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The Complete Kubernetes Guide

Become an expert in container management with the power of Kubernetes
Packt(GCO Science)

2019년 05월 20일 출간

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ISBN 9781838647704
쪽수 616쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

▶What You Will Learn
- Download, install, and configure the Kubernetes code base
- Create and configure custom Kubernetes resources
- Use third-party resources in your automation workflows
- Deliver applications as standard packages
- Set up and access monitoring and logging for Kubernetes clusters
- Set up external access to applications running in the cluster
- Manage and scale Kubernetes with hosted platforms on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Run multiple clusters and manage them from a single control plane

▶Key Features
- Gain insight into the latest features of Kubernetes, including Prometheus and API aggregation
- Discover ways to keep your clusters always available, scalable, and up-to-date
- Master the skills of designing and deploying large clusters on various cloud platforms

▶Who This Book Is For
If you are a developer or a system administrator with an intermediate understanding of Kubernetes and want to master its advanced features, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of networking is required to easily understand the concepts explained.
1. Introduction to Kubernetes
2. IUnderstanding Kubernetes Architecture
3. IBuilding a Foundation with Core Kubernetes Constructs
4. IWorking with Networking, Load Balancers, and Ingress
5. IUsing Critical Kubernetes Resources
6. IExploring Kubernetes Storage Concepts
7. IMonitoring and Logging
8. IMonitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting
9. IOperating Systems, Platforms, and Cloud and Local Providers
10. ICreating Kubernetes Clusters
11. ICluster Federation and Multi-Tenancy
12. ICluster Authentication, Authorization, and Container Security
13. IRunning Stateful Applications with Kubernetes
14. IRolling Updates, Scalability, and Quotas
15. IAdvanced Kubernetes Networking
16. IKubernetes Infrastructure Management
17. ICustomizing Kubernetes - API and Plugins
18. IHandling the Kubernetes Package Manager
19. IThe Future of Kubernetes

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Introduction to Kubernetes, is a brief overview of containers and the how, what, and why of Kubernetes orchestration, exploring how it impacts your business goals and everyday operations.

- Chapter 2, Understanding Kubernetes Architecture, will help you understand the design of the Kubernetes systems and appreciate why some of these design choices have been made.

- Chapter 3, Building a Foundation with Core Kubernetes Constructs, uses a few simple examples to explore core Kubernetes constructs, namely pods, services, replication controllers, replica sets, and labels. Basic operations, including health checks and scheduling, will also be covered.

- Chapter 4, Working with Networking, Load Balancers, and Ingress, covers cluster networking for Kubernetes and the Kubernetes proxy. It also takes a deeper dive into services and shows a brief overview of some higher-level isolation features for multi-tenancy.

- Chapter 5, Using Critical Kubernetes Resources, will help you use almost all the latest Kubernetes resources for appropriate use cases in production. You will also learn how to define, version, and deliver them.

- Chapter 6, Exploring Kubernetes Storage Concepts, covers storage concerns and persistent data across pods and the container life cycle. We will also look at new constructs for working with stateful applications in Kubernetes.

- Chapter 7, Monitoring and Logging, teaches how to use and customize built-in and thirdparty monitoring tools on your Kubernetes cluster. We will look at built-in logging and monitoring, the Google Cloud Monitoring/Logging service, and Sysdig.

- Chapter 8, Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting, will help you set up and understand monitoring and metering in Kubernetes clusters, and will enable you to identify and troubleshoot typical problems that administrators encounter during day-to-day operations.

- Chapter 9, Operating Systems, Platforms, and Cloud and Local Providers, starts off by covering Open Container Project and its mission to provide an open container specification, looking at how having open standards encourages a diverse ecosystem of container implementations (such as Docker, rkt, Kurma, and JetPack). The second half of this chapter will cover available OSes, such as CoreOS, Project Atomic, and their advantages as a host OSes, including performance and support for various container implementations.

- Chapter 10, Creating Kubernetes Clusters, will make you understand the different options for creating Kubernetes clusters. You will create several clusters using the tools and examine the clusters.

- Chapter 11, Cluster Federation and Multi-Tenancy, explores the new federation capabilities and how to use them to manage multiple clusters. We will also cover the federated version of the core constructs and the integration to public cloud vendor DNS.

- Chapter 12, Cluster Authentication, Authorization, and Container Security, get into the options for container security, from the container run-time level to the host itself. We will discuss how to apply these concepts to workloads running in a Kubernetes cluster and some of the security concerns and practices that relate specifically to running your Kubernetes cluster.

- Chapter 13, Running Stateful Applications with Kubernetes, will teach you how to transform monolithic stateful applications to microservices running on Kubernetes, suitable for production workload. They will also learn several ways that this can be done with or without the PetSet resource prior to Kubernetes release 1.3. You will be able to fill in the gaps in the available documentation resources.

- Chapter 14, Rolling Updates, Scalability, and Quotas, will teach you how rolling updates and horizontal pod autoscaling behave. You will learn how to customize and run scaling testing at production environment. You will be able to use resource quotas for CPU and memory.

▶ Preface
If you are running a number of containers and want to be able to automate the way they’re managed, it can be helpful to have Kubernetes at your disposal.

This Learning Path guides you through core Kubernetes constructs, such as pods, services, replica sets, replication controllers, and labels. You'll get started by learning how to integrate your build pipeline and deployments in a Kubernetes cluster. As you cover more chapters in the Learning Path, you'll get up to speed with orchestrating updates behind the scenes, avoiding downtime on your cluster, and dealing with underlying cloud provider instability in your cluster. With the help of real-world use cases, you'll also explore options for network configuration, and understand how to set up, operate, and troubleshoot various Kubernetes networking plugins. In addition to this, you'll gain insights into custom resource development and utilization in automation and maintenance workflows.

By the end of this Learning Path, you'll have the expertise you need to progress from an intermediate to an advanced level of understanding Kubernetes.

This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:
-Getting Started with Kubernetes - Third Edition by Jonathan Baier and Jesse White
-Mastering Kubernetes - Second Edition by Gigi Sayfan


저자(글) Jonathan Baier

Jonathan Baier is an emerging technology leader living in Brooklyn, New York. He has had a passion for technology since an early age. When he was 14 years old, he was so interested in the family computer (an IBM PCjr) that he pored over the several hundred pages of BASIC and DOS manuals. Then, he taught himself to code a very poorly-written version of Tic-Tac-Toe. During his teenage years, he started a computer support business. Throughout his life, he has dabbled in entrepreneurship. He currently works as Senior Vice President of Cloud Engineering and Operations for Moody's corporation in New York.

저자(글) Gigi Sayfan

Gigi Sayfan is a principal software architect at Helix a bioinformatics and genomics start-up and author of Mastering Kubernetes. Gigi has been developing software professionally for more than 20 years in domains as diverse as instant messaging, morphing, chip fabrication process control, embedded multimedia applications for game consoles, brain-inspired machine learning, custom browser development, web services for 3D distributed game platforms, IoT sensors and virtual reality. He has written production code in many programming languages such as Go, Python, C, C++, C#, Java, Delphi, JavaScript, and even Cobol and PowerBuilder for operating systems such as Windows (3.11 through 7), Linux, Mac OS, Lynx (embedded), and Sony PlayStation. His technical expertise includes databases, low-level networking, distributed systems, unorthodox user interfaces, and general software development life cycle.

저자(글) Jesse White

Jesse White is a 15-year veteran and technology leader in New York City's very own Silicon Alley, where he is a pillar of the vibrant engineering ecosystem. As founder of DockerNYC and an active participant in the open source community, you can find Jesse at a number of leading industry events, including DockerCon and VelocityConf, giving talks and workshops

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