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Mastering SAP ABAP

A complete guide to developing fast, durable, and maintainable ABAP programs in SAP
Packt(GCO Science)

2019년 05월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9781787129498
쪽수 539쪽
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▶Book Description
Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is an established and complex programming language in the IT industry. This book is designed to help you use the latest ABAP techniques and apply legacy constructions using practical examples.

You'll start with a quick refresher on language and database concepts, followed by agile techniques for adding custom code to a modern ABAP system. After this, you will get up to speed with the complete ABAP toolset for importing data to and from different environments. Next, you'll learn how to print forms and work with the different ABAP tools for Extensible Markup Language (XML) manipulation. While covering further chapters, you'll gain insights into building stunning UI5 interfaces, in addition to learning how to develop simple apps using the Business Object Processing Framework (BOPF). You will also pick up the technique of handling exceptions and performing testing in ABAP. In the concluding chapters, you can look forward to grasping various techniques for optimizing the performance of programs using a variety of performance analysis tools.

By the end of this book, you will have the expertise you need to confidently build maintainable programs in Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP).

▶What You Will Learn
- Create stable and error-free ABAP programs
- Leverage new ABAP concepts including object-oriented programming(OOP) and - - Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Learn to add custom code to your existing SAP program
- Speed up your ABAP programs by spotting bottlenecks
- Understand techniques such as performance tuning and optimization
- Develop modern and beautiful user interfaces (UIs) in an ABAP environment
- Build multiple classes with any nesting level

▶Key Features
- Become adept at building interfaces and explore ABAP tools and techniques
- Discover the modern functionalities available in the latest version of ABAP
- Learn the process of creating stunning HTML5 applications using SAPUI5

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for developers who want to learn and use ABAP skills to become an industry expert. Familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts is expected.
1 Creating Custom Code
2 The Basic Structure of ABAP
3 Database Access in ABAP
4 Import and Export to Document Formats
5 Exposing Data to Print Forms
6 ABAP and XML
7 Building User Interfaces
8 Creating Stunning UI5 Interfaces
9 Business Object Processing Framework
10 Modification and Customization Techniques
11 Handling Exceptions in ABAP
12 Testing ABAP programs
13 Advanced Techniques in ABAP Objects
14 Integrating SAP with Third-Party Systems
15 The Background Processing of ABAP Programs
16 Performance and Optimization of ABAP Code

▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Creating Custom Code, focuses on available actions for changing SAP systems within the modern and ever-changing SAP wold.

- Chapter 2, The Basic Structure of ABAP, focuses on the distinction between ABAP and modern programming languages.

- Chapter 3, Database Access in ABAP, describes how to extract data from a database in ABAP.

- Chapter 4, Import and Export to Document Formats, focuses on the toolset the ABAP developer has for importing and exporting data to/from different environments.

- Chapter 5, Exposing Data to Print Forms, explains how to represent extracted data in a userfriendly print form, how to make it clearly readable, and how to make its maintenance less time-consuming.

- Chapter 6, ABAP and XML, deals with the different tools ABAP has for XML manipulation, their performance features, and what real-life scenarios they are intended for.

- Chapter 7, Building User Interfaces, focuses on how to build classical Dynpro with the help of ABAP tools. It explains what screen types exist and how they are interconnected with each other, what GUI controls ABAP developers have in their toolset, and which of them are recommended and which are not. It also describes ABAP List Viewer (ALV) controls and the ALV component model.

- Chapter 8, Creating Stunning UI5 Interfaces, places UI5 in the family of SAP interfaces and explains how to use it in the most efficient way.

- Chapter 9, Business Object Processing Framework, gives an overview of Business Object Processing Framework (BOPF) and explains why it is important in SAP environments for the acceleration of development, easier maintenance, and supportability.

- Chapter 10, Modification and Customization Techniques, describes the customization techniques across SAP modules, explaining which techniques are recommended to use and which are outdated.

- Chapter 11, Handling Exceptions in ABAP, covers testing exceptions in ABAP, the types of exception that have existed from the beginning, and the types we have now. It also recommends the proper way of handling exceptions, explaining in which situations it is strongly required, and those in which it is not recommended.

- Chapter 12, Testing ABAP Programs, explains how to test ABAP programs for performance without sacrificing the clarity of ABAP code and how to use the ABAP Debugger correctly to find bottlenecks and speed up ABAP programs.

- Chapter 13, Advanced Techniques in ABAP Objects, deals with the advantages ABAP objects bring to the development process.

- Chapter 14, Integrating SAP with Third-Party Systems, focuses on how to build a stable and error-prone connection of a SAP system with non-SAP software.

- Chapter 15, Background Processing of ABAP Programs, reveals all the ins and outs of background data processing in SAP that you may face, and the approaches that are used to handle with them.

- Chapter 16, Performance and Optimization of ABAP, provides a thorough review of the available ABAP toolset for testing the performance of ABAP apps and tuning their execution. It also gives some best practice tips and tricks of internal ABAP statements and focuses on tracing and tuning OpenSQL selections.

▶ Preface
Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is an established and complex programming language in the IT industry. This book will be your guide to becoming an industry expert in Systems, Applications, Products (SAP) ABAP. You will learn how to write custom code that is suited for the latest version of SAP ABAP as well as the older versions of SAP. By exploring practical examples, you will learn how to make user-friendly interfaces and will uncover various ways to optimize your ABAP code.


Paweł Grze?kowiak is passionate about programming from the early years of his life, since 2012 SAP technical consultant ? mainly in ABAP programming area. He holds expertise in boosting implementations in rail transport industry, chemical industry, media, government administration, wood industry and banking. Currently, he designs extensions to the SAP S4/HANA systems in ABAP and JAVA. Active member of the SAP Community and three-time SAP Inside Track conference organizer.

Wojciech Ciesielski is graduated from the Wroclaw University of Technology, with an Engineer degree in Automation and Robotics and Management in WSB Universities. Since then, tightly connected with the SAP environment, working as an ABAP consultant. Several years of business background covering ABAP development and use of modern technologies in business. Experienced in working with the ERP and CRM systems, integrating them with 3rd party solutions- from single companies to multinational corporations. Co-creator of innovative solutions delivered to the wide international audience of the SAP events. Currently focused on the new technologies and solutions in SAP portfolio: SAP Cloud Platform, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, but also increasing expertise in other language development.

저자(글) Wojciech ?wik

Wojciech ?wik is certified ABAP consultant for several years, with the specialty of mobile solutions, especially of creating the interfaces between SAP and fronted solutions from Fiori to third-party platforms and creation of architecture in SAP ERP ecosystems. Co-originator of an unconventional system linking new solutions from SAP portfolio like IOT, SAP Cloud and SAP blockchain services.

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