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Azure DevOps Server 2019 Cookbook Second Edition

Proven recipes to accelerate your DevOps journey with Azure DevOps Server 2019 (formerly TFS)
Packt(GCO Science)

2019년 05월 03일 출간

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ISBN 9781788830140
쪽수 445쪽
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▶Book Description
Azure DevOps Server, previously known as Team Foundation Server (TFS), is a comprehensive on-premise DevOps toolset with a rich ecosystem of open source plugins. This book is your one stop guide to learn how to effectively use all of these Azure DevOps services to go from zero to DevOps.

You will start by building high-quality scalable software targeting .NET, .NET core or Node.js applications. You will learn techniques that will help you to set up end-to-end traceability of your code changes from design through to release. Whether you are deploying software on-premise or in the cloud in App Service, Functions, or Azure VMs, this book will help you learn release management techniques to reduce release failures. Next, you will be able to secure application configuration by using Azure KeyVault. You will also learn how to create and release extensions to the Azure DevOps marketplace and reach million developer ecosystem for feedback. The working extension samples will allow you to iterate changes in your extensions easily and release updates to the marketplace quickly.

By the end of this book, techniques provided in the book will help you break down the invisible silos between your software development teams. This will transform you from being a good software development team to an elite modern cross functional software development team.

▶What You Will Learn
- Set up a team project for an Agile delivery team, importing requirements from Excel
- Plan,track, and monitor progress using self updating boards, Sprint and Kanban boards
- Unlock the features of Git by using branch policies, Git pull requests, forks, and Git hooks
- Build and release .NET core, SQL and Node.js applications using Azure Pipeline
- Automate testing by integrating Microsoft and open source testing frameworks
- Extend Azure DevOps Server to a million developer ecosystem

▶Key Features
- Learn improving code quality using pull requests, branch policies, githooks and git branching design
- Accelerate the deployment of high quality software by automating build and releases using CI-CD Pipelines.
- Learn tried and tested techniques to automate database deployments, App Service & Function Deployments in Azure.

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for anyone looking to succeed with DevOps. The techniques in this book apply to all roles of the software development lifecycle including developers, testers, architects, configuration analysts, site reliability engineers and release managers. If you are a new user you'll learn how to get started; if you are an experienced user you'll learn how to launch your project into a modern and mature DevOps enabled software development team.
1. Planning and Tracking Work
2. Source Control Management
3. Build and Release Agents
4. Continuous Integration and Build Automation
5. Continuous Testing
6. Continuous Deployments
7. Azure Artifacts and Dependency Management
8. Azure DevOps Extensions

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Planning and Tracking Work, explains how to create and set up a scrum team project, import requirements as work items from Excel, use work items for collaboration, set up hierarchical backlogs, configure and customize kanban boards, prepare and plan a sprint, use delivery plans to track multiple teams, and use dashboards for planning and tracking work.

- Chapter 2, Source Control Management, covers the differences between Git and TFVC, why Git is more suited for greenfield projects with distributed teams working on small codebases, how to migrate from TFVC to Git with history, how to access Azure DevOps Git repositories using SSH, and how to import a Git repository from GitHub into Azure DevOps Server. It also explains how to perform Git operations using the command line and Visual Studio Code, how to configure branch policies and use pull requests to review code, how to configure and use Git Hooks, how to manage and store large files in Git, how to use Git branching strategies for CD, and how to search code in Azure DevOps using the code search service.

- Chapter 3, Build and Release Agents, explains how to set up build and release agents, automate the setup of build and release agents using unattended installation with PowerShell, download agents from GitHub using the GitHub release API, configure deployment groups, run an Azure DevOps agent behind a corporate enterprise proxy, analyze build usage data, automate agent pool maintenance, and configure retention policies for builds and releases. In this chapter, you'll also learn how to use agent capabilities and demands to map build definitions to specific agents in pools, and finally, how to manage and permission agent usage using role-based access control.

- Chapter 4, Continuous Integration and Build Automation, defines continuous integration. It also explains how to configure one build pipeline to build all branches of a code repository, how to reflect the branch quality in the build name by dynamically updating the build name during pipeline execution, how to use web deploy to create a package in an ASP.NET build pipeline, how to organize the output from a build into logical folders, how to use an assembly version to stamp assemblies in a pipeline, how to set up a build pipeline for a .NET Core application, how to set up a build pipeline for a Node.js application, and how to set up a build pipeline for database projects. You'll also learn how to use SonarQube in a build pipeline to manage technical debt.

- Chapter 5, Continuous Testing, shows the direction Microsoft is taking with its testing tools, along with the rationale behind discontinuing some of the testing tools. It also shows how to run NUnit-based unit tests in a pipeline, how to use feature flags to test in production, how to distribute multi-configuration tests on agent pools, how to configure parallel execution of automated tests to speed up overall test execution, how to run functional Specflow tests using Azure pipelines, how to analyze test execution results from the runs view. You'll also learn how to export test artifacts and test results from Test Hub, and finally, how to chart test results on dashboards in Azure DevOps Server team projects.

- Chapter 6, Continuous Deployments, defines continuous deployment. It also explains how to deploy the database to SQL Azure using Azure release pipelines, how to consume secrets in Azure pipelines from the Azure Key Vault, how to deploy a .NET Core app into Azure App Service, how to deploy an Azure Function using Azure Pipelines, and how to publish secrets to Azure Key Vault. In this chapter, you'll also learn how to deploy a static website on Azure Storage, and finally, deploy a VM to Azure DevTest Labs.

- Chapter 7, Azure Artifacts and Dependency Management, ...

▶ Preface
Development teams are judged by the speed at which they can convert an idea into working software. Operations teams are judged on the uptime and stability of the production environment. One wants to deploy changes all the time, the other doesn't want any changes at all. These conflicting goals result in development teams and operation teams working against each other. The introduction of Agile practices has demonstrated that iterative feedback-driven development helps teams cope with changes in business and user requirements. Agile practices help development teams accelerate the creation of ready-toship software. Software that's ready to ship but hasn't shipped doesn't provide any value to users.

DevOps has been an emerging trend in the software development world for the past few years. While the term may be relatively new, it is really a convergence of a number of practices that have been evolving for decades. DevOps is a revolutionary way to ship working software quickly and efficiently while maintaining a high level of security. DevOps advocates that everyone and everything that's needed to ship working software to of end users needs to be part of the software development life cycle. Building software is an iterative process; therefore, a high level of automation is needed to make the process of developing, testing, releasing, and monitoring software easily repeatable. The emphasis is on delivering value to end users by collaborating, automating, learning, and constantly improving the software. Simply put, DevOps is the union of people, processes, and products to enable the continuous delivery of value to end users.

While DevOps isn't just a tool you can buy and install, tooling is an integral part of DevOps. Microsoft Azure DevOps Server 2019, formerly known as Team Foundation Server, is a set of collaborative software development tools, hosted on-premises. Azure DevOps Server integrates with your existing IDE or editor, enabling your cross-functional team(s) to work effectively on projects of all sizes. Azure DevOps Server works for any language, and on any platform. Azure DevOps Server has everything you need to turn an idea into a working piece of software. You can plan your project with Agile tools, you can manage your test plans, version your code using Git, and deploy your solution using an incredible cross-platform CI-CD system, all while getting full traceability and visibility across your development activities.

Starting your DevOps journey may seem overwhelming with a product that's so diverse and an ecosystem that's so vibrant. With over 70 hands-on tooling recipes, you'll learn how to accelerate your journey of DevOps by planning, coding, building, testing, and releasing high-quality working software using effective automation techniques with Azure DevOps Server 2019.


저자(글) Tarun Arora

Tarun Arora is obsessed with high-quality working software, continuous delivery, and Agile practices. He has worked on various industry-leading programs for fortune 500 companies in the financial and energy sectors. For many years, Tarun has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in Visual Studio and Development Technologies. His core strengths are designing application architecture for cloud scale and everything DevOps. He was recognized as an MVP by Microsoft in 2014 for going over and above in supporting the product teams and community with his contributions. Tarun is an active open source community contributor, speaker, and Blogger. Follow Tarun on Twitter @arora_tarun for the latest and greatest updates in DevOps.

Utkarsh Shigihalli is passionate about technology and has a keen interest in developing tools and extensions. Currently working for Avanade in the United Kingdom, he has experience in the areas of Azure, DevOps, Agile, and Architecture. Over the years he has worked for many top companies as an architect, independent consultant, and as a DevOps coach in India, the United States, Netherlands, and United Kingdom.He has been awarded as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional five times. He regularly writes at Visual Studio Geeks and you can follow him on Twitter at @onlyutkarsh.

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    Azure DevOps Server 2019 Cookbook Second Edition
    Proven recipes to accelerate your DevOps journey with Azure DevOps Server 2019 (formerly TFS)
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