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React Projects

Build 12 real-world applications from scratch using React, React Native, and React 360
Roy Derks 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2019년 12월 20일 출간

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ISBN 9781789953398
쪽수 465쪽
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▶Book Description
Developed by Facebook, React is a popular library for building impressive user interfaces. React extends its capabilities to the mobile platform using the React Native framework and integrates with popular web and mobile tools to build scalable applications.

React Projects is your guide to learning React development by using modern development patterns and integrating React with powerful web tools such as GraphQL, Expo, and React 360. You'll start building a real-world project right from the first chapter and get hands on with developing scalable applications as you advance to building more complex projects. Throughout the book, you'll use the latest versions of React and React Native to explore features such as Higher Order Components (HOC), Context, and Hooks on multiple platforms, which will help you build full stack web and mobile applications efficiently. Finally, you'll delve into unit testing with Jest to build test-driven apps.

By the end of this React book, you'll have developed the skills necessary to start building scalable React apps across web and mobile platforms.

▶What You Will Learn
- Create a wide range of applications using various modern React tools and frameworks
- Discover how React Hooks modernize state management for React apps
- Develop progressive web applications using React components
- Build test-driven React applications using the Jest and Enzyme frameworks
- Understand full stack development using React, Apollo, and GraphQL
- Perform server-side rendering using React and React Router
- Design gestures and animations for a cross-platform game using React Native

▶Key Features
- Build React applications at scale using effective React patterns and best practices
- Explore React features such as Hooks, the Context API, and the Suspense API
- Extend React’s integration with React Native for building cross-platform mobile apps and games

▶Who This Book Is For
The book is for JavaScript developers who want to explore React tooling and frameworks for building cross-platform applications. Basic knowledge of web development, ECMAScript, and React will assist with understanding key concepts covered in this book.
1. Creating a Movie List Application in React
2. Creating a Progressive Web Application with Reusable React Components
3. Build a Dynamic Project Management Board with React and Suspense
4. Build a SSR-Based Community Feed Using React Router
5. Build a Personal Shopping List Application Using Context API and Hooks
6. Build an Application Exploring TDD Using Jest and Enzyme
7. Build a Full Stack E-Commerce Application with React Native and GraphQL
8. Build a House Listing Application with React Native and Expo
9. Build an Animated Game Using React Native and Expo
10. Creating a Real-Time Messaging Application with React Native and Expo
11. Build a Full Stack Social Media Application with React Native and GraphQL
12. Creating a Virtual Reality Application with React 360
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▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Creating a Movie List Application in React, will explore the foundation of building React projects that can scale. Best practices of how to structure your files, packages to use, and tools will be discussed and practiced. The best way to architect a React project will be shown by building a list of movies. Also, webpack and Babel are used to compile code.

- Chapter 2, Creating a Progressive Web Application with Reusable React Components, will explain how to set up and re-use styling in React components throughout your entire application. We will build a GitHub Card application to see how to use CSS in JavaScript and re-use components and styling in your application.

- Chapter 3, Build a Dynamic Project Management Board with React and Suspense, will cover how to create components that determine the dataflow between other components, so called HOCs. We will build a project management board to see the flow of data throughout an application.

- Chapter 4, Build a SSR-Based Community Feed Using React Router, will discuss routing, ranging from setting up basic routes, dynamic route handling, and how to set up routes for server-side rendering.

- Chapter 5, Build a Personal Shopping List Application Using Context API and Hooks, will show you how to use the React context API with Hooks to handle the data flow throughout the application. We will create a personal shopping list to see how data can be accessed and changed from parent to child components and vice versa with Hooks and the context API.

- Chapter 6, Build an Application Exploring TDD Using Jest and Enzyme, will focus on unit testing with assertions and snapshots. Also, test coverage will be discussed. We will build a hotel review application to see how to test components and data flows.

- Chapter 7, Build a Full Stack E-Commerce Application with React Native and GraphQL, will use GraphQL to supply a backend to the application. This chapter will show you how to set up a basic GraphQL server and access the data on this server. We will build an e-commerce application to see how to create a server and send requests to it.

- Chapter 8, Build a House Listing Application with React Native and Expo, will cover scaling and structuring React Native applications, which is slightly different from web applications created with React. This chapter will outline the differences in the development environment and tools such as Expo. We will build a house listing application to examine the best practices.

- Chapter 9, Build an Animated Game Using React Native and Expo, will discuss animations and gestures, which are what truly distinguishes a mobile application from a web application. This chapter will explain how to implement them. Also, the differences in gestures between iOS and Android will be shown by building a card game application that has animations and that responds to gestures.

- Chapter 10, Creating a Real-Time Messaging Application with React Native and Expo, will cover notifications, which are important for keeping the users of the application up to date. This chapter will show how to add notifications and send them from the GraphQL server using Expo. We will learn how to implement all this by building a message application.

- Chapter 11, Build a Full Stack Social Media Application with React Native and GraphQL, will cover building a full-stack application with React Native and GraphQL. The flow of data between the server and the application will be demonstrated, along with how data are fetched from the GraphQL server.

- Chapter 12, Creating a Virtual Reality Application with React 360, will discuss how to get started with React 360 by creating a panorama viewer that gives the user the ability to look around in the virtual world and create components inside it.

▶ Preface
This book will help you take your React knowledge to the next level by showing how to apply both basic and advanced React patterns to create cross-platform applications. The concepts of React are described in a way that's understandable to both new and experienced developers; no prior experience of React is required, although it would help.

In each of the 12 chapters of this book, you'll create a project with React, React Native, or React 360. The projects created in these chapters implement popular React features such as Higher-Order Components (HOCs) for re-using logic, the context API for statemanagement, and Hooks for life cycle. Popular libraries, such as React Router and React Navigation, are used for routing, while the JavaScript testing framework Jest is used to write unit tests for the applications. Also, some more advanced chapters involve a GraphQL server, and Expo is used to help you create React Native applications.


저자(글) Roy Derks

Roy Derks is a serial start-up CTO, conference speaker, and developer from Amsterdam. He has been actively programming since he was a teenager, starting as a self-taught programmer using online tutorials and books. At the age of 14, he founded his first start-up, a peer-to-peer platform where users could trade DVDs with other users for free. This marked the start of his career in web development, which back then primarily consisted of creating web applications using an MVC architecture with the LAMP stack.In 2015, he was introduced to React and GraphQL at a hackathon in Berlin, and after winning a prize for his project, he started to use these technologies professionally. Over the next few years, he helped multiple start-ups create cross-platform applications using React and React Native, including a start-up he co-founded. He also started giving workshops and talks at conferences around the globe. In 2019, he gave over 20 conference talks about React, React Native, and GraphQL, inspiring over 10,000 developers worldwide.

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