PostgreSQL 11 Administration Cookbook
2019년 05월 03일 출간
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- ISBN 9781789536225
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이 상품이 속한 분야
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source database management system with an enviable reputation for high performance and stability. With many new features in its arsenal, PostgreSQL 11 allows you to scale up your PostgreSQL infrastructure. This book takes a step-by-step, recipe-based approach to effective PostgreSQL administration.
The book will introduce you to new features such as logical replication, native table partitioning, additional query parallelism, and much more to help you to understand and control, crash recovery and plan backups. You will learn how to tackle a variety of problems and pain points for any database administrator such as creating tables, managing views, improving performance, and securing your database. As you make steady progress, the book will draw attention to important topics such as monitoring roles, backup, and recovery of your PostgreSQL 11 database to help you understand roles and produce a summary of log files, ensuring high availability, concurrency, and replication.
By the end of this book, you will have the necessary knowledge to manage your PostgreSQL 11 database efficiently.
▶What You Will Learn
- Troubleshoot open source PostgreSQL version 11 on various platforms
- Deploy best practices for planning and designing live databases
- Select and implement robust backup and recovery techniques in PostgreSQL 11
- Use pgAdmin or OmniDB to perform database administrator (DBA) tasks
- Adopt efficient replication and high availability techniques in PostgreSQL
- Improve the performance of your PostgreSQL solution
▶Key Features
- Study and apply the newly introduced features in PostgreSQL 11
- Tackle any problem in PostgreSQL 11 administration and management
- Catch up on expert techniques for monitoring, fine-tuning, and securing your database
▶Who This Book Is For
This book is designed for database administrators, data architects, database developers, or anyone with an interest in planning and running live production databases using PostgreSQL 11. It is also ideal if you’re looking for hands-on solutions to any problem associated with PostgreSQL 11 administration. Some experience with handling PostgreSQL databases will be beneficial
1. First Steps
2. Exploring the Database
3. Configuration
4. Server Control
5. Tables and Data
6. Security
7. Database Administration
8. Monitoring and Diagnosis
9. Regular Maintenance
10. Performance and Concurrency
11. Backup and Recovery
12. Replication and Upgrades
▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, First Steps, introduces you PostgreSQL 11; it explains how to download and install PostgreSQL 11, connect to a PostgreSQL server, enable server access to the network or remote users, use graphical administration tools, use PSQL query and scripting tools, change your password securely, avoid hardcoding your password, use a connection service file, and troubleshoot a failed connection.
- Chapter 2, Exploring the Database, demonstrates how to identify the version of the database server you are using, as well as the server uptime. It helps you locate the database server files, the database server message log, and the database's system identifier. It explains how to list a database on the database server, and it contains recipes that let you know the number of tables in your database, how much disk space is used by the database and tables, what the the biggest tables are, how many rows a table has, how to estimate rows in a table, and how to understand object dependencies.
- Chapter 3, Configuration, explains topics such as Reading the Fine Manual (RTFM), how to plan a new database, how to change the parameters in your programs, the current configuration settings, the parameters that are at non-default settings, how to update the parameter file, how to set parameters for particular groups of users, the basic server configuration checklist, how to add an external module into the PostgreSQL server, and how to run the server in power-saving mode.
- Chapter 4, Server Control, provides information about starting the database server manually, stopping the server quickly and safely, stopping the server in an emergency, reloading the server configuration files, restarting the server quickly, preventing new connections, restricting users to just one session each, and pushing users off the system. It contains recipes that help you choose a design for multi-tenancy, as well as recipes that explain how to use multiple schemas, give users their own private database, run multiple database servers on one system, and set up a connection pool.
- Chapter 5, Tables and Data, guides you through the process of choosing good names for database objects. Additionally, it explains how to handle objects with quoted names, enforce the same name, maintain the same definition for columns, identify and remove duplicate rows, prevent duplicate rows, find a unique key for a set of data, generate test data, randomly sample data, load data from a spreadsheet, and load data from flat files.
- Chapter 6, Security, provides recipes on revoking user access to a table, granting user access to a table, creating a new user, temporarily preventing a user from connecting, removing a user without dropping their data, checking whether all users have a secure password, giving limited superuser powers to specific users, auditing DDL changes, auditing data changes, integrating with LDAP, connecting using SSL, and encrypting sensitive data.
- Chapter 7, Database Administration, provides recipes on useful topics such as writing a script where all either succeed or fail, writing a PSQL script that exits on the first error, performing actions on many tables, adding and removing columns in tables, changing the data type of a column, adding and removing schemas, moving objects between schemas, adding and removing tablespaces, moving objects between tablespaces, accessing objects in other PostgreSQL databases, and enabling views to be updated.
- Chapter 8, Monitoring and Diagnosis, provides recipes that answer questions such as whether the user is connected, what they are running, whether they are active or blocked, who they are being blocked by, whether anybody is using a specific table, when the table it was last used, how much disk space is being used by temporary data, and why your queries could be slowing down. It also demonstrates how to investigate and report a bug, produce a daily summary report of log file errors,...
▶ Preface
PostgreSQL is an advanced SQL database server; it is available on a wide range of platforms and is fast becoming one of the world's most popular server databases with an enviable reputation for performance, stability, and an enormous range of advanced features. PostgreSQL is one of the oldest open source projects; it is completely free to use and was developed by a diverse worldwide community. Most of all, it just works!
One of the clearest benefits of PostgreSQL is that it is open source, meaning that you have a permissive license to install, use, and distribute PostgreSQL without paying anyone any fees or royalties. Additionally, PostgreSQL is well known as a database that stays up for long periods, and requires little or no maintenance. Overall, PostgreSQL provides a very low total cost of ownership.
PostgreSQL 11 Administration Cookbook offers the information you need to manage your live production databases on PostgreSQL. The book contains direct insights into PostgreSQL replication and recovery features from the main author and the 2ndQuadrant team. This hands-on guide will assist developers who are working on live databases, and who are supporting web or enterprise software applications using Java, Python, Ruby, and .NET from any development framework. It's easy to manage your database when you've got PostgreSQL 11 Administration Cookbook at hand.
This practical guide gives you quick answers to common questions and problems, and builds on the author's experience as a trainer, user, and core developer of the PostgreSQL database server.
Each technical aspect is broken down into short recipes that demonstrate solutions with working code, and then explain how and why that works. The book is intended to be a desk reference for both new users and technical experts.
The book covers all the latest features available in PostgreSQL 11. Soon you will be running a smooth database with ease!
저자(글) Simon Riggs
Simon Riggs is the CTO of 2ndQuadrant, having contributed to PostgreSQL as a major developer and committer for 14 years. He has written and designed features for replication, performance, BI, management, and security. Under his guidance, 2ndQuadrant is now a leading developer of open source PostgreSQL, serving hundreds of clients in USA, Europe, and worldwide. Simon is a frequent speaker at many conferences on PostgreSQL Futures. He has worked as a database architect for 30 years.
저자(글) Gianni Ciolli
Gianni Ciolli is the head of professional services at 2ndQuadrant and has been a PostgreSQL consultant, trainer, and speaker at many PostgreSQL conferences in Europe and abroad over the last 10 years. He has a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Florence. He has worked with free and open source software since the 1990s and is active in the community (the Prato Linux User Group and the Italian PostgreSQL Users Group). He lives in London with his son. His other interests include music, drama, poetry, and athletics.
저자(글) Sudheer Kumar Meesala
Sudheer Kumar Meesala is a lead architect at Endurance International Group and has spent the last few years designing and building scalable and secure web applications within finance and internet industries. A large part of his job has included decomposing monolithic legacy applications into microservices. This has required a deep understanding of PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and other NoSQL databases. Other key areas of interest are container orchestration, DevOps, and more. He is also an accomplished speaker and trainer. He lives in Bangalore, India, and spends far too much time in traffic jams.
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