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Learn SwiftUI

An introductory guide to creating intuitive cross-platform user interfaces using Swift 5
Chris Barker 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2020년 04월 03일 출간

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ISBN 9781839210877
쪽수 304쪽
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▶Book Description
SwiftUI is the new and powerful interface toolkit that lets you design and build iOS, iPadOS, and macOS apps using declarative syntax. It is a powerful way to develop the UI elements of applications, which would normally be tightly coupled to application logic.

Learn SwiftUI will get you up to speed with the framework and cross-device UI development in no time. Complete with detailed explanations and practical examples, this easy-to-follow guide will teach you the fundamentals of the SwiftUI toolkit. You'll learn how to build a powerful iOS and iPadOS application that can be reused for deployment on watchOS. As you progress, you'll delve into UI and unit testing in iOS apps, along with learning how to test your SwiftUI code for multiple devices. The book will also show you how to integrate SwiftUI features such as data binding and network requests into your current application logic.

By the end of this book, you will have learned how to build a cross-device application using the SwiftUI framework and Swift programming.

▶What You Will Learn
- Explore the fundamentals of SwiftUI and compare it with existing UI frameworks
- Write SwiftUI syntax and understand what should and shouldn't be included in SwiftUI's layer
- Add text and images to a SwiftUI view and decorate them using SwiftUI's modifiers
- Create basic forms, and use camera and photo library functions to add images to them
- Understand the core concepts of Maps in iOS apps and add a MapView in SwiftUI
- Design extensions within your existing apps to run them on watchOS
- Handle networking calls in SwiftUI to retrieve data from external sources

▶Key Features
- Use SwiftUI for building dynamic apps for Apple devices from scratch
- Understand declarative syntax in cross-platform development and how states work within SwiftUI
- Learn to develop watchOS apps by reusing SwiftUI code

▶Who This Book Is For
This SwiftUI book helps any mobile app developer looking to understand the fundamentals of the new SwiftUI framework along with the benefits of cross-device development. A solid understanding of iOS and macOS app development, along with some knowledge of the Swift programming language, will be beneficial. Basic programming knowledge is essential to grasp the concepts covered in the book effectively.
1. Getting Started with SwiftUI
2. Understanding Declarative Syntax
3. Building Layout and Structure
4. Creating Your First Application
5. Understanding Controls, Views, and Lists
6. Working with Navigation in SwiftUI
7. Creating a Form with States and Data Binding
8. Networking and Linking to Your Existing App Logic
9. Maps and Location Services
10. Updating for iPad with NavigationViewStyle
11. SwiftUI on watchOS
12. SwiftUI versus UIKit
13. Basic Animation in Views
14. Animations in Transitions
15. Testing in SwiftUI

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Getting Started with SwiftUI, offers an introduction to the Swift programming language and the SwiftUI framework.

- Chapter 2, Understanding Declarative Syntax, provides details on declarative syntax and how this works in SwiftUI.

- Chapter 3, Building Layout and Structure, discusses the architecture and design patterns that can be used with SwiftUI.

- Chapter 4, Creating Your First Application, gives you an introduction to Xcode and shows how to create your very first project.

- Chapter 5, Understanding Controls, Views, and Lists, is where we start to build a recipe app, learning about the core components available to us in SwiftUI.

- Chapter 6, Working with Navigation in SwiftUI, sees us adding navigation to our recipe app and moving from one view to another.

- Chapter 7, Creating a Form with States and Data Binding, covers how to create an input form and teaches you how to use states and binding.

- Chapter 8, Networking and Linking to Your Existing App Logic, discusses adding a network layer and calling our app to retrieve data from an external source.

- Chapter 9, Maps and Location Services, sees us working with MapKit and Location Services in SwiftUI.

- Chapter 10, Updating for iPad with NavigationViewStyle, covers updating our recipe app to support the iPad.

- Chapter 11, SwiftUI on watchOS, shows how to add a watchOS companion app to our recipe app.

- Chapter 12, SwiftUI versus UIKit, covers comparisons between common UIKit and SwiftUI controls.

- Chapter 13, Basic Animation in Views, touches on the basic animations available to us in SwiftUI.

- Chapter 14, Animations in Transitions, allows you to learn how transitions work in SwiftUI alongside animations.

- Chapter 15, Testing in SwiftUI, covers how to do UI and unit testing in Swift UI and looks at some of the debugging features available in Xcode 11+.

▶ Preface
SwiftUI is the brand new UI framework unveiled by Apple at WWDC 2019. For iOS, it comes as a potential successor to UIKit and AppKit for macOS.

SwiftUI takes full advantage of declarative syntax, changing the way we think about designing and developing apps.

We start by taking a look at the Swift programming language before moving onto how declarative syntax works so well for SwiftUI. We’ll then begin to program our very own recipe app, learning all about the simplicity of SwiftUI along the way. We’ll also learn about existing UI frameworks and how we can integrate those directly into our project with ease.

Once our iOS app is up and running, we’ll see how making the transition over to iPadOS and watchOS is made even easier.

With brand new features built directly into Xcode 11 and the power of the Swift 5.2 programming language - SwiftUI is the start of something very special.


저자(글) Chris Barker

Chris Barker is a senior iOS developer and tech lead for fashion retailer N Brown (JD Williams, SimplyBe, Jacamo), where he heads the iOS team, building apps for their major brands. Having now worked in the IT industry for over 22 years, Chris started his career developing .NET applications for online retailer (now BT Shop). In 2014, he made his move into mobile app development with digital agency Openshadow based in MediaCityUK. Here, he worked on mobile apps for clients such as Louis Vuitton and L'Or?al Paris. Chris often attends and speaks at his local iOS developer meetup NSManchester.Most recently, Chris attended Malaga Mobile in Spain, where he spoke about his passion for accessibility in mobile apps. Over the past 2 years, Chris has been a regular speaker at CodeMobile Developer Conference and plans to return in the future.

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