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Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7 Second Edition

Effectively deploy, manage, and monitor your virtual datacenter with VMware vSphere 6.7
Packt(GCO Science)

2019년 02월 28일 출간

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ISBN 9781789612660
쪽수 740쪽
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▶Book Description
vSphere 6.7 is the latest release of VMware’s industry-leading, virtual cloud platform. It allows organisations to move to hybrid cloud computing by enabling them to run, manage, connect, and secure applications in a common operating environment.

Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts, practical examples and self-assessment questions, this updated second edition of Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7 provides complete coverage of vSphere 6.7. The book begins with an overview of the products, solutions, and features in the vSphere 6.7 suite. As you advance, you’ll learn how to design and plan a virtual infrastructure and look at the workflow and installation of vSphere components. You'll also gain insights into best practice configuration, management, and security.

By the end the book, you'll be able to set up your own VMware vSphere lab that can run even the most demanding of workloads.

▶What You Will Learn
? Explore the complete functionality of vSphere 6.7
? Design, manage, and administer a virtualization environment
? Discover tips for passing the VCP6-DCV and VCIX6-DCV exams
? Understand how to implement different migration techniques across different environments
? Explore vSphere 6.7’s powerful capabilities for patching, upgrading, and managing the configuration of virtual environments
? Delve into core vSphere components
? Master resource management, disaster recovery, troubleshooting, monitoring, and security

▶Key Features
? Explore management, security, scalability, and availability with vSphere 6.7
? Design, deploy, and manage VMware vSphere virtual datacenters
? Monitor and secure your VMware workloads with ease

▶Who This Book Is For
If you’re an administrator, infrastructure engineer, architect, or consultant with basic knowledge of VMware vSphere, this book is for you.
1 Evolution to vSphere 6.7
2 Designing and Planning a Virtualization Infrastructure
3 Analysis and Assessment of Existing Environments
4 Deployment Workflow and Component Installation
5 Configuring and Managing vSphere 6.7
6 Life Cycle Management, Patching, and Upgrading
7 Managing Networking Resources
8 Managing Storage Resources
9 VM Deployment and Management
10 VM Resource Management
11 Availability and Disaster Recovery
12 Securing and Protecting Your Environment
13 Analyzing and Optimizing Your Environment
14 Troubleshooting Your Environment
15 Building Your Own VMware vSphere Lab

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Evolution to vSphere 6.7, provides a general overview of all the products, solutions, and features of the vSphere 6.7 suite, comparing 6.7 with previous releases. This chapter will explain why you should choose (and why you should not choose, in some cases) vSphere 6.7 over previous versions or other products. Also, it will briefly describe the different editions and licenses of vSphere.

? Chapter 2, Designing and Planning a Virtualization Infrastructure, describes how to plan a virtualization project and build proper infrastructure by providing an approach both for planning and design.

? Chapter 3, Analysis and Assessment of Existing Environments, explains how to analyze and assess an existing physical or virtual environment in order to gain data that's useful for planning your migration, upgrade, or improvement. Different tools and approaches are described as a way of reaching this goal.

? Chapter 4, Deployment Workflow and Component Installation, starts by explaining the components of vSphere and the roles and services they provide. We will walk through the main aspects to consider in terms of the preparation of a deployment plan for your environment, analyzing the criteria for hardware platform selection, storage, and network requirements.

? Chapter 5, Configuring and Managing vSphere 6.7, describes the different ways to manage a vSphere 6.7 infrastructure, including the new HTML5 clients, and also contains an introduction to the scripting and automation tools. ESXi, vCenter, VMware cluster-related configuration, and management topics are covered in this chapter.

? Chapter 6, Life Cycle Management, Patching, and Upgrading, looks at how, with vSphere 6.7, administrators will find significantly more powerful capabilities for patching, upgrading, and managing the configuration of the virtual environment using the Update Manager and Host Profile features. We also cover the upgrade path and considerations to make regarding upgrading or migrating your virtual environment.

? Chapter 7, Managing Networking Resources, is dedicated to virtual networking, both with standard and distributed virtual switches, and covers the design, management, and optimization of a virtual network in a vSphere environment.

? Chapter 8, Managing Storage Resources, details the storage aspect of a virtual infrastructure, starting from local block-based storage and extending into shared block storage with Fibre Channel (FC), FC over Ethernet (FCoE), internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) protocols, and NFS-based NAS storage.

? Chapter 9, VM Deployment and Management, introduces the practices and procedures involved in deploying, configuring, and managing Virtual Machines (VMs) in a vSphere infrastructure. Different types of VM provisioning are considered, including use of templates, the content library, and OVF.

? Chapter 10, VM Resource Management, provides a comprehensive view of vSphere resources management, including reservations, limits, and shares, and how to balance and optimize them in your environment. Finally, we will discuss different migration techniques for moving your workload across different environments.

? Chapter 11, Availability and Disaster Recovery, focuses on specific availability (and resiliency) solutions in vSphere, including the new vSphere High Availability (HA) features, proactive HA, vSphere Fault Tolerance (FT), and other solutions, such as guest clustering.

? Chapter 12, Securing and Protecting Your Environment, looks at how security has become a critical part of any implementation, including virtual environments. In addition to the security and hardening aspects of vSphere, the new 6.7 version brings other important related features (though some were introduced with version 6.5), such as VM encryption, encrypted vMotion, secure boot support for VMs, and secure boot plus cryptographic hypervisor assurance for ESXi....

▶ Preface
VMware vSphere provides a powerful, flexible, and secure foundation for nextgeneration applications to help you achieve an effective digital transformation efficiently.

Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7, Second Edition, begins by covering an overview of all the products, solutions, and features of the vSphere 6.7 suite, comparing 6.7 with previous releases. You'll learn how to design and plan a virtualization infrastructure to drive performance analysis and then proceed with workflows and the installation of components. Along with new network trends that will help you in optimally designing the vSphere environment, you will also learn the best practices involved in configuring and managing virtual machines in a vSphere infrastructure. With vSphere 6.7, you'll make use of more powerful capabilities for patching, upgrading, and managing the configuration of the virtual environment and focus on specific availability and resiliency solutions in vSphere. The concluding chapters of the book will provide information on how to save your configuration, data, and workload from your virtual infrastructure and teach you different approaches on how to build your own VMware vSphere lab to help you run even the most demanding workloads.

By the end of the book, you'll have learned about VMware vSphere 6.7, right from design to deployment and management.


저자(글) Martin Gavanda

Martin Gavanda has more than 10 years of experience, mainly for service providers offering IaaS solutions based on VMware vSphere products. He was responsible for the design and implementation of IaaS solution in CE region, he has also worked for one of the world's biggest service providers, supervising thousands of ESXi servers across the globe.Currently, he is working as an independent cloud architect, focusing on large infrastructure projects and practicing as a VMware instructor. For the past year, he has led more than a dozen on-site VMware workshops. He has created several virtual classes focusing on the VMware vSphere platform, with thousands of students subscribed, and he runs his own blog about virtualization and the cloud.

저자(글) Andrea Mauro

Andrea Mauro has more than 20 years of experience in IT, both in industry and the academic world. He works as a solutions architect and is responsible for infrastructure implementation, architecture design, upgrades, and migration processes. He is a virtualization and storage architect, specializing in VMware, Microsoft, Citrix, and Linux solutions. His first virtualized solution in production was built around ESX 2.x, several years ago. His professional certifications include not only several VMware certifications, but also other vendor-related certifications. He is also a VMware vExpert (2010-18), Nutanix NTC (2014-19), and Veeam Vanguard (2016-19), and he was a Microsoft MVP (2014-16).

저자(글) Paolo Valsecchi

Paolo Valsecchi has worked in the IT industry for more than 20 years, and he currently works as a system engineer mainly focused on VMware vSphere, Microsoft technologies, and backup/DR solutions. His current role involves covering all tasks related to ensuring IT infrastructure availability and data integrity (including implementation, upgrades, and administration).He holds the VMware VCP65-DCV and Veeam VMCE professional certifications, and he has been awarded the VMware vExpert title (2015-18) and the Veeam Vanguard title (2016-19).

저자(글) Karel Novak

Karel Novak has 18 years of experience in the IT world. He currently works as a senior virtual infrastructure engineer at Arrow ECS Czechia, and is responsible for implementation, design, and complete consultation when it comes to VMware and Veeam. As an instructor of advanced VMware and Veeam, he has delivered many courses. He specializes in VMware DCV, NSX, and, of course, Veeam. He has been using VMware for 12 years and Veeam from the first version. He is a VMware vExpert 2012-2018, VMware vExpert NSX 2016-2018, and a Veeam Vanguard 2015-2019. His highest certifications are VCI-Level 2, VCIX6-NV, VCIX6-DCV, VMCT-Mentor, and VMCA. He is also a VMware Certification Subject Matter Expert.

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    Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7 Second Edition
    Effectively deploy, manage, and monitor your virtual datacenter with VMware vSphere 6.7
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