pages, components, routing, middleware, plugins, and modules
- Create a basic real-time web application using Nuxt.js, Node.js, Koa.js and RethinkDB
- Develop universal and static-generated web applications with Nuxt.js, headless CMS and GraphQL
- Build Node.js and PHP APIs from scratch with Koa.js, PSRs, GraphQL, MongoDB and MySQL
- Secure your Nuxt.js applications with the JWT authentication
- Discover best practices for testing and deploying your Nuxt.js applications

▶Key Features
- Explore techniques for authentication, testing, and deployment to build your first complete Nuxt.js web app
- Write cleaner, maintainable, and scalable isomorphic JavaScript web applications
- Transform your Vue.js application into universal and static-generated web apps

▶Who This Book Is For
The book is for any JavaScript or full-stack developer who wants to build server-side rendered Vue.js apps. A basic understanding of the Vue.js framework will assist with understanding key concepts covered in the book.
▷ Section 1: Your First Nuxt App
1. Introducing Nuxt
2. Getting Started with Nuxt
3. Adding UI Frameworks
▷ Section 2: View, Routing, Components, Plugins, and Modules
4. Adding Views, Routes, and Transitions
5. Adding Vue Components
6. Writing Plugins and Modules
7. Adding Vue Forms
▷ Section 3: Server-Side Development and Data Management
8. Adding a Server-Side Framework
9. Adding a Server-Side Database
10. Adding a Vuex Store
▷ Section 4: Middleware and Security
11. Writing Route Middlewares and Server Middlewares
12. Creating User Logins and API Authentication
▷ Section 5: Testing and Deployment
13. Writing End-to-End Tests
14. Using Linters, Formatters, and Deployment Commands
▷ Section 6: The Further Fields
15. Creating an SPA with Nuxt
16. Creating a Framework-Agnostic PHP API for Nuxt
17. Creating a Real-Time App with Nuxt
18. Creating a Nuxt App with a CMS and GraphQL

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introducing Nuxt, is where you will learn about the main features of Nuxt. Youwill learn about the types of web applications there are today and which categories Nuxt is in line with. Then, you will find out what you can use Nuxt for in the coming chapters.

- Chapter 2, Getting Started with Nuxt, is where you will install Nuxt, using a scaffolding tool, or doing so from scratch, to create your first basic Nuxt application. You will learn about the default directory structure in your Nuxt project, configuring Nuxt to suit your project and understanding asset serving.

- Chapter 3, Adding UI Frameworks, is where you will add custom UI frameworks, such as Zurb Foundation, Motion UI, Less CSS, and many more, to make your UI development in Nuxt easier and more fun.

- Chapter 4, Adding Views, Routes, and Transitions, is where you will create navigation routes, custom pages, layouts, and templates in your Nuxt application. You will learn how to add transitions and animations, create custom error pages, customize global meta tags, and add specific tags to individual pages.

- Chapter 5, Adding Vue Components, is where you will add Vue components to your Nuxt application. You will learn how to create global and local components and reuse them, writing basic and global mixins and defining component names that comply with the naming convention.

- Chapter 6, Writing Plugins and Modules, is where you will create and add plugins, modules, and module snippets in your Nuxt application. You will learn how to create Vue plugins and install them in your Nuxt project, writing global functions, and registering them.

- Chapter 7, Adding Vue Forms, is where you will create forms with v-model and v-bind, validating form elements and making dynamic value bindings by using modifiers. You will also learn to use a Vue plugin, VeeValidate, to make your frontend validation easier.

- Chapter 8, Adding a Server-Side Framework, is where you will use Koa as the server-side framework to create an API to complement your Nuxt application. You will learn how to install Koa and its essential Node.js packages to create a fully working API and integrate it with your Nuxt application. Also, you will learn about using async data in Nuxt to fetch data from the Koa API, accessing Nuxt context via async data, listening to query changes, handling errors, and using Axios as the HTTP client for requesting data from the API.

- Chapter 9, Adding a Server-Side Database, is where you will use MongoDB to manage the database for your Nuxt application. You will learn how to install MongoDB, writing basic MongoDB queries, adding some dummy data into your MongoDB database, integrating MongoDB with your API from the previous chapter with Koa, and then fetching the data from your Nuxt application.

- Chapter 10, Adding a Vuex Store, is where you will use Vuex to manage and centralize the store data for your Nuxt application. You will learn about the Vuex architecture, mutating store data with the store's mutation and action methods, structuring your store program modularly when it gets bigger, and handling forms in the Vuex store.

- Chapter 11, Writing Route Middlewares and Server Middlewares, is where you will create route middlewares and server middlewares in your Nuxt application. You will learn how to create middlewares using Vue Router, creating Vue applications using Vue CLI and using Express.js (we will call it Express in this book), Koa, and Connect.js (we will call it Connect in this book) as server middlewares.

▶ Preface
Nuxt.js (we will call it Nuxt in this book) is a progressive web framework built on top of Vue.js (we will call it Vue in this book) for server-side rendering (SSR). With Nuxt and Vue, building universal and static-generated applications is easier than ever before. This book will help you get up and running with the fundamentals of Nuxt and how to integrate it with the latest version of Vue, enabling you to build an entire project, including authentication, testing, and deployment, with Nuxt and Vue.js. You will explore Nuxt's directory structure and get your Nuxt project created by using Nuxt's pages, views, routing, and Vue components, and by writing plugins, modules, a Vuex store, and middlewares. Furthermore, you will learn how to create Node.js and PHP APIs or data platforms from scratch by using Koa.js (we will call it Koa in this book), PHP Standards Recommendations (PSRs), MongoDB, and MySQL, as well as using WordPress as a headless CMS and REST API. You'll also use Keystone.js as a GraphQL API to complement Nuxt. You will learn how to create a real-time Nuxt application and API with Socket.IO and RethinkDB, and finally generate static sites with Nuxt and streaming resources (images and videos) from a remote API, whether a REST API or a GraphQL API.


저자(글) Lau Tiam Kok

Lau Tiam Kok, aka Lau Thiam Kok, is a cross-disciplinary full stack web developer/designer and analyst. He was born in Penang, Malaysia. His studies include a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree at University Malaysia Sarawak (1996 - 1999), and an MSc in Digital Futures at the Institute of Digital Art and Technology, University of Plymouth, UK (2002 - 2003). Lau has freelanced for more than 10 years for various individuals, institutions, and companies. He works with designers or independently, from designing layouts to coding the frontend and server-side programs to produce responsive websites. He also works collaboratively on air-quality monitoring projects for Citizen Sense (based in the United Kingdom), which uses R, openair, Shiny, MongoDB, RethinkDB, Express.js, Koa.js, Socket.IO and Nuxt.js for data analysis web apps and IoT data platforms.

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    Hands-on Nuxt.js Web Development
    Build universal and static-generated Vue.js applications using Nuxt.js
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